I ordered a new machine. A very nice machine. A real game changer for me. Problem is there will need to be setting up and quite a learning curve. Hoping only a few weeks. I really have no idea as this machine is entirely different. So, actually good news.
with your new machine, will the orals still be in capsule form or will they be pressed tabs ?
Ordered on April 13th and still hasn’t arrived. Almost two months, this is ridiculous. No response on proton. Anyone else having similar problems?
how dare u question t/a! u should be grateful your even getting a marvelous product. u should be banned. U knew what u were getting with expected t/a. cmon everyone hang him!!! Where are all of my dick riders! we stand as one! Stan’s disciples forever!!!
how dare u question t/a! u should be grateful your even getting a marvelous product. u should be banned. U knew what u were getting with expected t/a. cmon everyone hang him!!! Where are all of my dick riders! we stand as one! Stan’s disciples forever!!!

Right around April was when Stan was telling people he was getting overwhelmed and he was opening and closing back and fourth. At least the guy is honest about his TA times...some other sources wouldn't even care. Stan makes it right usually. Let's see what happens. When I put in my last order, I had it in mind that it wouldn't be a one or two week thing. I timed it for a one or two month thing. Stan is closed right now anyway.
To be serious. That is a long time. If it was a month that's one thing. It's the guys first post so I think that's weird
Maybe Milo made another account so he could just reply to himself so he had an ally.

In all seriousness though if that's true he needs to keep being vocal so Stan can get it taken care of.
To be serious. That is a long time. If it was a month that's one thing. It's the guys first post so I think that's weird
1st post in this situation isn't really a red flag. Alot of people lurk and use the board for a source only or its an alt handle because he doesn't want to tie his real one.

If he was just bashing the source I can see it as an issue but this would be easy for the source to disprove so odds are it's legit.
1st post in this situation isn't really a red flag. Alot of people lurk and use the board for a source only or its an alt handle because he doesn't want to tie his real one.
If he was just bashing the source I can see it as an issue but this would be easy for the source to disprove so odds are it's legit.
I’ve never had any issues with getting response via email. Not saying it’s not true but it doesn’t make sense that he hasn’t gotten any type of feedback in over 2 months. The longest I’ve waited for a response is a day in a half. I’m