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At this time I do not have tracking info, I placed my order on the 30 and about 2 days ago I was told that I should have tracking info by the end of this week.
Well the hcg he has is 6500iu not 5000iu like most others. And u can find the dosage on that thread as well. My advice is read through the whole thread its worth it not only to find the dose but to also see other peoples experiences with the pharmacist. U just need a sterile vial and some bac water that u can buy online everywhere.
But to be clear most people do 500iu a week split into 2 doses 250iu each time usually the same days u inject if ur using Test E. Thats what Im doing now.
Thanks for info meek do you not inject the water into same vial as the Hcg ?

You inject some water into the same vial as the HCG, maybe 1mL, then you put that in your sterile vial. Then you add more water to the sterile vial to get the concentration you need.
@Jason001 about the hcg it depends on if u get it from the pharamacist or not. If u do it comes in a pen. Already in liquid form. I mixed that in to a vial with a certain amount of bac water. And that can be kept at room temperature too.
Did they send you a tracking email? Last email I received was yesterday, one day after I sent payment:
"Payment for your order was successfully processed." No tracking.

Tracking info is available only by request.
It's available 1-2 days after you receive the "SHIPPED E-MAIL" confirmation.

E-mail me or PM if you need further info about your shipment.

Thank you!
Just placed an order with D for some Test E and Dbol. I'll let you guys know how long it takes. Also, I don't plan on doing blood work for reason I do not care to discuss. Would a log still be helpful with weight gained and lift numbers? Or is that pointless with no bloods?
I think any data is worthwhile, just moreso with bloods to back it. Solid lift numbers from an experienced lifter are worth something.
I think any data is worthwhile, just moreso with bloods to back it. Solid lift numbers from an experienced lifter are worth something.

Alright, I'll go ahead with the log then. I've been doing some maintenance work in the gym trying to recover some sore wrists and knees. Ready to f'ing explode. Wooooo!
Put your handle in the comments, send the money at 90% total price and send your handle again with your payment info. That's what I did.

Or you can send me your money and I'll do it for you :)