Steroids, Gynecomastia and Gyno Surgery

Idk why or how but Equipoise completely eviscerates my gyno. I never develop much to begin with unless estrogen is out of range but 200mg of Eq a week makes it disappear. Anyone else have similar experience?
I still needed an ai on 600mg EQ/week, only compound that obliterates my gyno is Mast Prop, then I pair it with Letro. Literally took a 1/2 golf ball sized tit down to nothing.
yeah I don’t think I’ve ever run more than 400mg, and there’s been a couple times I’ve run it with hardly any AI at all although not during a blast. It’s got some sort of serm activity related to it does it not?
Also only time I ever used letro I assume it was bunk because the adex I got from the same source had more of an effect.. lol
Idk why or how but Equipoise completely eviscerates my gyno. I never develop much to begin with unless estrogen is out of range but 200mg of Eq a week makes it disappear. Anyone else have similar experience?
Hmm interesting. I happen to have some eq and bold cyp sitting around. Some say that Boldenone has an estrogen regulating effect. Could very well be the reason
Hmm interesting. I happen to have some eq and bold cyp sitting around. Some say that Boldenone has an estrogen regulating effect. Could very well be the reason
I have reason the same thing however, show me a study or something other than broscience. Fact of the matter is that, equipoise still aromatizes. It's said to aromatize around 50% compared to test. So by running high test and high EQ, I don't see how that could help regulate e2. I know guys that aromatize at high rates and they use EQ as a base. They will run it around 700-1g a wk and stack other things on top of it and have great success. Personally, with all the studies showing the effects EQ, has on the renal system and heart. I will pass. I truly believe that EQ having some anti estrogen effects is an old wives tale.

My question is: If you have gyno, why would you not just use something that is tried and true. Ralox w/ AI or Nolva w/ AI, with either mast prop, plus I have read great things about using DhT cream and apply it to the nipple area. I would try anyone of these before experimenting with EQ. Also these regimenes above don't mean you can use those and run 1g of test at the same time. It's would obviously more effect if all aromatising compounds were removed if at all possible.
Just my 2 cents.
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Has anyone actually had surgery for gyno? How was it, and was it worth it?
a close friend of mine had it in October last year, it was healed mostly after 3-4 weeks and painless for him, He got an abdominoplasty at the same time which took months to heal in comparison. Also depends on if you are getting liposuction as well.


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