Just for everyone’s knowledge.
@Stanfordpharma1 oils,
Test Prop: 10mg ED
Trest Ace: 15mg ED
Mast Prop: 70mg ED
Total weekly dosing:
~70mg Test Prop
~105mg Trest
~490 Mast Prop
Had to adjust dosing in the beginning because of estro spikes, 200mg test prop was too much but everything has evened out.
Blood pressure Better than any Tren cycle I have done. Averaging with Carditone 2x daily: 107/64 on the forearm.
Do have to take .5 Arimidex daily, lol.
6’4 and have gained 10lbs Lean mass in about a month. Sitting around 245lbs-250lbs ~10% bf, crazy vascularity and hunger.
Have not used his cialis yet.
By far best cycle I’ve experienced and I will never resort to Tren again.
I know this is user dependent though.
Amazing quality if you’re okay with being patient about shipping.