Um, private source. I'll post up results publicly when I go public. Funny, because last time I did that as a private source I got bashed for that. And I don't follow other labs here. I'm more of a leader. Hence the reason new labs state in their intro they wanna be like me. What was your old handle?
I see you resort back to playing both sides of the fence. Complete bitch move! So you're private again???


This is exactly how you would skirt around testing. Saying you were private yet public too. You're no leader Convict, your a drug dealer that doesn't provide transparency. As for other labs talking about you yes that is true. But they weren't praising you, they were complaining as to why you got the golden pass and didn't provide testing or lab pics. Keep tooting your own horn Xkawn it's laughable.
I've been private for quite a while. This is an old thread someone bumped. I went private again because I got too big too fast. You just make false accusations that are easily debunked. I tested all my product again (like always) just a few weeks ago. Once again, I test every thing. I'll show you one so I can show you once again you're the fool. You can see the date I tested. My private customers can email for all the other testing, but you're not a customer, never have been and never will be so you don't need it. What was your old handle again?
If you are still private, why do you keep posting here?
Also what is your carrier oil?
If you are still private, why do you keep posting here?
Also what is your carrier oil?
Grape seed oil and originally to get with someone that posted on this thread with an issue so I could take care of him. I don't know people's emails and stuff so I had to ask him to email me. I kept posting because this guy is accusing me of burning people and I just wanted to clear my good name. As hard as I try not to go back and forth it's not easy to sit by when people are falsely accusing you of wrong doing.
Now we are posting anonymous test lol Good lord! And I'm talking about transparency Xkawn, something you've never been.
What the heck you mean "anonymous tests"? You have to be working for another source or you are batshit crazy with this stuff. That is testing that would be outed in a second by Jano if it wasn't for real. It wouldn't matter what I did you'd find something else to complain about because it's not about what I do, it's about who you are and most likely who you work for.
Now we are posting anonymous tests lol Good lord! And I'm talking about transparency Xkawn, something you've never been.
Had to delete that lab result because it had my private email on it as customer. If you think this is fake you can always ask jano to confirm it, but this is proof I'm doing recent tests and that I do test my product. Blurred the email addy.

I'll throw a lab test up in favor of Stan.

125mg per week test cyp. Shot taken Wednesday morning and blood drawn Friday morning.

The mythical 10× conversion :eek:

Until this bloodwork I had almost felt as though the test may have been underdosed but in reality it was just my estrogen being sky high which made me feel as though I was suffering from low T20210729_105022.jpg
I’ve only ordered from @StanfordPharma a few times. My packs always came quick and great results using his oils. One of the times I got some Tren that looked off and Stan replaced it (with extras) immediately.

@GohomeOrLift you clearly have an issue with Stand for whatever reason. This of us who use him are happy with his services regardless of what you rant about here.

there may come a day when Stan fucks up and if/when that happens the market will decide his fate, not someone with an obvious personal vendetta against him.
I'm in the process of finishing up the last of my Stanford gear and I don't plan on engaging in any more superphysiological doses of anabolics ever again when these couple bottles are gone but if I do I would definitely give Stan a shout and see if he's still shipping.
I’ve only ordered from @StanfordPharma a few times. My packs always came quick and great results using his oils. One of the times I got some Tren that looked off and Stan replaced it (with extras) immediately.

@GohomeOrLift you clearly have an issue with Stand for whatever reason. This of us who use him are happy with his services regardless of what you rant about here.

there may come a day when Stan fucks up and if/when that happens the market will decide his fate, not someone with an obvious personal vendetta against him.
He doesn’t have an issue with Stan. Check his post history. He hates every source on Meso. He’s in every thread talking shit to them lol.
Gotchya. Ok so another person to add to the old ignore list lol
I don’t mind him. I just feel like he’s taking the harm reduction part of Meso to the next level. I respect his opinion but he’s maybe going overboard lol. To each his own. My way of harm reduction is testing, I can’t talk shit unless I kno it’s shit.