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first order from darius t/a was good and communication was good. im still waiting for some vials i guess he ships orals separately


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Darius, do you have a ballpark ETA on some Mast E or maybe that Pharmacom Mix M 300 (200mg mast e / 100 mg mast p)??
Darius, any plans to carry nolva? Get that and hcg, and you'll be my one-stop shop.

That should also be in the pipeline from what he told me. I'm waiting on both so I can use them for my upcoming PCT rather than chance it with research chem garbage.
If you haven't read the FAQ page on the site, I suggest you do so. Some good info in there, like:

If your order gets seized and you didn't purchase insurance... they ain't got chu. Your loss.
If you haven't read the FAQ page on the site, I suggest you do so. Some good info in there, like:

If your order gets seized and you didn't purchase insurance... they ain't got chu. Your loss.
You are posting on the wrong thread. And besides, both pharmacom threads will reship for free if the pack is confiscated by customs. I know Darius will, and I was able to get Pharmacom Labs to drop the insurance fee since it really was just a BS way for them to line their pockets.
Darius, do you have a ballpark ETA on some Mast E or maybe that Pharmacom Mix M 300 (200mg mast e / 100 mg mast p)??

We should have both by the end of the month.

Darius- any plans to carry HCG kits?

Yes. I'm testing 3 manufacturers at this moment. Mass spec results should be available next week.

Darius, any plans to carry nolva? Get that and hcg, and you'll be my one-stop shop.

We'll have both of them by the end of the month.

Don't forget that we have 2 products that are superior to Nolva as anti-estrogen and recovery compounds.
Arimidex, which is a superior anti-estrogen and Proviron which is very complex, maintains testicular size, anti-estrogen and has a synergic stack with all the test esters.

Also, there is Clomid, which in my opinion has a superior LH stimulation than Nolva.
Anyone know if pharmacom test can be administered subQ? i read only use pharma grade that contains no more than 560mg oil per ml. Also the oil has to be USP cottonseed oil
Anyone know if pharmacom test can be administered subQ? i read only use pharma grade that contains no more than 560mg oil per ml. Also the oil has to be USP cottonseed oil
Why would you do that? It normally hurts like fuck, and, you get lumps/indentations.
i know ppl that have done it with pharma grade without a problem for trt. I never done it. im just curious.