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My package just arrived, very discreetly. It took 8 days from the moment I made the money transfer in west EU. I wanna thank Darius for his patience he had in helping me with info and answering all my messages, since now it was the first time I got my gear online. I'll absolutely order at pharmacomstore again and will recommend it to others too.

Thanks for the update!

I agree 100%, if it takes a week cool but I have no problem waiting a few weeks. We're not exactly ordering from Amazon. I just want to receive what I actually ordered.

My shipments come from Europe. Delivery takes 6-7 days to US with 95% of the orders.
As I explained before, due to a stock problem I decided to use one of my resellers from a different country and continent to send some orders. A very bad decision, I should've stopped the sales on those items. Packages were delayed, delivery addresses misspelled, tracking codes not functional.

A lesson well learned I guess.
Id wait to see how that cycle goes before refering anybody. Delivery is just one small part.
is not really a very small part for someone who's new in ordering gear online as me, considering all the scammers lurking on the net. At least I got something for what I gave. Now if it's good or bad stuff I'll return with a message later on in the cycle to confirm it but I have a feeling it will be all good, I have read only good reviews so far...
is not really a very small part for someone who's new in ordering gear online as me, considering all the scammers lurking on the net. At least I got something for what I gave. Now if it's good or bad stuff I'll return with a message later on in the cycle to confirm it but I have a feeling it will be all good, I have read only good reviews so far...

Keep looking there are some.bad ones eq/primo no good
Keep looking there are some.bad ones eq/primo no good
If you're referring to the Labmax eq/primo tests, then it may be more appropriate to say that there are some "questionable ones"....because labmax in and of itself is questionable at best.
It would also be fair and balanced to say that Darius is addressing these questions.
If you're referring to the Labmax eq/primo tests, then it may be more appropriate to say that there are some "questionable ones"....because labmax in and of itself is questionable at best.
It would also be fair and balanced to say that Darius is addressing these questions.

Never said he wasn't but they should off the shelves until MS is done
So they are still in.question
Never said he wasn't but they should off the shelves until MS is done
So they are still in.question
I Agree on the "off the shelves until", however my point was that you definitively told a new member that has less than 20 post that the eq/primo was "no good", while that may be the case and hasn't been dis-proven yet, it's still incomplete information.
He absolutely should look around, but it makes it that much more difficult for people to conclude things if things are concluded before things conclude.... :)
@Darius PharmacomStore - Order received! Thanks so much. The packaging looks great, and the gear is super smooth. Long estered stuff, so I won't have much feedback for a little while.

Same here Darius thank you so much.
as mentioned it will be sometime before I know of any results. & I thank you for your patience and your professionalism.
I Agree on the "off the shelves until", however my point was that you definitively told a new member that has less than 20 post that the eq/primo was "no good", while that may be the case and hasn't been dis-proven yet, it's still incomplete information.
He absolutely should look around, but it makes it that much more difficult for people to conclude things if things are concluded before things conclude.... :)

It didn't pass lab max so it was proven and new member should do more research there is a search button
We have been waiting for MS for a while
Long time lurker, but first time poster and i wanted to share my experience with the community. I placed an order with Darius about 6 weeks ago . As he says, the order was split into 2 different packages. The vials and orals separated. At first there was an issue with payment. The person was flagged for excessive picks up, i think that was the reason, and I actually had to call moneygram and switch the person. It was a awkward process, but not very hard to execute. After that was done the payment was successful and he had the product shipped out in a few days. Fast forward 13 days, i received the first pack(shipped to US). I emailed Darius about the second one and he assured me it would be there in about a week. Now to backtrack a little, I asked Darius to provide me with tracking numbers for the packs. The tracking number update pretty inconsistently, but what was even stranger was that one of my packs did not update at all, keep this in mind. So fast forward a week later, so 20 days since payment was accepted, the pack did not arrive. I informed Darius about this and he had to send an inquiry to get the location of the pack. This was starting to become an issue because the second pack contained some orals i was planning to start soon and I needed them within 2 weeks or so. I once again told Darius about this, btw he is very prompt in responding to emails, he actually sent out a new pack within a few days so i could get it on time. I ended up getting the pack on time and after it got lost and everything it took 35 days since payment to receive the full order. The turnaround time was obviously not great, it took a really long time to get and there were some issues along the way. To be completely objective, considering what we are dealing with here, his customer service was pretty top notch. There obviously needs to be an improvement on shipping, but to what that is i have no idea. I still don't know where that other pack ended up so that is kind of worrisome.
Yea we seen this before
@Darius PharmacomStore I know you said u try using a reseller don't know if you still are hope not anyway good idea to let consumers know if you don't have a.product on hand that you personally can't ship
We been seening a lot of small hiccups with shipping from reseller
(Yes I know Darius is a reseller as well)
is not really a very small part for someone who's new in ordering gear online as me, considering all the scammers lurking on the net. At least I got something for what I gave. Now if it's good or bad stuff I'll return with a message later on in the cycle to confirm it but I have a feeling it will be all good, I have read only good reviews so far...

Have you ever ran a cycle with gear that was either underdosed or no good at all? I have and so have many other members here. When this happens its not only a waste of money, but a huge waste of time. Having your pack arrive in a timely manner is just icing on the cake when there are much larger issues at hand. Im happy with Darius at this point too, not only with shipping but the product as well. At this point I would recommend his dbol based on my results, but I would never recommend a source based on shipping and pack landing. Mike Strong would be a perfect examlpe of why not to.
Have you ever ran a cycle with gear that was either underdosed or no good at all? I have and so have many other members here. When this happens its not only a waste of money, but a huge waste of time. Having your pack arrive in a timely manner is just icing on the cake when there are much larger issues at hand. Im happy with Darius at this point too, not only with shipping but the product as well. At this point I would recommend his dbol based on my results, but I would never recommend a source based on shipping and pack landing. Mike Strong would be a perfect examlpe of why not to.

Mike strong was he even gonna start making t-shirt and give out with his gear hahaha
He'll do a come back in 5 years talking I'm been here before ask wkms