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I really wanna dance with the tren devil. Not sure if thats the wisest choice for my second cycle. The sides seems a bit unappealing But shit its either that or NPP.
Wow that's fast! Haha. You really are jumping in head first my brother. My suggestion is for you to try a stronger oral for your second cycle, like dbol. Maybe up your test dosage to see how that works, and incorporate some dbol and an AI for the elevated estrogen. That would be my suggestion. Save the tren for when you have tried most everything else. If you are interested in another injectable then consider EQ. You would need to run it for a longer cycle but the benefits are good and the sides are minimal. I think EQ is a good choice for a second cycle.
I can attest to the fact that my first cycle was low dose of test

2nd cycle was test 500 mg and equipoise 400 mg. the eq made me grow like a weed. I just ate and ate and ate. But my sex drive was annoying as fuck. I couldn't get pussy out of my mind. I would suggest trying test/eq with dbol on the front 5 weeks. This way you can jump on tren for cycle 3 and get great results. The test/eq cycle is said to be mild but I gotta say I had some major fucking rage inside. The point of that is if you experience this rage I am speaking of it is a small view of what your in for.
Not trying to thread hijack either. Darius shipped me some clomid a few days back and his packaging was on point. we did run into some issues but he has remained in constant communication and gave me a good little discount on the next one. I am not really gonna elaborate much more about till the rest of the order comes but if you stay tuned and your on the fence about trying out pharmacom you will hear my experience with Darius and see that this guy is truly a class act!! No shilling whatsoever. He strives for satisfied repeat customers and leaves his ego at the door. All business. As soon as gear comes I will tell you the whole story and you will agree. Trust me. Bump Darius.
@Flounder lol yes I tend to go full force with something that I find works for me or that I enjoy. But I get what ur saying. I have been looking into a few different things. I think Im done with the orals. Not for any reason other than I dont wanna screw my liver. I know the harm of orals is a bit overrated but if there is an injectable Dbol which I have seen. I might go with that. I have looked into EQ but still need to read some more about it. But I like things that dont convert to estrogen. Thats one of the reasons I went with Tbol this cycle. I am already taking my adex at .5mg EOD as I can feel the bloat, and my piss streams arent as full force as when I dont take it. And I dont piss as much as the water I take in. Thats how I can really tell my e2 is going up. But as soon as I take it shit gets back to normal. Might just be in my head but I feel much better at .5mg EOD. anyway thanks for ur input. Still got a ways to go before I make my decision about a second cycle.
The taste and even the cough says nothing about if its real tren :(
I have no studies or anything to dispute you, however, why do you believe this is true? I have tasted every batch of tren I have ever run.

Coincidentally, or not, the taste has largely been an indicator of the purity/quality of the cycle. Also, I have heard of other users getting the "cough" from other compounds. However, I have NEVER experienced this, to my knowledge.
Hm. I allways believed that the taste/cough comes from the other compounds (alcohols etc).

would like to hear other opinions though
Usually it takes up to 12-24 hours for us to prepare your package, including weekends. Delivery to USA, CANADA & ASIA takes 6-7 working days - and to EUROPE 2-3 working days.

However, this shipping time will depend on various factors such as postal service efficiency, customs clearance, international transit, etc., which is why I give you an approximation based on our statistics and former experience.

Usually, 90% of all our packages are delivered in less than 8 working days, while 10% will arrive in 8-12 days and still others will show up at around 15-20 days. This is a reflection of inconsistencies with various postal representatives, and not services provided by us.
Why do you not come up as an official reseller on pharmacom site check?
It's not junk it's UGL you got a lot of learning to do UGL means you hit or miss so far Darius has been good
I hope your not looking for a quick fix read some threads before making a choice
It's not junk it's UGL you got a lot of learning to do UGL means you hit or miss so far Darius has been good
I hope your not looking for a quick fix read some threads before making a choice
Bro I am not a newbie to ug labs. Var is out on current man and when checking if on pharma site no results show. I have read posts about him, but some people get different active ingredients. No offense to some it is just inexperienced people. Will try and see what's up. If any vets have used his var; I would appreciate some honest feedback. Thanks
Bro I am not a newbie to ug labs. Var is out on current man and when checking if on pharma site no results show. I have read posts about him, but some people get different active ingredients. No offense to some it is just inexperienced people. Will try and see what's up. If any vets have used his var; I would appreciate some honest feedback. Thanks
Reputable ugl's are spot on, most don't broadcast either
Bro I am not a newbie to ug labs. Var is out on current man and when checking if on pharma site no results show. I have read posts about him, but some people get different active ingredients. No offense to some it is just inexperienced people. Will try and see what's up. If any vets have used his var; I would appreciate some honest feedback. Thanks
Read bro. That question has been asked on this thread.
Bro I am not a newbie to ug labs. Var is out on current man and when checking if on pharma site no results show. I have read posts about him, but some people get different active ingredients. No offense to some it is just inexperienced people. Will try and see what's up. If any vets have used his var; I would appreciate some honest feedback. Thanks

Anavar is one of my best sellers and one of the most reviewed products on the boards where I'm a member.
It is being used right now by many members here and it was also labmaxed:
Hey Darius how long til tren or parabolan back in stock ? Thxs

We'll restock everything these days, please keep an eye on the website.
We can also ship the "out of stock" items from one of our resellers but delivery would take longer than from our location.
We'll restock everything these days, please keep an eye on the website.
We can also ship the "out of stock" items from one of our resellers but delivery would take longer than from our location.
Thxs Darius, I will keep an eye on your site. Rather wait and get sooner and through customs;)