Source Testing Group (thoughts, ideas & opinions)


New Member
This thread is inspired by some events that came from another thread here in the underground and our brothers on the French meso.

@Atlanta @mokola @nealcaffrey16 @Liska @MisterSuperGod @B Ware @Jestopherson
@theotherguy @Ambusher

I don’t know exactly how this would work but our brothers over on the French forum have some kind of group where as I understand it(and I might be wrong) members pay a fee to join, the members vote on sources to test, they test products and the incentive to join the group is to know what you’re buying because your group as access to these tests, now I’ve come to learn that they often don’t share the tests publicly as it is viewed counter intuitive to the groups joining incentive if all the tests are public. I don’t exactly like the sound of that business model.. but I understand that keeps them self sufficient and with the continuous funding for new testing as new members pay a fee to join and that goes towards product testing.

that’s my understanding and the extent of my knowledge on the group and it may not be 100% accurate but hopefully a couple of the people I tagged will be able to fill us in on how this works as they operate such a group on the French board.

Everyone’s thoughts, ideas and opinions on this are welcome too, please and thanks for your feedback.
I'm already here, wanting to be able to explain a little how they organize the group and to be able to take this new project forward
A few of the recently banned heavy hitters and myself had plans to do some group testing. I could be interested in joining. The hiding of results doesn't go along with my beliefs though because the whole purpose of testing is just to further vet a source. Comes off as greedy to me. Even though I understand the joining few to help fund testing

Could create a similar thing as to what skankhunt did and crowd fund for testing.
But Skank shared dozens of labtests and when he asked for donations because no one have unlimited funds what did he get ? Only people’s asking « can you test this brands » lol
This model is not viable at long terms.
Because peoples and me include are accustomed to have free contents with YouTube ect.. so why they would pay
A few of the recently banned heavy hitters and myself had plans to do some group testing. I could be interested in joining. The hiding of results doesn't go along with my beliefs though because the whole purpose of testing is just to further vet a source. Comes off as greedy to me. Even though I understand the joining few to help fund testing

Could create a similar thing as to what skankhunt did and crowd fund for testing.
I wanted to tag @SkankHunt but I didn’t know if it was a conflict of interest lol.
But Skank shared dozens of labtests and when he asked for donations because no one have unlimited funds what did he get ? Only people’s asking « can you test this brands » lol
This model is not viable at long terms.
Because peoples and me include are accustomed to have free contents with YouTube ect.. so why they would pay
There's hplc testing reports of AAS on YouTube??
I don't see a reason to hide the testing. it seems like that was the case over at MesoFR because that board apparently blows sources and lets the members, on the whole, get fucked. That isn't the case here. It's totally opposite.
I don't see a reason to hide the testing. it seems like that was the case over at MesoFR because that board apparently blows sources and lets the members, on the whole, get fucked. That isn't the case here. It's totally opposite.
I hear what you’re saying and I agree, it’s not in the spirit of harm reduction for the board as a whole, however, on the other side of that, comes relying on donations and group members to form up dough for all tests.. though if there’s enough of us, 10-25$ give or take per test really isn’t that much for peace of mind and to help out our brothers. I’m sure that’s it’s possible we could find some creative ways to raise funds as well.
Sounds like it wouldn’t work here with this bunch. It works great for others and keeps their community safe and educated.

As mention with Skank’s testing deal. It didn’t work. He asked for help with funding and that fell flat. Why, because why pay for it when you knew he’d do it for free and share those results. This is why it would need to be a separate community where access is only granted to those who contribute to the cause and keeps what they see private.
one question to ask is - how are credits for sources disbursed when testing is on a group basis? I presume it just wouldn't be a factor. however, i think this would be such an infrequent issue to begin with that it's not even worth worrying about. i'd be glad to join and contribute to group testing on a small basis. i don't use enough to justify doing every single lab lol, but, at the same time i'm not going to just do nothing.
I consider this an invitation to leave the prison of my thread for once, as I've been trying to explain to various members via PM how the Meso FR private labtesting group headed by @Atlanta works.

While this wasn't necessarily the (only) reason Anabolic Labs died (I briefly discussed this with @Millard and @Noah86 in my source thread a while ago), neither AL nor @SkankHunt (when he was a member still) received sufficient donations to continually fund and provide their labtests to the public for free, but this buy-in model seems to be the only working model and has thus been adopted by various communities.

Blind testing is a crucial part of vetting & harm reduction but despite Meso RX taking pride in these qualities, the death of AL seems to have been quietly accepted by members, with no revival or replacement in sight.

Many sources will pay for/refund the cost of labtesting or provide store credit in excess of said cost, but Meso RX members rarely take advantage of these options.

@nealcaffrey16 Valid question - in my case, they tell me (after all is said and done) that they sent one of my products for blind testing and received the report, at which point I straight up pay for the cost of the labtest.
I consider this an invitation to leave the prison of my thread for once, as I've been trying to explain to various members via PM how the Meso FR private labtesting group headed by @Atlanta works.

While this wasn't necessarily the (only) reason Anabolic Labs died (I briefly discussed this with @Millard and @Noah86 in my source thread a while ago), neither AL nor @SkankHunt (when he was a member still) received sufficient donations to continually fund and provide their labtests to the public for free, but this buy-in model seems to be the only working model and has thus been adopted by various communities.

Blind testing is a crucial part of vetting & harm reduction but despite Meso RX taking pride in these qualities, the death of AL seems to have been quietly accepted by members, with no revival or replacement in sight.

Many sources will pay for/refund the cost of labtesting or provide store credit in excess of said cost, but Meso RX members rarely take advantage of these options.

Who let the cat out? Get back to your dungeon.

Kidding, well said
Sounds like it wouldn’t work here with this bunch. It works great for others and keeps their community safe and educated.

As mention with Skank’s testing deal. It didn’t work. He asked for help with funding and that fell flat. Why, because why pay for it when you knew he’d do it for free and share those results. This is why it would need to be a separate community where access is only granted to those who contribute to the cause and keeps what they see private.
What things would need to be overcame to see that it does work? I see significant value in a consortium of users that test products and have the benefit of numbers on their side. It can allow much more testing to take place, given that the members of the group are dedicated to the initiative and pay fees to see that testing can take place. Skank doing what he did may not be feasible for single members because they often don’t have the financial backing that he did. Spreading the burden among different members could honestly increase testing ten-fold. You’d just have to ensure that the people that want to join are truly interested and will be committed to seeing that things get done. That is the biggest burden to overcome.
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I don't think credits for blood tests should be disregarded. I mean, fuck, if we're all paying for stuff, we should all share in the spoils lol. I don't think that's unreasonable nor terribly difficult to organize. There would be some need for a trusted/senior member to receive said orders via credits from a source and then disburse the shares of gear (I am laughing hard as I write this btw lmfao). I mean, it's a small thing I know, but.... still, if it's there to be taken advantage of, it should at least be discussed.

Say 5 of us pile in for WongDong AAS Labs and get a $300 credit, well, we should all in theory get a $50 share of that order. even if it's a vial or two, well hell, it'll still be something. just everyone would cover the extra shipping cost.
I could see something like this getting tedious, but, can still be something to work through.

edit: math is hard, $60 share.
edit2: WongDong was just for you, @Ambusher ;-)
I'm down for making donations, but I do not care to have my name tied to the testing, or to be the one to send stuff out for testing. That's just a little bit more risk to take on
What things would need to be overcame to see that it does work? I see significant value in a consortium of users that Test products and have the benefit of numbers on their side. It can allow much more testing to take place, given that the members of the group are dedicated to the initiative and pay fees to see that testing can take place. Skank doing what he did may not be feasible for single members because they often don’t have the financial backing that he did. Spreading the burden among different members could honestly increase testing ten-fold. You’d just have to ensure that the people that want to join are truly interested and will be committed to seeing that things get done. That is the biggest burden to overcome.

You would want/need members that are trustworthy that’s for sure. Most of the comments here and where this idea started earlier today you will see members repeating that they would want to share the results with the world and can’t grasp the idea of why that won’t work. Unfortunately, that’s not the type you’d want to accept in. The communities where this is already taking place are small groups because of this.

You’d also want members who would not only contribute with funds but also just may test things on their own and share it.

As far as how do you set up how much is required for access and all the guidelines, someone would really need to think these things through but honesty it shouldn’t be ran or governed by one individual. All the members of the group should have equal say and there would need to be a voting system on things

