When doing Sub Q I have done Test only. I have been researching other AAS with SubQ injections but have not plunged into that adventure yet. I pin every day with Test at micro doses. The most Personaly have injected SubQ is 1/2ml.
When injecting SubQ, I am using a slin pin 30gauge, 1/2". and I to get those lumps that take about a 1 to 2 weeks to disolve:
- I always warm oil
- let oil set in syring for anout 5 min to help elimanat air bubles
- while i am waiting 5 minutes, the syringe sits on a heating pad
every now and then A lump does not form. I am still trying to figure out why sometimes lumps do not form. I just startes a log of what I am doing.
As for SubQ injection sites:
- Front of stomach
- sides of stomach
- fatty part of my 6 O'clock (this is probably a shallow IM)
- I used to do the fatty area of my sides below my armpit, since my Bodyfat has decreased I do not have enough fat in this location anymore