So how much of stans DHB 100mg can a guy do in one pin without crippling pip? His test and DHB mix is smooth!
What I don’t like is being told that new emails would be sent out to all that’s on the private list over the weekend and orders would be taken beginning Monday and yet some of us haven’t seen shit!! Again, we are being told this is gonna happen and again we are still waiting like always! I don’t understand it! At least come on here and update folks so they are not left wondering and shit! Kinda fucked up if u ask me!
What I don’t like is being told that new emails would be sent out to all that’s on the private list over the weekend and orders would be taken beginning Monday and yet some of us haven’t seen shit!! Again, we are being told this is gonna happen and again we are still waiting like always! I don’t understand it! At least come on here and update folks so they are not left wondering and shit! Kinda fucked up if u ask me!
Go with a different source then.
Hell I cant even get a response to verify my order went out from a month ago.....
And yet guys are placing orders and getting packs while you can't get your pack or a response from a month ago? You got a lot more patience than me, that's all I'm gonna say.

Definitely find a new source after.
i made large orders with Stan before and it was great, however when users started complaining about missing packages, i saw Stan was overbooked so i went with a different source to not add to his stress, nothing against Stan i was actually the one supporting him saying he'll take care of y'all here and PMs.
now i get emails from Stan's email guy basically giving me an ultimatum "order now or im not taking orders from you anymore".
i replied with an apology saying that i am not looking to order now but would like to keep our relationship as i make large orders frequently so it's a win/win.
got no reply back.

i hope it was a misunderstanding therefore i wont be posting any screenshots since i respect Stan's work.
order now or im not taking orders from you anymore

That's pretty shitty man. I haven't ordered off Stan in quite some time but was preparing for something soon but if this is how it is now, oh well. Thought once you bought in, you're a customer for life..@stanfordpharma
i made large orders with Stan before and it was great, however when users started complaining about missing packages, i saw Stan was overbooked so i went with a different source to not add to his stress, nothing against Stan i was actually the one supporting him saying he'll take care of y'all here and PMs.
now i get emails from Stan's email guy basically giving me an ultimatum "order now or im not taking orders from you anymore".
i replied with an apology saying that i am not looking to order now but would like to keep our relationship as i make large orders frequently so it's a win/win.
got no reply back.

i hope it was a misunderstanding therefore i wont be posting any screenshots since i respect Stan's work.
That's some shady crap there, wow.
i made large orders with Stan before and it was great, however when users started complaining about missing packages, i saw Stan was overbooked so i went with a different source to not add to his stress, nothing against Stan i was actually the one supporting him saying he'll take care of y'all here and PMs.
now i get emails from Stan's email guy basically giving me an ultimatum "order now or im not taking orders from you anymore".
i replied with an apology saying that i am not looking to order now but would like to keep our relationship as i make large orders frequently so it's a win/win.
got no reply back.

i hope it was a misunderstanding therefore i wont be posting any screenshots since i respect Stan's work.
I'm looking over this now. Correct me if I'm wrong. You placed an order and backed out or something? Sometimes when i jump in to look at something I'm a bit confused. I have a background in customer service and always have the attitude that the customer is always right. If you have an issue you can always pm me. I will take care of it.
What I don’t like is being told that new emails would be sent out to all that’s on the private list over the weekend and orders would be taken beginning Monday and yet some of us haven’t seen shit!! Again, we are being told this is gonna happen and again we are still waiting like always! I don’t understand it! At least come on here and update folks so they are not left wondering and shit! Kinda fucked up if u ask me!
Literally hundreds of requests. Doing our best. If you have an order you need now just pm me and I'll take care of you. Those that aren't in a big hurry please be patient.
I'm looking over this now. Correct me if I'm wrong. You placed an order and backed out or something? Sometimes when i jump in to look at something I'm a bit confused. I have a background in customer service and always have the attitude that the customer is always right. If you have an issue you can always pm me. I will take care of it.
lets move this to PM to keep thread clean.

i was placing an order but then backed away saying something like "i see u are overbooked so ill hold on for now so i dont add to ur stress please take care of current orders on MESO thread"
then got the email i mentioned above.

i always believe everyone has good intentions and shit happens when there's misunderstanding, perhaps i didn't express myself correctly or email guy was in a bad mood or both. i am not blaming anyone.
lets move this to PM to keep thread clean.

i was placing an order but then backed away saying something like "i see u are overbooked so ill hold on for now so i dont add to ur stress please take care of current orders on MESO thread"
then got the email i mentioned above.

i always believe everyone has good intentions and shit happens when there's misunderstanding, perhaps i didn't express myself correctly or email guy was in a bad mood or both. i am not blaming anyone.
Either way, I'm sorry it offended you and i only ever want you guys to be well taken care of and happy. You can always come to me with any concerns.
You really calling me butt hurt when you're the one on here crying about not getting an email.:rolleyes:
Just fuckin with you bro. Just throwing my 2 cents out there is all. I mean obviously, a man says this is what is gonna happen and then it doesn’t, is kinda shitty in my book! Stans has got a history of that on here. Yes! He has always delivered and took care of me when I never asked him too and there is obviously people here still waiting for him or email guy to respond to their email. More than likely because he went public and was overwhelmed with orders and couldn’t keep up. I am a customer and he’s taking my money so why comment shit like you do when I call a source out and for fucks sake, just an update would be fucking GREAT!