Almost a month now on my pack, Messaged after two weeks email guy said it couldn’t ship cus my info “didn’t add up” so I sent updated (basically the same) and waited, now he’s not answering about if it shipped. Fearing the worst now, never a problem with Stan before. Just looking at my pct stuff that came from overseas already sucks. I dunno.
I’m going on week 2. It used to be legit days. And the communication was spot on. I have not even got a response back if my pack has shipped.
I’m not one to kiss someone’s ass but I have been dealing with Stan for a couple of years now and never have I got ripped off. Just be patient I know it sucks waiting trust me I hate it!!
How are Jr members putting in recent orders? I thought staniel went private and only deals with old school?
There are at least two things to consider on this.

Firstly, many junior members on MESO signed up prior to Stanny going private. Hell I've seen junior members here that joined 10+ years ago, they just don't post much.

Also, Stan has been around for many years. A lot of people order from him that are not MESO members and I'm sure many "junior members" have used him regularly before signing up here.

Just my thoughts on it.
There are at least two things to consider on this.

Firstly, many junior members on MESO signed up prior to Stanny going private. Hell I've seen junior members here that joined 10+ years ago, they just don't post much.

Also, Stan has been around for many years. A lot of people order from him that are not MESO members and I'm sure many "junior members" have used him regularly before signing up here.

Just my thoughts on it.
Doesnt sound like T/A is the best right now anyways
Been with Stan before it was public. Never really get on here. Has ALWAYS been 100. I’ve just never had it take more then a week or had a lack of communication.