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Well since this went south EVERYBODY TO THE NAPS THREAD!!! The new #1
Then that thread will be trolled hard as well...and the gear whores will be hanging out there too :rolleyes:

I would suggest letting this thread die a quick death and no one posting in it any longer. That way we can let this sad thread disappear off the front page.

Even better if Millard can lock it ;)
Friends, because this is the most active topic, can you tell me where I can buy ECA or ephedrine? I don't want to create a new topic about ECA.:rolleyes:
Thank you.
Can you explain, please?
If I buy bronkaid, is it help me with my Eca stack?
Sorry for these stupid questions.

Yes, these are stupid questions. A google search could give you all these answers easily. But yes, buy bronkaid that will get you ephedrine. You've got the E, now hopefully you can find the CA on your own :| As far as dosages go, you'll have to look it up.
Yes, these are stupid questions. A google search could give you all these answers easily. But yes, buy bronkaid that will get you ephedrine. You've got the E, now hopefully you can find the CA on your own :| As far as dosages go, you'll have to look it up.
Thank you very much.:oops:
Thank you very much.:oops:
You know, sry for bein a dick about it. Yes it was a stupid question but there are bigger assholes out there I should be a dick to instead. I'm just edgy because my life is shit right now lol ( idk why that's funny) Anyway, as far as dosaging I'll help ya out. take 1 bronk aid with 200 mgs caffeine and half a baby aspirin in the morning, do it again mid day. Some people take this three times a day, I personally don't like to have that much caffeine and ephedrine in a day.
You know, sry for bein a dick about it. Yes it was a stupid question but there are bigger assholes out there I should be a dick to instead. I'm just edgy because my life is shit right now lol ( idk why that's funny) Anyway, as far as dosaging I'll help ya out. take 1 bronk aid with 200 mgs caffeine and half a baby aspirin in the morning, do it again mid day. Some people take this three times a day, I personally don't like to have that much caffeine and ephedrine in a day.

I went through exactly what youre going through and you have every right to be a constant, bitter asshole :) My current wife calls me a grumpy old man and I dont give a fuck.