This is my first post in this forum I believe but I’ve been lurking a about half a year. I’ve been using Stan’s Test C for around 8 weeks now and just got a mid cycle set of bloods done. Everything is looking great but just wanted to say that I’m sitting at. 4,400 for my total test on 500mg a week pinning E3.5d (and I had missed my pin before my blood work). This is my first cycle so I’m not sure what my total test would be at with other gear but from the people I’ve spoken to these are very good numbers so I just wanted to make it known that Stan’s stuff definitely is quality. T/A is obviously rough but I’ve ordered from him thrice now and he’s always been communicative to me and I haven’t had any issues. Waiting for my next pack to come in.
My test was 2k on 350mg, however that’s not Stan’s fault I’m just a loser low responder. Takes 160mg pharma test just to put my test at 1100.
Hey Stan, placed an order three weeks from today. Did you ship two Friday's ago like you said, Stan? Please respond before I hit "post reply", Stan.
the inevitable disciples… they r always lurking around.. waiting.. waiting just for the right moment when someone arises a question concerning the Great Stan, AND THEN THEY ATTACK!!!
im starting believe Stan went off into the sunset to Mexico… with all of our money lol. jk
Yeah, he’s not busy fulfilling orders, packing and shipping. Since he isn’t trolling the thread every 5 mins he must be in Mexico

You should ask about it again in 5 minutes
Yeah, he’s not busy fulfilling orders, packing and shipping. Since he isn’t trolling the thread every 5 mins he must be in Mexico

You should ask about it again in 5 minutes
the inevitable disciples… they r always lurking around.. waiting.. waiting just for the right moment when someone arises a question concerning the Great Stan, AND THEN THEY ATTACK!!! OMG!!! LOOK!! THEY ARE COORDINATING AN ATTACK TOGETHER!!! FASCINATING!!! EXTRAORDINARY!!!
the inevitable disciples… they r always lurking around.. waiting.. waiting just for the right moment when someone arises a question concerning the Great Stan, AND THEN THEY ATTACK!!! OMG!!! LOOK!! THEY ARE COORDINATING AN ATTACK TOGETHER!!! FASCINATING!!! EXTRAORDINARY!!!
Says the where’s my order lurker
We all get notified every time your whiny ass posts lol
Your big contribution to this forum is 33 whiny where’s my order posts and few other I love you Stan hope your feeling better posts lol
Choke on a fat set of hairy nuts
I’d bet a large percentage of meso uses stan, but this thread make it seem like his customer base is drooling on themselves and borderline retarded.

Always the loud minority that has issues.
All I know is my order better have have been shipped by today. If I don’t see nothing in my informed delivery tomorrow morning I will never use this source again. I need my stuff in hand tomorrow bcuz I like to wait until I’m down to 2 cc before I order through any body.

Joking of course
the inevitable disciples… they r always lurking around.. waiting.. waiting just for the right moment when someone arises a question concerning the Great Stan, AND THEN THEY ATTACK!!!
I feel so bad for Stan that he has to deal with fuckwits like this…

You’re not a victim bro. You ask the same thing every other day and then start whining when people call you out.. If you actually read through the whole thread you would know that you’re not going to get your pack for at least a couple of weeks. Do I agree with the TA? No. However it is what it is.

If you want only Stan to respond, kindly take your question to PM or email. If you’re in a rush to get your pack, you went with the wrong source.. None of us are “Stan’s deciples”. Use your brain.