How long do you use a product before determining its less or more potent by "feels" ?
Never, because I’m not a superstitious native that was living peacefully in the Orinoco basin until the pale faced man discovered me. HPLC testing is available and affordable. Feels are meaningless to anyone who isn’t feeling them, and even then they can be deceptive. “This stuff feels underdosed” says the guy who’s also recently broken up with his gf, is sleeping worse, changed his diet, and is fighting off a bout of depression. But we don’t get all that context. We get a feelz and bonerz report, void of any additional information. Just my 2¢. If others are out here running gear under tightly controlled conditions then maybe their feelz are useful. But that’s not the majority. It’s not even the plurality.
There’s no reason you guys should be just putting up with PIP or trying to fix it yourself. That sucks. It should be fixed for you if it’s a batch problem.
You’re right of course. Thing is, my order was delayed. I had to contact the email guy. I got a few freebies for that. The cialis I got from Stan didn’t do shit for me so he sent me some Viagra. It works but I’ve had better from PSL if that tells you anything. I think I’m just done with Stanford at this point. The PIP I get from his test e starts about two to three days after and lasts nearly a full week. No lumps or anything but damn….
You’re right of course. Thing is, my order was delayed. I had to contact the email guy. I got a few freebies for that. The cialis I got from Stan didn’t do shit for me so he sent me some Viagra. It works but I’ve had better from PSL if that tells you anything. I think I’m just done with Stanford at this point. The PIP I get from his test e starts about two to three days after and lasts nearly a full week. No lumps or anything but damn….
Damnit man! He still aint got his shit right with his enanthate?!?! I and a bunch of other guys were complaining about his Test E causing pretty bad pip over a year ago. I know he mixed it up with test cyp to be able to sell imwhat he had already brewed but to continue brewing and selling painful gear after you e had many complaints isnt cool.
He hasn’t responded to me either. Been a few days

Would assume none...looks like 2 of us have been burned

I was a customer of Stan for over 3 years and my last order was in January and they took my money and I still haven’t gotten a thing been going back and forth with the email guy at least 10 times and kept saying omg you haven’t gotten your order yet like 3 times until they finally stopped responding been over two weeks since last response so I wouldn’t hold your breath it is some bull shit that they took my money and never gave my product since I was such a loyal customer always big orders and never had this issue but I believe I am burned now and I kept off this because I didn’t believe they would actually burn me but what is a guy to do just giving everyone a heads up completely bogus way to handle a consistent customer

I’ve had one since Jan. Stopped replying to my emails on Feb 17

Stan has reached out and is making it right just to give an update!!!

Was contacted by Stan today...will update once everything is made whole. Stay tuned

That's good news man. I know Stan's T/A has never been good but I have never heard of him burning anyone. So I'm glad he reached out.
Well what happened? It's been over a week. Did anyone get anything or did he finally just walk away and leave people hanging?
Damnit man! He still aint got his shit right with his enanthate?!?! I and a bunch of other guys were complaining about his Test E causing pretty bad pip over a year ago. I know he mixed it up with test cyp to be able to sell imwhat he had already brewed but to continue brewing and selling painful gear after you e had many complaints isnt cool.
IKR… I was using his test e at .5 cc per week on a TRT level. Pain lasts for a solid 7 days. I tried to blast with it and had issues walking three days later!
IKR… I was using his test e at .5 cc per week on a TRT level. Pain lasts for a solid 7 days. I tried to blast with it and had issues walking three days later!
I haven’t ordered from him in a long time, but I had an issue with his test e and primo before...softball size pip
Hey guys I am having PIP too only it’s traveled from inject site to a little painful lump in my bicep. Should I be worried or is this going to pass like the usual pip I’ve had?

I’m a little nervous this time. I’ve never had it travel like that. First thing I think of is blood clot [emoji24]
Hey guys I am having PIP too only it’s traveled from inject site to a little painful lump in my bicep. Should I be worried or is this going to pass like the usual pip I’ve had?

I’m a little nervous this time. I’ve never had it travel like that. First thing I think of is blood clot [emoji24]
I've experienced this twice before in my thigh. The pip did hang around longer than normal those times but it did eventually go away after about 7 or so days and the swelling went away about 10 days later.

One of those times was on Stans Test E
Hey guys I am having PIP too only it’s traveled from inject site to a little painful lump in my bicep. Should I be worried or is this going to pass like the usual pip I’ve had?

I’m a little nervous this time. I’ve never had it travel like that. First thing I think of is blood clot [emoji24]
Where did you pin at?
Hey guys I am having PIP too only it’s traveled from inject site to a little painful lump in my bicep. Should I be worried or is this going to pass like the usual pip I’ve had?

I’m a little nervous this time. I’ve never had it travel like that. First thing I think of is blood clot [emoji24]
Where did you pin?
He said his delt in another thread, travelled to bicep. He made a separate thread somewhere
Never had that happen. Not sure why it travels to his bicep if he shot his dealt. He might of shot upper bicep is my guess.
Hey guys I am having PIP too only it’s traveled from inject site to a little painful lump in my bicep. Should I be worried or is this going to pass like the usual pip I’ve had?

I’m a little nervous this time. I’ve never had it travel like that. First thing I think of is blood clot [emoji24]
This happens to me too. It happens because of two things. You either pin too high or pin too low on your delt. You have tendons on the high side and a nerve cluster on the low side. Also oil volume. I saw somewhere that you should only do 1ml so i did and dont have problems. Before i was pinning 3 ml