[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Why don't you make store credit better for someone if they send their gear off to analyzer or someone else. Let's say 200$ credit for testing of the gear and 100$ for bloods.

It's a bigger risk to send to analyzer than going to get bloods taken... so the incintive should be better

Sounds good. $200 credit for LC/MS and we will replace whatever you had tested.

You could hear crickets on this thread for the last week or two - now with bloods there's an explosion of comments. This will be the real trial for Squatchy - can they keep their shit together with the explosion of new orders. They've got a real hair-averse crowd to deal with here...
I'm on TRT at 200 mil a week and I've had to sets of blood work.

1 at 1500 and 1 at 1253. That's at 200 mil of test.

I've been using squatch for 3 weeks now due to my TRT clinic mixing in arimedex with test. I was beginning to have issues so I stopped using there shit.

I have a cool doc, told her what I was doing and she says she will order me lab work and I can walk in and pay at my cost which is actually cheap. She says she will do this whenever I want to keep me safe since I told her I won't be stopping TRT.

Make a long story short, I will get bloods next week so as of then I will have been on Sasquatch test E for a month.
I will add that I bought my test E along with some car pretty close to when he started up and the Var definately worked.

Not shilling, just my personal observation.

My trt doc had me on HCG, test and adex. I started losing libido, blood pressure jumped and a few other shit sides.

I decided to go to test only and if I introduce adex or HCG again I will be better prepared to understand what causes what.

My libido is getting much better and since I really dig fucking I am happy at the moment.
@Roger rabbit Not siding with anyone here, just pointing out that @Sasquatch Labs didnt give a time frame for his store credit. So he was just going to keep over dosing his gear until all the store credits were up? That doesnt make much sense to me. Testosterone is cheap to produce, no point making shitty gear if hes trying to get customers. Just my .2 cents.

Makes perfect sense, really.

Pharmacom doesn't even test raws. Their oils are consistently overdosed, likely by compensating with an extra 10% of raws during brewing.

To think some hole in the wall, bath tub brewer doesn't do the same is a bit naive. IMO.
@Roger rabbit Not siding with anyone here, just pointing out that @Sasquatch Labs didnt give a time frame for his store credit. So he was just going to keep over dosing his gear until all the store credits were up? That doesnt make much sense to me. Testosterone is cheap to produce, no point making shitty gear if hes trying to get customers. Just my .2 cents.

Apologies! I misread your original post. Thanks for commenting.

You are 100% accurate as I'm prescribed 300mg per week testosterone and I normally fall in 700 range. So yes, everyone metabolizes the hormone different, including age as being a factor.
300 prescribed? Wow! That's the highest I've ever heard. You must be like me...nothing natural left. :(
Thank God for TRT :)

