Curious, how long have you been on trt? I ask because I’ve been trying to get my doc to up my dose but he wants to keep it as low as possible for as long as he can. This tells me he must think that I will build a tolerance. Or he could simply think me being in the 800s is where I need to be.

It's prolly the latter. Most responsible Dr's try to keep you in a natural level range. My Urologist keeps me right at 700(I'm 52) which equates to 150 MG/wk.
A broke one, unfortunately, if gyms stay closed. That's why I'm on here instead of actually fucking working.

Well, while you’re here how about venturing out of Stans thread and post stuff in some other threads.

I appreciate you posting that cycle and you obviously know your shit. Post advice, training, diet, hell even just stories. We need more guys like you.

And it’ll feel good giving back! [emoji106]

I write a lot of stuff on here because I write technical reports for a living. This helps me write and and more importantly it gets me away from the boring shit I usually have to write about.

[emoji2369] Maybe you write here, you find you enjoy it and one day you’re making money on book sales.
Ding ding ding give this man a prize!!! And this is why I don't believe a word from the pro. He's been camped out in this thread day 1 !
That's totally fine, I have nothing to lose or gain here. I'm just bored and reading the news and social media is fucking depressing. I'll stop cluttering Stan's thread.

Regarding your products in suspensions:

What is the declared shelf life past the date of compounding?

Does it differ by compound?

How do you come to the decision regarding that shelf life length?

Can you offer any supporting evidence to justify that decision over your declared shelf life?

Reason i ask is because suspending some API's dramatically affects their stability, leading to large reductions in potency & storage conditions (eg kept refrigerated or not) can compound matters further. Eg the potency of some can drop to something around around 60% of the initial dosed in just 3 days after compounding, where other will retain 99% after 90 days. Unfortunately this is not something you see discussed much on gear forums.

My concern really is guys could be buying originally accurately dosed products that degrade before the bottle is finished. I'd also assume most guys who get their gear lab tested do it reasonably quickly after receipt & that may give a false sense of security here.

As Symbiotics is also offering compounds in suspension, i've posted the same questions in his thread as that's only fair.
Lol, someone’s what, 7th incarnation?

It's actually one of my newest handles.
i change them based on the weather. It was a little windy today, so i broke out Venomous.

Tomorrow it's supposed to rain, so i'll bounce between my Oldschool handle and my BigBaldBeardGuy handle, depending on how much rain we get.

If it rains heavy and gets windy too, then i'll use my BigBearLabs handle and bump my thread all day with near useless updates.
It's actually one of my newest handles.
i change them based on the weather. It was a little windy today, so i broke out Venomous.

Tomorrow it's supposed to rain, so i'll bounce between my Oldschool handle and my BigBaldBeardGuy handle, depending on how much rain we get.

If it rains heavy and gets windy too, then i'll use my BigBearLabs handle and bump my thread all day with near useless updates.
PM a heads up if you plan on using your Oldschool handle so I know to log into my @Villain account:D:D:D

Regarding your products in suspensions:

What is the declared shelf life past the date of compounding?

Does it differ by compound?

How do you come to the decision regarding that shelf life length?

Can you offer any supporting evidence to justify that decision over your declared shelf life?

Reason i ask is because suspending some API's dramatically affects their stability, leading to large reductions in potency & storage conditions (eg kept refrigerated or not) can compound matters further. Eg the potency of some can drop to something around around 60% of the initial dosed in just 3 days after compounding, where other will retain 99% after 90 days. Unfortunately this is not something you see discussed much on gear forums.

My concern really is guys could be buying originally accurately dosed products that degrade before the bottle is finished. I'd also assume most guys who get their gear lab tested do it reasonably quickly after receipt & that may give a false sense of security here.

As Symbiotics is also offering compounds in suspension, i've posted the same questions in his thread as that's only fair.
Sorry, have to be pretty short on this. Working around the clock and don't have much spare time. First off, the only products that are rumored to have issues in suspension/solution are some of the so called "research" products and cabergoline. I've never heard of any aas having stability issues in liquid form ir i would imagine they would have stability issues in injectable form as well. There just isn't any research out there to support any evidence either way. Anyone who would say they know the answer either way i would have to call bullshit on. But what i can tell you is i make the suspensions as ordered. When i go to pack a package and it calls for something in suspension i fill it as i pack the package so it's not sitting on the shelf for months.

Certainly a good question and i wish the answer was out there, but just like the question of how long do injectables last we only have ourselves to depend on for the answers.