I love all the attacks I'm getting simply because I decided to deal in facts and not accusations.

This issue at hand is that a package from Stanford was seized yesterday. The reason I waited until I spoke to him, is because it was shipped to an entirely incorrect address. An address from a long past previous order. This set off a red flag to me that he was retaining order information far longer than necessary. After speaking to him, his reason for the address mistake seems plausible.

I did not want to attack him for something potentially incorrect. But as it stands, a package was seized, and the recipient received a phone call inquiring about the contents of the package. They post office asked if he had a prescription for the drugs in question and specifically cited a few of the compounds in the package. The call basically ended with them telling him this is his warning.

To my knowledge, they did not announce themselves as a postal inspector or federal agents, nor did they visit him personally. It was confiscated at the local level.

I appreciate the patience and maturity you all showed in the course of the past 2 hours.

My first thought is this. The post office does not have phone numbers on file. I've also never heard of the post office calling in a "warning". I'm not saying anyone is lying but this doesn't add up to me.
All you had to say in your first post was, shipment seized, more details to follow. That is a fact. The details on how it was shipped to an incorrect address was potentially accusatory and I get that you wanted to be clear on that. But the fact is a pack was seized and members waiting on packages should know sooner rather than later.

And let's get full transparency now. How did it get to the wrong address?
My first thought is this. The post office does not have phone numbers on file. I've also never heard of the post office calling in a "warning". I'm not saying anyone is lying but this doesn't add up to me.

Real simple answer to this. It was not addressed to an actual address, but to a po box. Hence they contacted the owner of the po box.

All you had to say in your first post was, shipment seized, more details to follow. That is a fact. The details on how it was shipped to an incorrect address was potentially accusatory and I get that you wanted to be clear on that. But the fact is a pack was seized and members waiting on packages should know sooner rather than later.

And let's get full transparency now. How did it get to the wrong address?

Stan stated that his email guy received the current order in a chain email which contained the old address, which is true. I overlooked that fact. He accidentally scrolled too far when looking for the address to ship to.
Sorry everybody. Just woke up to this. Frantically trying to figure out what was going on. Thank you, @Dipshitdave for posting this. I'm sorry, but i have to do some work to assure people's safety. The personal info was not from stored info. It was due to info that was in the old order being in new email. The new order was close to old order addy in new email. Anyways, i will answer all questions i can publicly and only publicly for transparency sake unless there is personal info that can't be publicly.
I love all the attacks I'm getting simply because I decided to deal in facts and not accusations.

This issue at hand is that a package from Stanford was seized yesterday. The reason I waited until I spoke to him, is because it was shipped to an entirely incorrect address. An address from a long past previous order. This set off a red flag to me that he was retaining order information far longer than necessary. After speaking to him, his reason for the address mistake seems plausible.

I did not want to attack him for something potentially incorrect. But as it stands, a package was seized, and the recipient received a phone call inquiring about the contents of the package. They post office asked if he had a prescription for the drugs in question and specifically cited a few of the compounds in the package. The call basically ended with them telling him this is his warning.

To my knowledge, they did not announce themselves as a postal inspector or federal agents, nor did they visit him personally. It was confiscated at the local level.

I appreciate the patience and maturity you all showed in the course of the past 2 hours.

how do you know what was said to the recipient at the incorrect address? Why are you in touch with someone at your old PO Box?
The recipient received a phone call inquiring about the contents of the package. They post office asked if he had a prescription for the drugs in question and specifically cited a few of the compounds in the package. The call basically ended with them telling him this is his warning.

Maybe I misread? That made it seem like it was shipped to an entirely different address and they contacted the recipient of that address. My question is how did you know what was said? Sorry I’m still not following here..
it was shipped to an entirely incorrect address. An address from a long past previous order.

If this is true than he is definitely storing info. No way around it.

The personal info was not from stored info. It was due to info that was in the old order being in new email. The new order was close to old order addy in new email.

Huh? Op said that addy was from “a long past previous order”. Maybe I’m reading wrong what you’re trying to say here. Kinda makes head hurt reading it. Still, sounds like you stored old order
If this is true than he is definitely storing info. No way around it.

Huh? Op said that addy was from “a long past previous order”.

It was, but it was also contained in the chain email used to place the more current order. I overlooked that fact, which is why Im glad I spoke to stanny first. Not saying its not an issue that the improper address was used, but its plausible that it was an honest mistake.
It was, but it was also contained in the chain email used to place the more current order. I overlooked that fact, which is why Im glad I spoke to stanny first. Not saying its not an issue that the improper address was used, but its plausible that it was an honest mistake.

Gotcha, makes sense. Other than you should be deleting orders on your end as well. Using the same email for multiple orders ties you to multiple drug deals.
I love all the attacks I'm getting simply because I decided to deal in facts and not accusations.

This issue at hand is that a package from Stanford was seized yesterday. The reason I waited until I spoke to him, is because it was shipped to an entirely incorrect address. An address from a long past previous order. This set off a red flag to me that he was retaining order information far longer than necessary. After speaking to him, his reason for the address mistake seems plausible.

I did not want to attack him for something potentially incorrect. But as it stands, a package was seized, and the recipient received a phone call inquiring about the contents of the package. They post office asked if he had a prescription for the drugs in question and specifically cited a few of the compounds in the package. The call basically ended with them telling him this is his warning.

To my knowledge, they did not announce themselves as a postal inspector or federal agents, nor did they visit him personally. It was confiscated at the local level.

I appreciate the patience and maturity you all showed in the course of the past 2 hours.
Thank you for letting us know!


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