@StanfordPharma We have a potentially big issue. I intend to handle it in PM to get to the bottom of it, but as a harm reduction board, I would recommend no one place a new order until this issue gets discussed.

This is not meant to be FUD, as I'm sure stan will get back to me asap to discuss this, but I felt the need to notify the board. Will update later today.
why the fuck are you being so cryptic just say what the fuck the “big issue” is. no point whatsoever in giving a “heads up” with nothing to stand behind it.
I said it'd be wise. You however, feel free to continue being a dumbass.
okay wise one. no point in posting publicly saying don’t order from a trusted source without any reason whatsoever, then when asked why decide to state you’re handling it privately. real helpful
While I can appreciate the forethought to warn others not to order, it’s disconcerting to hear that there is a major issue with orders that haven’t been received without actually hearing what the issue is specifically
You and many others are waiting for stan to catch up. You are not alone. @Dipshitdave

I have a pack out there also and stan has been in communication the whole time. Dont start off with the pitchforks and torches immediatly. And if there is a legitimare issue with packs, why not share it? Otherwise its all BS
Do you really think I made this post regarding a delayed package?

Give me a minute and I will clear the air with the details I have and why i chose to wait until talking to stan.
Do you really think I made this post regarding a delayed package?

Give me a minute and I will clear the air with the details I have and why i chose to wait until talking to stan.
What difference does that make? You can’t say not to order from Stan due to a shipping or picking concern and then act like you’re sitting on the fucking corona virus cure.
Do you really think I made this post regarding a delayed package?

Give me a minute and I will clear the air with the details I have and why i chose to wait until talking to stan.
You're still making this just about you when it could impact other members. If you end up being wrong people will forgive. Look back at that guy that posted the wrong bloods and was saying this gear was bunk. But not sharing with members when you say it potentially impacts them is a bad look on you.
I'm sharing BECAUSE it impacts members. I could very easily keep it to myself and move on. Have any semblance of patience and you'll get the information shortly.
I love all the attacks I'm getting simply because I decided to deal in facts and not accusations.

This issue at hand is that a package from Stanford was seized yesterday. The reason I waited until I spoke to him, is because it was shipped to an entirely incorrect address. An address from a long past previous order. This set off a red flag to me that he was retaining order information far longer than necessary. After speaking to him, his reason for the address mistake seems plausible.

I did not want to attack him for something potentially incorrect. But as it stands, a package was seized, and the recipient received a phone call inquiring about the contents of the package. They post office asked if he had a prescription for the drugs in question and specifically cited a few of the compounds in the package. The call basically ended with them telling him this is his warning.

To my knowledge, they did not announce themselves as a postal inspector or federal agents, nor did they visit him personally. It was confiscated at the local level.

I appreciate the patience and maturity you all showed in the course of the past 2 hours.