Sorry. Have been unavailable for a few days. Packs started shipping and all packs will hopefully be shipped by Wednesday. I will however be closed until further notice. I'll explain why shortly.
That would mean I’ll have my pack within 7-10 days after sending payment.
Im okay with that :)
Alright guys, looking for some feedback here.

I received my order from Stan 4 weeks ago. Things have been going GREAT! Running 1K Test E and 500 NPP. I've ran similar doses of Test E and am new to NPP (Typically have done Deca all previous cycles).

Starting 12 days ago I started to feel sick (fevers, chills, hot flashes, achy). I'll pin and start to feel it coming on a few hours later then after a day or two it begins to subside, then picks up again after I pin again. I haven't experienced this with any other cycles. Is this Test Flu? Could this be from newly introducing NPP to my system? I've heard things like it will go away after a couple weeks, try baking the gear, reducing dose, etc. My plan is to pause NPP just for this week to see if things get better so I can narrow down the culprit. I would hate to throw out all the NPP and swap out for Deca.

I'm getting lab work done this week.

Any advice or tips appreciated.

**My intentions are not to question Stan's quality here; just looking for others who have experienced this. I posted this here b/c it's Stan's product and everyone here seems to trust Stan's quality so figured that would rule out people bashing/blaming his product.**
Ok I ran a cycle on Stans gear 500 test/300 primo. Had same symptoms but it was covid I caught. Ran it again second cycle because I had extra because Stan hooked me up with extras. Second time on same batch/order....I had no flu symptoms. So mine was covid the first time.I ran test cyp though....Test e fucks some people up. Sure you didn't hit a vein?
Alright guys, looking for some feedback here.

I received my order from Stan 4 weeks ago. Things have been going GREAT! Running 1K Test E and 500 NPP. I've ran similar doses of Test E and am new to NPP (Typically have done Deca all previous cycles).

Starting 12 days ago I started to feel sick (fevers, chills, hot flashes, achy). I'll pin and start to feel it coming on a few hours later then after a day or two it begins to subside, then picks up again after I pin again. I haven't experienced this with any other cycles. Is this Test Flu? Could this be from newly introducing NPP to my system? I've heard things like it will go away after a couple weeks, try baking the gear, reducing dose, etc. My plan is to pause NPP just for this week to see if things get better so I can narrow down the culprit. I would hate to throw out all the NPP and swap out for Deca.

I'm getting lab work done this week.

Any advice or tips appreciated.

**My intentions are not to question Stan's quality here; just looking for others who have experienced this. I posted this here b/c it's Stan's product and everyone here seems to trust Stan's quality so figured that would rule out people bashing/blaming his product.**
I’m on my 8th week running Stans NPP, no issues like that at all. Also currently running Stan’s Test E and Primo
Had to lower Primo because it had my E2 low but other than that no issues

I would look to blood work. AI?
Some of those are known nandrolone sides, is the current dose consistent with how you have run Test/Deca 1000/500 in the past?
Alright guys, looking for some feedback here.

I received my order from Stan 4 weeks ago. Things have been going GREAT! Running 1K Test E and 500 NPP. I've ran similar doses of Test E and am new to NPP (Typically have done Deca all previous cycles).

Starting 12 days ago I started to feel sick (fevers, chills, hot flashes, achy). I'll pin and start to feel it coming on a few hours later then after a day or two it begins to subside, then picks up again after I pin again. I haven't experienced this with any other cycles. Is this Test Flu? Could this be from newly introducing NPP to my system? I've heard things like it will go away after a couple weeks, try baking the gear, reducing dose, etc. My plan is to pause NPP just for this week to see if things get better so I can narrow down the culprit. I would hate to throw out all the NPP and swap out for Deca.

I'm getting lab work done this week.

Any advice or tips appreciated.

**My intentions are not to question Stan's quality here; just looking for others who have experienced this. I posted this here b/c it's Stan's product and everyone here seems to trust Stan's quality so figured that would rule out people bashing/blaming his product.**
I wouldn’t think it’s NPP related. Bloodwork results will be interesting. What’s your pinning schedule like? Personally even at 750 test/wk I start to not feel great after a few weeks.
You shouldn't put all your eggs in one source basket, and find another... Then bounce back and forth between them with your orders so you can show support, but not rely on any particular source.
You shouldn't put all your eggs in one source basket, and find another... Then bounce back and forth between them with your orders so you can show support, but not rely on any particular source.
Of course I’m just new here. Technically have one other source just haven’t pinned any from them yet as I have more faith in Stan. I also have a trt script so I’m chill to cruise no matter what happens. But you’re right
So I am fairly new to this forum haven't done a ton of posting but I did about a good 6 months of research and order about 4 months ago and I wanted to leave an honest newb review. First off I want to say Stan gets Hella praise from a lot vets on here and it's well deserved (I'll explain in a sec) thats why I went with him. Normally a vendor eats a lot of shit from guys posting on these forum, and Stan was defended like they were all his personal knights, now could've been a push by them but I had a feeling it wasn't. I ordered over his stated preferred method, the initial correspondence was quickly timely and helpful (I got a bit upsold and recommended one thing for my stack I prolly wouldn't do again but help nonethless) Payment was easy and fast. I waited the obligatory 7days for what I assumed would be q Dom shipment. Then emailed Stan (which I later found out was an assistant) and emailed again and again and started to get really worried. I brought my concerns on here and had a reply from him in less than 4 hours, got back to me 24 hrs with an explanation for the delay and pack showed up when he said it would after that. Took a bit longer than I initially hoped it would but it showed up properly packaged and with zero error (bonus points for using biodegradable packaging, mother earth says thank you stan) I waited a while before I started my stack cause I had some healing and supplement prep I needed to do first. Now I'm about 4 weeks in and fuck me if this shit has not changed my life. I'm 40ish on a 350/week test e with deca and eq at 175 each cycle and I feel better I recover faster and I fuck like I'm back in my 20s. Stan does quality work I'm happy i went with him as my source. Thank you Stan and keep up the amazing work. Btw I tested free test from Everly at 85 (toward the lower end of in range for my age and body type) I haven't gotten tested since beginning my stack and was planning on it but not sure if I need to cause I can see and feel the effects. Thank you again Stan. Much Love.
So I am fairly new to this forum haven't done a ton of posting but I did about a good 6 months of research and order about 4 months ago and I wanted to leave an honest newb review. First off I want to say Stan gets Hella praise from a lot vets on here and it's well deserved (I'll explain in a sec) thats why I went with him. Normally a vendor eats a lot of shit from guys posting on these forum, and Stan was defended like they were all his personal knights, now could've been a push by them but I had a feeling it wasn't. I ordered over his stated preferred method, the initial correspondence was quickly timely and helpful (I got a bit upsold and recommended one thing for my stack I prolly wouldn't do again but help nonethless) Payment was easy and fast. I waited the obligatory 7days for what I assumed would be q Dom shipment. Then emailed Stan (which I later found out was an assistant) and emailed again and again and started to get really worried. I brought my concerns on here and had a reply from him in less than 4 hours, got back to me 24 hrs with an explanation for the delay and pack showed up when he said it would after that. Took a bit longer than I initially hoped it would but it showed up properly packaged and with zero error (bonus points for using biodegradable packaging, mother earth says thank you stan) I waited a while before I started my stack cause I had some healing and supplement prep I needed to do first. Now I'm about 4 weeks in and fuck me if this shit has not changed my life. I'm 40ish on a 350/week test e with deca and eq at 175 each cycle and I feel better I recover faster and I fuck like I'm back in my 20s. Stan does quality work I'm happy i went with him as my source. Thank you Stan and keep up the amazing work. Btw I tested free test from Everly at 85 (toward the lower end of in range for my age and body type) I haven't gotten tested since beginning my stack and was planning on it but not sure if I need to cause I can see and feel the effects. Thank you again Stan. Much Love.

Can't go wrong with Test/Deca/EQ.
I am really bummed to hear that after placing my first order. i hope all is well brother! I sent you an email just to verify that my order went off without a hitch. If you get a chance I would really appreciate a thumbs up. Can't wait till touch down and thank you! email in*****123@
Don’t post your email here.
Just for everyone’s knowledge.
Running @Stanfordpharma1 oils,
Test Prop: 10mg ED
Trest Ace: 15mg ED
Mast Prop: 70mg ED

Total weekly dosing:
~70mg Test Prop
~105mg Trest
~490 Mast Prop

Had to adjust dosing in the beginning because of estro spikes, 200mg test prop was too much but everything has evened out.
Blood pressure Better than any Tren cycle I have done. Averaging with Carditone 2x daily: 107/64 on the forearm.
Do have to take .5 Arimidex daily, lol.

6’4 and have gained 10lbs Lean mass in about a month. Sitting around 245lbs-250lbs ~10% bf, crazy vascularity and hunger.

Have not used his cialis yet.
By far best cycle I’ve experienced and I will never resort to Tren again.
I know this is user dependent though.

Amazing quality if you’re okay with being patient about shipping.
Just for everyone’s knowledge.
Running @Stanfordpharma1 oils,
Test Prop: 10mg ED
Trest Ace: 15mg ED
Mast Prop: 70mg ED

Total weekly dosing:
~70mg Test Prop
~105mg Trest
~490 Mast Prop

Had to adjust dosing in the beginning because of estro spikes, 200mg test prop was too much but everything has evened out.
Blood pressure Better than any Tren cycle I have done. Averaging with Carditone 2x daily: 107/64 on the forearm.
Do have to take .5 Arimidex daily, lol.

6’4 and have gained 10lbs Lean mass in about a month. Sitting around 245lbs-250lbs ~10% bf, crazy vascularity and hunger.

Have not used his cialis yet.
By far best cycle I’ve experienced and I will never resort to Tren again.
I know this is user dependent though.

Amazing quality if you’re okay with being patient about shipping.
Do you notice much difference with your blood pressure taking 2 Carditone vs 1 per day?
Just for everyone’s knowledge.
Running @Stanfordpharma1 oils,
Test Prop: 10mg ED
Trest Ace: 15mg ED
Mast Prop: 70mg ED

Total weekly dosing:
~70mg Test Prop
~105mg Trest
~490 Mast Prop

Had to adjust dosing in the beginning because of estro spikes, 200mg test prop was too much but everything has evened out.
Blood pressure Better than any Tren cycle I have done. Averaging with Carditone 2x daily: 107/64 on the forearm.
Do have to take .5 Arimidex daily, lol.

6’4 and have gained 10lbs Lean mass in about a month. Sitting around 245lbs-250lbs ~10% bf, crazy vascularity and hunger.

Have not used his cialis yet.
By far best cycle I’ve experienced and I will never resort to Tren again.
I know this is user dependent though.

Amazing quality if you’re okay with being patient about shipping.
It's physically impossible to gain 10 lb of lean muscle in a month
Jump to conclusions without even reading.
Interpret information before you respond with half ass comments.
Lean mass for me includes whatever is not fat. Whether it’s 2lbs of muscle and 8lb water my physique looks immensely different with little to no fat gain. Six pack fully visible , veins in abs , legs , traps etc..
I’m 6’4 with a 6’7 wingspan , if you think a little water negatively affects anything then you must be a wee little man.
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Do you notice much difference with your blood pressure taking 2 Carditone vs 1 per day?
I personally did, one cap AM would keep me in a decent range until nighttime so now it’s one upon waking and one before bed.
Works wonders for me, user dependent though and it can make you go too low.
Have to monitor it a decent amount in the beginning until you find a solid range .
Some take half Am , half pm .
I hear you on this. Test makes me super horny, I get nice gains at only 200mg a week and gyno comes along pretty fast on 200. I have got nothing at 200 with Stans and bumped to 400 and still nothing. No weight gain no gyno not even been in the mood to have sex for the last 3 months when I am a horny mofo on test. I guess I got a bad batch that came in. I have not tried his dick pills but I have others and 50mg of Viagra does the job good. 100 and Im congested a get a big headache. But I got called out with not posting bloods or getting it tested. But the thing is men take test to have a better sex life and feel better. But some ass licks on this place say feelz dont do nothing. Well then why the fuck are they taking it ? Why do they prescribe test to men ? To feel better correct ? But watch what you say some dicks on here just back this supplier with all their might.
I have recent blood work on stans test at 200 a week.My trt Dr needed me to submit labs and I didn't want them to lower my dose so I drew bloods 5 days after my last shot when I'm suposed to do it every 3.5 days. I was using @Stanfordpharma1 test because I used up my pharma vial 7 weeks earlier. Lol.My test came back close to 1000. Usually his test puts me around 1300 but I was past due two extra days for my shot.All labs I've done on stans comes back good same as my pharma stuff.


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I have recent blood work on stans test at 200 a week.My trt Dr needed me to submit labs and I didn't want them to lower my dose so I drew bloods 5 days after my last shot when I'm suposed to do it every 3.5 days. I was using @Stanfordpharma1 test because I used up my pharma vial 7 weeks earlier. Lol.My test came back close to 1000. Usually his test puts me around 1300 but I was past due two extra days for my shot.All labs I've done on stans comes back good same as my pharma stuff.
I have recent blood work on stans test at 200 a week.My trt Dr needed me to submit labs and I didn't want them to lower my dose so I drew bloods 5 days after my last shot when I'm suposed to do it every 3.5 days. I was using @Stanfordpharma1 test because I used up my pharma vial 7 weeks earlier. Lol.My test came back close to 1000. Usually his test puts me around 1300 but I was past due two extra days for my shot.All labs I've done on stans comes back good same as my pharma stuff.
Im just chalking it up as I didn't respond good to it. It could have been the Primo I was taking with it at 100mg a week to combat high e2 levels. As I respond to low doses good. So first time with Primo, it could have lowered my e2 levels way below normal. Plus I don't know what oil he uses but I had sever pip every shot that lasted sometimes to a week long and red area with light fever in that spot. But I don't have labs to back anything. My last labs was done about 5 months ago for my TRT Dr. I was using 200 mg of Alpha a week, I knew my labs was coming up so I stopped 6 weeks out to get them. I was 680 after taking nothing, no PCT nothing on 200mg. My Dr gives me 100mg a week which usually runs in the 700 to 750 area. Im just posted my experience. I'm not trying to discourage anyone from not using his products. Just posting my experience with this source. Just wasn't for me. I hear alot of good reviews, but not everyone is the same. Maybe my body or the primo I dont know but he does deliver.
This is my first post in this forum I believe but I’ve been lurking a about half a year. I’ve been using Stan’s Test C for around 8 weeks now and just got a mid cycle set of bloods done. Everything is looking great but just wanted to say that I’m sitting at. 4,400 for my total test on 500mg a week pinning E3.5d (and I had missed my pin before my blood work). This is my first cycle so I’m not sure what my total test would be at with other gear but from the people I’ve spoken to these are very good numbers so I just wanted to make it known that Stan’s stuff definitely is quality. T/A is obviously rough but I’ve ordered from him thrice now and he’s always been communicative to me and I haven’t had any issues. Waiting for my next pack to come in.