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Well I didnt start the shit broski I am defending myself. I shouldnt have to defend myself for over a week, why dont u tell all the bitches that started shit with me the same thing and Ill stop once they admit they were wrong and made up a bunch of lies about me. @TheOracle
Get the FUCK outta here with your bullshit. WE have MEMBERS here with low bloods and all you wanna do is TROLL postwhore and act like a complete fool. Stop making a ass of your self and take a week away from MESO. We dont need this kinda shit around here.

Meek's job is to troll and distract from the bad blood work and other problems Pharmacom is having. I wonder how much Pharmacon is paying him for his efforts here..

Thanks for introducing Pharmacom to Meso, Meek.. You've helped who knows how many members get screwed. Good for you...
Well I didnt start the shit broski I am defending myself. I shouldnt have to defend myself for over a week, why dont u tell all the bitches that started shit with me the same thing and Ill stop once they admit they were wrong and made up a bunch of lies about me. @TheOracle

You are a delusional, free loading gear whore, that was proven by one of the shittiest sources to ever hit meso "sqs" that he sent you free gear. Ever since then you been crying that everyone picks on you, but you are an even bigger asshole, so move the fuck on, unless you are trying to help the situation at hand with all these bloods that are popping up.
Well I didnt start the shit broski I am defending myself. I shouldnt have to defend myself for over a week, why dont u tell all the bitches that started shit with me the same thing and Ill stop once they admit they were wrong and made up a bunch of lies about me. @TheOracle

Because you are the problem not them. Do I agree with some of there constant post. No. But it seems to me and many others that you are the problem. Besides at this point it does not matter who is right or wrong. You have your opinion and they have theirs. Drop it. Move on you are not doing anybody and favors by continuing this behavior, yourself included.
There are many experienced members who are running bloods at this moment so we'll soon know for sure the outcome.

You should NEVER forget that I have and always will, as primary responsibility, the credibility of my name which is DARIUS, not PHARMACOM

I don't get it? Sounds like you are saying that if someone with wkm status post bloods that are good, we should disregards bloods from other people that don't have a higher status.

If you are so concerned about your name/rep then maybe should have left the pharmacom out of your username lol just saying.
Haha u all are a bunch of fools. What was proven nothing! The source even said publicly he didnt give me shit but u all keep talking trash bunch of fucking lying fat asses seriously.
Well I didnt start the shit broski I am defending myself. I shouldnt have to defend myself for over a week, why dont u tell all the bitches that started shit with me the same thing and Ill stop once they admit they were wrong and made up a bunch of lies about me. @TheOracle

Fucking A!!!! Enough already!!!!

'Poor me, poor me, poor me, always being picked on and I ain't stopping til they say sorry. This ain't fair. Poor me. They started it! I am just defending myself.'

For over a damned week now?!?! You have been defending yourself for a week now? Dude, get some balls and some thicker damned skin, you crybaby ass little pussy!

Here's a little bit of advice for you. Anytime you spend a week - a whole damned week - defending yourself, on an Internet forum - YOU ARE THE PROBLEM!!!

An Awesome Member ;)
Exactly so any other time anyone else says some bullshit about someone that is not true they are forced to give a public apology. But not for me right? Shit was proven to be a lie and Im not gonna just let faggots keep talking shit and not say anything back thats bullshit.
@MEEKmlz Seriously man, give it a fucking rest! A lot of us have been biting our tongues, hoping you would either SHUT THE FUCK UP, or just go away...neither has happened, and that's unfortunate. Look, no one gives a fuck how many sources you sucked off for free gear, or whether there's proof of that, or not...

The one thing there is proof of, is that your wife's twat is so bagged out, she must have gotten railroaded by the last circus that came through town. One thing is for sure, you're persistent, so I'm going to say this with all due respect...YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN AN ABORTION! KILL YOURSELF!!
Hajaha nd another fag boy joins in ur a punk bitch with obviously nothing better to do u see all the other members talking shit and u feel left out. What a sad boy u are. Go suck cbs's cock some.more douche bag @johnnyrotten94
@trying to get big u know nothing about me Im married and I dont fuck fay chicks like most of the slobs here sorry about ur luck. I dont respond unless people talk shit. So if u want all this to stop my advice to u is to shut the fuck up.


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