Among other things
You crack me up. Does it matter that I haven't used drugs in like 30 years. Except, I can count on one hand how many times I've used marijuana since then.

I'm still waiting on those people you say I've burned to post something. Can you get one of them to post on here?
It’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything on hasn’t been the same since Covid fist hit…anyway, have to give credit where it’s due…lost count of how many orders with Stan, never once an error. He’s not my only source, but he is one of my main go to. Ive been fortunate as I’ve never experienced any breach in communication with him..We all know his TA has had some serious issues but I believe no one has been burned. That said, today, large pack landed…fast!! 3 days. Everything accounted and neatly packed. Like I said he ain’t the only candy man, and I don’t ride no source’s dick. Just reporting my experience. Wish everyone all the best. Stay safe and healthy my brothers. Peace.
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Second pack touchdown, turnaround 4 days. 2/2 so far with this source.

nb4 newfag with very little post history, ik. I can only build the post history one order at a time lol dyor
Ordered last week. Pack landed today. Everything accounted for. Haven’t talked to him in about a year. Contacted him last week and put a order in. Starting to think the negative comments are people trying boost other sources. Thanks Stan for quick delivery.
Ordered last week. Pack landed today. Everything accounted for. Haven’t talked to him in about a year. Contacted him last week and put a order in. Starting to think the negative comments are people trying boost other sources. Thanks Stan for quick delivery.

Sweet first post. Even found a way to slip in a conspiracy theory. Good shit! See you after the next order.
Is it a conspiracy theory if it's true? And, if I'm not mistaken, if this is the same lowdose, he's been a member for years.
How would speaking poorly about you on here have any effect on your private business? You’re not taking orders from the public, so if someone makes up a story about you it’s read almost exclusively by people who don’t have your secret email. The people who know you use you. The people who don’t, well, they’re not you customers.

Disclosure: I’ve used you before, was pleased with everything, and would continue to use you if that were an option available. I’m not some disgruntled jerk who’s starting trouble, I just think the conspiracy bullshit has a limit and we’ve been hitting that redline here at Meso for about two months.
How would speaking poorly about you on here have any effect on your private business? You’re not taking orders from the public, so if someone makes up a story about you it’s read almost exclusively by people who don’t have your secret email. The people who know you use you. The people who don’t, well, they’re not you customers.

Disclosure: I’ve used you before, was pleased with everything, and would continue to use you if that were an option available. I’m not some disgruntled jerk who’s starting trouble, I just think the conspiracy bullshit has a limit and we’ve been hitting that redline here at Meso for about two months.
On the flip side, why would members lie about me and why aren't they called out when they do? I have members calling me a junkie, saying I don't test my products, someone said (a member that's been here a year) that I've been in the hospital on my death bed 3 times and some how made a miraculous recovery since he's been here. I haven't been to the hospital once in the last year. On and on. Maybe these lies affect my business, maybe they don't. I see people bash me for nothing and then defend sources for their mistakes. I can't prove there's anything malicious, but one can wonder.

You dont believe there are people out there trying to bring down other sources and pump up their source for personal benefit? I have a lot of customers. Put out enough bull about me and pump up other sources and maybe my customers wanna check out what's out there.

But all that being said, I'm only human. I dont like people saying untrue things about me and I try not to get involved, but sometimes I fail. I think most people dont realise how hard I've worked and how hard I've tried to make SP what it is and to see people that have never even ordered from me try and taint that.

None of this is directed towards you. Your question is a fair one. Just my opinion in general.
Still alive. I haven't gotten any better, but I'm trying. I don't wanna give an open up date because i did that last time and i failed to meet that time frame miserably. I'm doing my best and making progress, but still at least a few weeks away from opening.
This post was from October 31, self proclaim yourself still alive. This has been within the last year. No vested interest in you. Never ordered from you, never will. Didn't understand at the time why people were vetting Trip so hard and used you as the example of the free pass you received in the vetting process. I get why we vet people now. If my post hurt your feelings, to fucking bad.
This post was from October 31, self proclaim yourself still alive. This has been within the last year. No vested interest in you. Never ordered from you, never will. Didn't understand at the time why people were vetting Trip so hard and used you as the example of the free pass you received in the vetting process. I get why we vet people now. If my post hurt your feelings, to fucking bad.
Didn't hurt my feeling at all. Just pointing out the garbage that's out there about me. And your post says Sept 2021. Last time I went to the hospital was may or June 2020 for covid. Yes, I do proclaim myself still alive. You make it out like I'm lying, but my accident happened in 2015 and is well documented. Long before I ever went to the hospital and left a few customers waiting on their orders. Customers that I totally took care of when I was back on my feet. And if theirs no vested interest then why the dishonesty.? If there's no vested interest then why can't you admit you're wrong? As a source dont i/shouldn't I have the right to point out when a member is putting out wrongful information about me?
Is it a conspiracy theory if it's true? And, if I'm not mistaken, if this is the same lowdose, he's been a member for years.

Because it isn't true. The person giving you shit most recently isn't trying to steal away the five guys that waste their time posting about TDs from a private source. i can assure you of that.

As for the noob post, you may be correct. The avatar looks familiar, but again, you're private. Who is a TD post, a feelz report or anything else supposed to help?

Unless that's the plan? Get the noobs to take interest then bring 'em aboard through PM. Aren't conspiracy theories fun?
Because it isn't true. The person giving you shit most recently isn't trying to steal away the five guys that waste their time posting about TDs from a private source. i can assure you of that.

As for the noob post, you may be correct. The avatar looks familiar, but again, you're private. Who is a TD post, a feelz report or anything else supposed to help?

Unless that's the plan? Get the noobs to take interest then bring 'em aboard through PM. Aren't conspiracy theories fun?
How do you know it isn't true? There are multiple people posting things about me that are just flat out not true? Once again, why would people lie about a source? Another prime example is a few posts above you. Is out there saying I'm an awful source and naming examples about me that aren't true. Can you not at least understand why I would be a little suspicious? I could understand why someone would bash me for the things I am guilty of, but for someone who has been sourcing as long as I have and as big as I've gotten there's bound to be some mistakes. Bash me for those, but in my defense I've handled those better than most sources would have. One of the last sources that were supposed to be superior to me (symbiotics) didn't seem to handled his issues very well. Those much better sources from tgi to symbiotics and every thing in between. I think I've earned a little more respect than a fly by night bathtub brewer. Never having burned anybody, never any floaters, no infections, not opsec issues, never been hacked, never a bad test, every complaint I took care of very well, etc, etc. Seriously, what more could I do?
@Stanfordpharma1 You were more contrite as @StanfordPharma

So you are no longer allowing people to sully your name(s). Are you intending to post labs and go public?
I'm not sure what you mean in your first sentence.

Like I said earlier, I try not to get sucked in, but from time to time I guess I'm weak. To be honest I sometimes think about going public and if I do I would definitely post labs. I have labs as recent as a month ago (aprx) and am sending another group of labs out tomorrow. I do labs just as much as anybody. Everything gets tested. I posted labs as a private source before and got beaten up over it. Now there are people saying I dont test because I dont publicly post labs. My customers can get labs any time they want. Everything is tested, including the hgh.
But all that being said, I'm only human. I dont like people saying untrue things about me and I try not to get involved, but sometimes I fail. I think most people dont realise how hard I've worked and how hard I've tried to make SP what it is and to see people that have never even ordered from me try and taint that.
I get that. If it’s me I respond with an eye roll and move on. If someone actually has an issue with a pack then you get more lengthy when explaining what happened and how it was handled. That’s useful information. But the guys who are just starting shit to start it? I don’t see the need to engage with them beyond a cursory “whatever dude” and then move on. But it’s your name being talked about so obviously you handle it how you want to. Glad to hear you’ve had a healthier year than the last few preceding it. You never want to hear about someone going through health troubles, even if they’re a stranger.
I get that. If it’s me I respond with an eye roll and move on. If someone actually has an issue with a pack then you get more lengthy when explaining what happened and how it was handled. That’s useful information. But the guys who are just starting shit to start it? I don’t see the need to engage with them beyond a cursory “whatever dude” and then move on. But it’s your name being talked about so obviously you handle it how you want to. Glad to hear you’ve had a healthier year than the last few preceding it. You never want to hear about someone going through health troubles, even if they’re a stranger.
You're right. I totally agree with everything you said.
How do you know it isn't true? There are multiple people posting things about me that are just flat out not true? Once again, why would people lie about a source? Another prime example is a few posts above you. Is out there saying I'm an awful source and naming examples about me that aren't true. Can you not at least understand why I would be a little suspicious? I could understand why someone would bash me for the things I am guilty of, but for someone who has been sourcing as long as I have and as big as I've gotten there's bound to be some mistakes. Bash me for those, but in my defense I've handled those better than most sources would have. One of the last sources that were supposed to be superior to me (symbiotics) didn't seem to handled his issues very well. Those much better sources from tgi to symbiotics and every thing in between. I think I've earned a little more respect than a fly by night bathtub brewer. Never having burned anybody, never any floaters, no infections, not opsec issues, never been hacked, never a bad test, every complaint I took care of very well, etc, etc. Seriously, what more could I do?

Believe me, i wouldn't have said i can assure you if there was any doubt. The other guy sounds like an unhappy customer. Kind of hard to make a complaint list including PIP if you never used the gear, but who knows? The cesspool UG forum attracts all types of weirdos and jackasses.
I bought from Stan a handful of times in the past. no issues. he even sent me 2 vials on spec when I had an issue with another source. I don't use him now but would again if needed to.