Hey guys I am having PIP too only it’s traveled from inject site to a little painful lump in my bicep. Should I be worried or is this going to pass like the usual pip I’ve had?

I’m a little nervous this time. I’ve never had it travel like that. First thing I think of is blood clot [emoji24]

Oil can travel. Especially if used sub q.
Not to worry for the most part. The more you move, the faster it will dissipate.
Got some halo a while back, finally got around to using it and feeling nothing which is surprising. Last time I took a different brand of halo it made me super irritable and pissed off at everything @10mg. It's been 4 days at 20mg and I don't feel anything at all

Got some halo a while back, finally got around to using it and feeling nothing which is surprising. Last time I took a different brand of halo it made me super irritable and pissed off at everything @10mg. It's been 4 days at 20mg and I don't feel anything at all

Hey, this is Stanford. My work device died and it's been so long I can't remember my password here.

As for the halo, I only bought a few grams (10 grams) of it and no longer have any in stock. Get with me and I'll give you a refund. Halo is no longer on the list. That goes for anyone else that thought it wasn't effective. Get with me for a refund. I will no longer carry it in the future. It's too expensive and there's really no profit. I only got it so you guys could get it if you want. Kind of just an added bonus to the list.
I wasn't in too big of rush for my recent order but stan sent me some extra goodies for the delay so I'm happy
Hey, this is Stanford. My work device died and it's been so long I can't remember my password here.

As for the halo, I only bought a few grams (10 grams) of it and no longer have any in stock. Get with me and I'll give you a refund. Halo is no longer on the list. That goes for anyone else that thought it wasn't effective. Get with me for a refund. I will no longer carry it in the future. It's too expensive and there's really no profit. I only got it so you guys could get it if you want. Kind of just an added bonus to the list.
Good to see ya back stanny. Minimum still 300? It’s been a few months since I’ve done business with you. I’ve always gotten my pack plus extra goodies. If I shoot you an email, do you have any recent raws testing you could share?
Good to see ya back stanny. Minimum still 300? It’s been a few months since I’ve done business with you. I’ve always gotten my pack plus extra goodies. If I shoot you an email, do you have any recent raws testing

Good to see ya back stanny. Minimum still 300? It’s been a few months since I’ve done business with you. I’ve always gotten my pack plus extra goodies. If I shoot you an email, do you have any recent raws testing you could share?
Flexible on the minimum and just email for testing. Just do everything via email. Really just popped on here to take care of Evom1. Thank you.
When, in all the years I've been in business, has anyone ever not gotten their pack?
Lol You vanished ! Go back and read your own thread . Guys were complaining a while back. And only when "Known members" complained, you would magically appear to smooth things out. I don't call this a business!
Lol You vanished ! Go back and read your own thread . Guys were complaining a while back. And only when "Known members" complained, you would magically appear to smooth things out. I don't call this a business!
Probably about 1% of packs aren't shipped because of an error. Those people are well taken care of once I'm made aware and look into it. Been brewing and sourcing since the early 2000's. Not one person has ever been burned. Not to mention, 2 of the people that complained about late packs on here turned out they sent wrong addresses. Had to change up opsec because of it and was still nice enough to reship their packs. Anytime I make an error I own it and do my best to make them very happy. Your claiming I've burned people.

Well, any one here ever been burned by me?

Fact is I have asked people not to post positive reviews on here. Only if I've messed up. That's why you only see negative reviews. You couldn't even guess how many packs I ship a week. And as unfortunate any mistake I make is they are rare in comparison to how many good orders I ship.

So nows the chance for known members and none known members to speak up if I burned them.

With all do respect, I do the best I can to make everyone happy. Not just known members.
Probably about 1% of packs aren't shipped because of an error. Those people are well taken care of once I'm made aware and look into it. Been brewing and sourcing since the early 2000's. Not one person has ever been burned. Not to mention, 2 of the people that complained about late packs on here turned out they sent wrong addresses. Had to change up opsec because of it and was still nice enough to reship their packs. Anytime I make an error I own it and do my best to make them very happy. Your claiming I've burned people.

Well, any one here ever been burned by me?

Fact is I have asked people not to post positive reviews on here. Only if I've messed up. That's why you only see negative reviews. You couldn't even guess how many packs I ship a week. And as unfortunate any mistake I make is they are rare in comparison to how many good orders I ship.

So nows the chance for known members and none known members to speak up if I burned them.

With all do respect, I do the best I can to make everyone happy. Not just known members.
Save it Xkawn you had your run here. Unfortunately your fan club that escorted you in have all left.
Probably about 1% of packs aren't shipped because of an error. Those people are well taken care of once I'm made aware and look into it. Been brewing and sourcing since the early 2000's. Not one person has ever been burned. Not to mention, 2 of the people that complained about late packs on here turned out they sent wrong addresses. Had to change up opsec because of it and was still nice enough to reship their packs. Anytime I make an error I own it and do my best to make them very happy. Your claiming I've burned people.

Well, any one here ever been burned by me?

Fact is I have asked people not to post positive reviews on here. Only if I've messed up. That's why you only see negative reviews. You couldn't even guess how many packs I ship a week. And as unfortunate any mistake I make is they are rare in comparison to how many good orders I ship.

So nows the chance for known members and none known members to speak up if I burned them.

With all do respect, I do the best I can to make everyone happy. Not just known members.
Never one issue with Stanny! I am high maintenance too!