You guys really are some stupid mother fuckers posting the shit that you do on here, you know that? WHAT'S THE EMAIL? IT'S STANFORD 1? DUH HUH HUH. I GOT MY PACK DUH HUH HHH.

You know this entire website is archived and there's no way to delete your posts or even delete your account right?

The book is called "memoirs of a moron". And this is the characters profile. It's a real life dig into literature. What would my fictional character do? What would he say? This is it.
Well you just fucked yourself "stupid mother fucker" (i think thats what you called everyone earlier). Now the fairy princess meso police are gonna get in cahoots with the ULU (undercover librarians unit). Im sure they will pull all library cards of whom checked out "memoirs of a moron", cross reference it with your pornhub search history, then cross reference it again to your meso handle.
Well you just fucked yourself "stupid mother fucker" (i think thats what you called everyone earlier). Now the fairy princess meso police are gonna get in cahoots with the ULU (undercover librarians unit). Im sure they will pull all library cards of whom checked out "memoirs of a moron", cross reference it with your pornhub search history, then cross reference it again to your meso handle.
Guess I did!
The cialis didn’t work for me. Stan sent me some viagra and his “Major Tom” ( cialis and viagra combo). Those worked much better.
So there is no way to get in touch? Just a guy reaching out who lost his previous source. Thank you.
Its basically a private club. You gotta be cool to get in. Seriously though from reading and research he his customer "load" that he could handle. Then went private. And from recent thread posts seems as if he cant keep up with what hes got. Been seeing super long T/A lately
Yea I was able to contact SP no problem as a new customer, he has responded but took awhile each time and also the T/A times I see reported are too long for me personally IMO. Keep searching and you'll find his email if you wanna use him that bad
Anybody heard from Stan? I haven’t heard from him in over a week. I’ve emailed him twice and sent a pm and no word about an order paid for three weeks ago. Don’t mind to wait but at least a response would be nice
Anybody heard from Stan? I haven’t heard from him in over a week. I’ve emailed him twice and sent a pm and no word about an order paid for three weeks ago. Don’t mind to wait but at least a response would be nice
In the same boat. Placed and order Jan 5th and now cannot get in touch.