Awwww... someone opened the gates for all the “not fair” whiners to come pouring in. I think we’ve seen this once before.

Guys that have to be “tough to maintain their rep” are now on their knees. Have some pride fuckers. Don’t post anything cringeworthy.
Nobody said anything about not fair. No clue what you’re talking about but I guess you’re the type that’s always gotta be a smartass
Ordered from him twice and the second time he forgot to even ship it. Just asking questions and making statements.
Nobody said anything about not fair. No clue what you’re talking about but I guess you’re the type that’s always gotta be a smartass

I was saying in general. That’s obviously where this is going.

Nobody should be begging after the fact. That’s a bad look. It’s just steroids, we don’t have to behave like junkies.

Save the comments and try his email, pm, or find another source.
I was saying in general. That’s obviously where this is going.

Nobody should be begging after the fact. That’s a bad look. It’s just steroids, we don’t have to behave like junkies.

Save the comments and try his email, pm, or find another source.
Sorry didn’t mean to be an ass. I did email him. I was just shocked to see I missed it. I’ve got another good source not on here but options are always good
Sorry didn’t mean to be an ass. I did email him. I was just shocked to see I missed it. I’ve got another good source not on here but options are always good

I just assumed when he posted that he was going to go private soon, that meant email him if you want in on the private list.
my primo doesn't have a batch number so telling you its good is pointless if you didn't order yours around the same time.
Im currently pinning test from 2016 with a GSO base. Bloodwork shows 1688 ng off of 400mg/week

Hope that gives you an idea...

This is my first test cycle so I have no other comparative mid cycle bloods. I've run a few pro-hormone cycles but never did mid cycle bloodwork.

That being said, the week before my bloodwork is when the gym's closed, I didn't hit 400mg that week (hit 266mg) and did bloods about 48 hours after last inject. Not sure how much affect that would have on Test-E results.

Not to be a dick but how would this help being this is your first cycle and first labs? No doubt, your numbers don't look good for 400mg a week but you have nothing to compare them to. As you’ve read, some just don’t respond well where others do. There is a source here who has been tested more than any. If you order from them your gear will be a few years old and I believe they have yet to have bad labs on their test or they surely wouldn’t still be around.

I’m currently using a bottle of ugl test from 2017. I take 100mg and it puts me in the 800s. I also take perrigo from Walgreens and it also puts my levels in the same range.

I have read about gear breaking down and degrading but I believe that’s around year 5ish or more and I don’t think it’s degrading. I think that’s when the rubber stopper starts to dissolve.

lol. Yeah but a curse too cause I also aromatize a lot too.

Now this is interesting. I also aromatize more than most. Not near the level you do but I can’t run a cycle without the tools to do so. I’m sure this may be why we respond well. Actually, Dr Scally used to rant and rave about how every one should test in the 10x range. Hell, back a few years ago if a ugl gear didn’t put us close to 10x we would call that source’s gear bunk. We’ve come along way since then but I do believe most should process around the 7x - 10x range even though some will speak out and say they don’t respond as well they are not the majority. There are to many factors. Like I mentioned Perrigo from Walgreens puts me in the 8x range but if I take the pharmaceutical Westward brand I barley hit the 6x range.
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Not to be a dick but how would this help being this is your first cycle and first labs? No doubt, your numbers don't look good for 400mg a week but you have nothing to compare them to. As you’ve read, some just don’t respond well where others do. There is a source here who has been tested more than any. If you order from them your gear will be a few years old and I believe they have yet to have bad labs on their test or they surely wouldn’t still be around.

I’m currently using a bottle of ugl test from 2017. I take 100mg and it puts me in the 800s. I also take perrigo from Walgreens and it also puts my levels in the same range.

I have read about gear breaking down and degrading but I believe that’s around year 5ish or more and I don’t think it’s degrading. I think that’s when the rubber stopper starts to dissolve.

Now this is interesting. I also aromatize more than most. Not near the level you do but I can’t run a cycle without the tools to do so. I’m sure this may be why we respond well. Actually, Dr Scally used to rant and rave about how every one should test in the 10x range. Hell, back a few years ago if a ugl gear didn’t put us close to 10x we would call that source’s gear bunk. We’ve come along way since then but I do believe most should process around the 7x - 10x range even though some will speak out and say they don’t respond as well they are not the majority. There are to many factors. Like I mentioned Perrigo from Walgreens puts me in the 8x range but if I take the pharmaceutical Westward brand I barley hit the 6x range.

It doesn't seem to matter for me what brand, ugl, dosing schedule. I'm usually 4-5.5. I hate it. I want to get labs and see a 3xxx lol
It doesn't seem to matter for me what brand, ugl, dosing schedule. I'm usually 4-5.5. I hate it. I want to get labs and see a 3xxx lol

Curious, how long have you been on trt? I ask because I’ve been trying to get my doc to up my dose but he wants to keep it as low as possible for as long as he can. This tells me he must think that I will build a tolerance. Or he could simply think me being in the 800s is where I need to be.
Curious, how long have you been on trt? I ask because I’ve been trying to get my doc to up my dose but he wants to keep it as low as possible for as long as he can. This tells me he must think that I will build a tolerance. Or he could simply think me being in the 800s is where I need to be.

I've been on 3 years. My numbers have been like that since my first set of labs. I don't know why, it's how I process it I guess. Trt, cycle.... Same shit for me. 4-5.5

Getting labs end of this month and will most likely be the same thing. I'm doing 200 now split 2xs a week.
Used primo for 16 weeks at 600mg. Pretty underwhelming compared to NPP for 12 weeks at 280mg. I wanted to run the primo higher than 600 but the sheer volume of oil was unbearable with 4 inj sites. Once I'm less of a pussy and start banging delts and quads I'll definitely give it another go.