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Quick update on the tren ace... 3 pins in and have tasted that shit in my mouth after every pin. Too early to comment on efficacy though.
Cough I know doesn't indicate anything, but the taste in your mouth after pinning seems to be a general indicator it's not bunk. This is my first dance with tren though, so I'm just going off what I've read in the past. Running tren ace 50mg/ed with test prop 50mg/ed.
I honestly love pinning, so that's why I chose an ed dose over eod, plus blood level stability is appealing to me as well.
Cough I know doesn't indicate anything, but the taste in your mouth after pinning seems to be a general indicator it's not bunk. This is my first dance with tren though, so I'm just going off what I've read in the past. Running tren ace 50mg/ed with test prop 50mg/ed.

Depending on how he brews you are more than likely tasting , Guaiacol.
Cough I know doesn't indicate anything, but the taste in your mouth after pinning seems to be a general indicator it's not bunk. This is my first dance with tren though, so I'm just going off what I've read in the past. Running tren ace 50mg/ed with test prop 50mg/ed.

THanks for the update, keep us posted!
I really wanna dance with the tren devil. Not sure if thats the wisest choice for my second cycle. The sides seems a bit unappealing But shit its either that or NPP.
I really wanna dance with the tren devil. Not sure if thats the wisest choice for my second cycle. The sides seems a bit unappealing But shit its either that or NPP.
Don't use deca/NPP.

In my opinion ppl shouldn't use it, it's fucked up. The metabolities hanging in your body for so long can mess with your libido soooooo longggg! Some ppl have no problem but some other... Well... They are still crying.

Prefer tren ace. You try it, if it's to harsh for you, well stop it and that's it.
Npp just clear the body earlier so you wait less to do pct but it's the same compound can stay in your body for a fucking long time because the metabolities get attached to your fat cells and get released very slowly, that's why some ppl feel
Suppressed after many months of not using deca.

Srsly, it can work awesome for you or maybe not... I'm just one that wouldn't like to gamble on it. Having an active sex life is in my opinion much better then a great body ahaha :)
Understood. And I totally agree. My wife would kill me if I couldnt fuck even for a week or 2. Lol......I just liked what I read about it being one of the best mass builders available. Im only going into week 4 of my first cycle. So I still have months of planning and reading ahead of me. Thanks for ur input bro.

I don't think so anymore. I don't have a labmax to test my gear and I don't plan on getting mid cycle bloods... And I think I need one or both of those in my log to get that $100 credit. If I'm going to log it just to log it, I really don't have the time between work and training/eating to do that.
I will, however, still give updates... Just not going to log this on a daily basis.
Understood. And I totally agree. My wife would kill me if I couldnt fuck even for a week or 2. Lol......I just liked what I read about it being one of the best mass builders available. Im only going into week 4 of my first cycle. So I still have months of planning and reading ahead of me. Thanks for ur input bro.
No problem bro.

Take it easy, it's a marathon not a sprint. For few cycles you can use easily only test and maybe an oral. Will work perfectly.
Yeah I agree on the marathon ! If you jump in head first you will limit your options later down the road. By slowly incorporating compounds you will see how they work for you and also be just as excited cycle after cycle. Some cycles you may just add a new compound and the next two may be the same cycle but upped doses. And then incorporate a different compound etc, etc.

If you just jump in and do all the best compounds together early on then you will only look forward to uping the doses.