mothafukin SP doing his thang. Let me get ya a cheeseburger for that private email homie. :)
Do you cruise on Primo? or just a long blast?

I permablast. I'm a pro and all my income comes from my physique and performance so I don't really have a choice. Blasting primo in offseason lets me keep my blood work semi decent. Been on 1 gram of Stan's primo since October.
I permablast. I'm a pro and all my income comes from my physique and performance so I don't really have a choice. Blasting primo in offseason lets me keep my blood work semi decent. Been on 1 gram of Stan's primo since October.
damn! If you dont mind me asking how long have you been permablasting? have you had any issues?
I permablast. I'm a pro and all my income comes from my physique and performance so I don't really have a choice. Blasting primo in offseason lets me keep my blood work semi decent. Been on 1 gram of Stan's primo since October.
Yeah you're a pro, so how's the money banging old women and jerking off for dirty old men ?
damn! If you dont mind me asking how long have you been permablasting? have you had any issues?
Depends on what you mean by issues. Nothing so bad that my doc has told me I need to stop. Liver enzymes, lipids, creatinine are all slightly out of range all of the time. Blood pressure is in range. I'm sure there's things fucked up with me that don't show on bloods but for the most part I feel good. I save all the heavy stuff for prep.
Yeah you're a pro, so how's the money banging old women and jerking off for dirty old men ?
I know you're fucking with me but honest answers are:
— Most I've been offered to pose nude is $1200/month, turned it down
— Met my wife before I started competing seriously so never banged any old women. It's mostly middle aged obese black women and dudes asking anyway.
— I don't make shit off of competing. It's all from personal training clients I get from social media. Sponsors mostly cover my costs for gear and GH. But you gotta look good and lift heavy all the time to keep sponsors and get new clients on instagram. It's fucked up.
I know you're fucking with me but honest answers are:
— Most I've been offered to pose nude is $1200/month, turned it down
— Met my wife before I started competing seriously so never banged any old women. It's mostly middle aged obese black women and dudes asking anyway.
— I don't make shit off of competing. It's all from personal training clients I get from social media. Sponsors mostly cover my costs for gear and GH. But you gotta look good and lift heavy all the time to keep sponsors and get new clients on instagram. It's fucked up.
Thick black women are my weakness
I permablast. I'm a pro and all my income comes from my physique and performance so I don't really have a choice. Blasting primo in offseason lets me keep my blood work semi decent. Been on 1 gram of Stan's primo since October.
permablast? i’ve read lots of arguable opinions on this. sure let’s say you stay in good health year round, how do you not plateau without a break? myostatin and everything considered
permablast? i’ve read lots of arguable opinions on this. sure let’s say you stay in good health year round, how do you not plateau without a break? myostatin and everything considered

Well, for the record, I'm not claiming to be in good health.. just not dying lol. My gear use is definitely unhealthy.

Anyway, progress is the same as using a typical blast and cruise method, total doses just much higher. So say a guy cruises at 300 mg test and 3 IU GH and blasts at 750 test and 400 deca and some dbol. I'm "cruising" on 1 gram test, 1 gram primo, 5 iu gh and blasting on, say, a gram each of test, tren, mast, plus 10 iu gh, slin, orals, etc.
Well, for the record, I'm not claiming to be in good health.. just not dying lol. My gear use is definitely unhealthy.

Anyway, progress is the same as using a typical blast and cruise method, total doses just much higher. So say a guy cruises at 300 mg test and 3 IU GH and blasts at 750 test and 400 deca and some dbol. I'm "cruising" on 1 gram test, 1 gram primo, 5 iu gh and blasting on, say, a gram each of test, tren, mast, plus 10 iu gh, slin, orals, etc.
Damn, I really hope your trolling. You going to die young
Damn, I really hope your trolling. You going to die young

I'm not, and I'm definitely taking risks. I do think my health is probably better than some others I've seen. I've trained with dudes who will get nosebleeds squatting 225 from high blood pressure, AST/ALT values in the 500+ range from gear + rec drugs, one who had a heart attack during training, another who went into kidney failure and still went through with a contest two weeks later, one who started pissing blood from 200mg anadrol daily plus halo and some other shit I can't remember, etc etc. Shit is really fucked up when you start getting really competitive, most people just hide it or write it off as no big deal.
I'm not, and I'm definitely taking risks. I do think my health is probably better than some others I've seen. I've trained with dudes who will get nosebleeds squatting 225 from high blood pressure, AST/ALT values in the 500+ range from gear + rec drugs, one who had a heart attack during training, another who went into kidney failure and still went through with a contest two weeks later, one who started pissing blood from 200mg anadrol daily plus halo and some other shit I can't remember, etc etc. Shit is really fucked up when you start getting really competitive, most people just hide it or write it off as no big deal.
Do you really think you couldn't get the same results with less gear? It's your life, but the risk doesn't seem worth the reward to me.
Well, for the record, I'm not claiming to be in good health.. just not dying lol. My gear use is definitely unhealthy.

Anyway, progress is the same as using a typical blast and cruise method, total doses just much higher. So say a guy cruises at 300 mg test and 3 IU GH and blasts at 750 test and 400 deca and some dbol. I'm "cruising" on 1 gram test, 1 gram primo, 5 iu gh and blasting on, say, a gram each of test, tren, mast, plus 10 iu gh, slin, orals, etc.

Damn. Cruising on a gram of test?

What’s your blast doses look like? I’m always curious to see what level this gets taken too.
Do you really think you couldn't get the same results with less gear? It's your life, but the risk doesn't seem worth the reward to me.

I think I probably could get the same results with less, to be honest. It's kind of like a slippery slope type deal — you start doing more, your 300 mg cruise becomes 500, 500 becomes 750, etc. Then you do more on your blasts to compensate. I had really big plans for this year and then wanted to take a long break off everything except true 200 mg trt and maybe 3 IU gh until next summer to give my body some type of break... but with everything getting pushed back that might not happen. I don't know man. I probably need to get my mental health in check first to be honest, it's just hard to have perspective when you get wrapped up in the competition mindset.
Damn. Cruising on a gram of test?

What’s your blast doses look like? I’m always curious to see what level this gets taken too.
Here's the plan for the next blast which will run about 10 weeks:

700 test/tren/mast
50 proviron ramping up to 100
10 IU GH postworkout
add 50 var/50 winstrol starting 6 weeks out
up to 100 var/100 winstrol 4 weeks out
add methyltren 4 weeks out — probably 1 mg/day
20 mg nolva eod
12.5-25 mg aromasin eod starting probably 4-6 weeks out
drop injectables 2-3 weeks out
drop mtren probably 10 days out
slin will be refeed days only, 12 IU humalog 3x/day
I know you're fucking with me but honest answers are:
— Most I've been offered to pose nude is $1200/month, turned it down
— Met my wife before I started competing seriously so never banged any old women. It's mostly middle aged obese black women and dudes asking anyway.
— I don't make shit off of competing. It's all from personal training clients I get from social media. Sponsors mostly cover my costs for gear and GH. But you gotta look good and lift heavy all the time to keep sponsors and get new clients on instagram. It's fucked up. never fucked a grapefruit on camera? What kinda pro are you??