Steroids in Thailand 2022 my experience

I was in Pattaya in February got some fake HGH in Pattaya. Then 15 days later I got some fake Bayer proviron in Bangkok. Wasn't very successful in this trip. All the steroids (test cyp, ten hex, deca) I bought that trip seemed to be weaker. In 2019, 2018 and 2017 The gear was kick ass! Now I don't know.
you often hear that it is easy to get steroids otc in thailand. the reality on the ground in 2022 is more complex.
let me explain. when you go to a pharmacy in Thailand and ask for steroids they will often give you a catalogue like this:
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but every thing here is fake. i know because i bought fake testosterone and fake t3.
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i learned that only the stuff they put in the front of the shop in the glass cabinet and where you can see it is once you enter the pharmacy is real because it is regulated by the thai fda. and it is all pharma grade. but any thing they bring from the back storage is fake. this is what you can find in the front of the shop:View attachment 166689View attachment 166690View attachment 166693
so otc you can only get legit bayer testoviron. testosterone propionate, testosterone cyp and ancillaries like clomid, tamoxifen and metformin. the bayer testoviron is legit i did a blood test to verify it
this is after injecting 400 ML of testovirong (100mg of pure testosterone e) (you can also see the price for each blood test)
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so to get legit dbol anadrol and winstrol i had to travel 20 minutes from he center of Bangkok to the march pharmaceuticals factory and British dispensary factory
this is the march pharmaceutical factory you can buy all the products they manufacture in the factory store (they gave me free citronella shampoo after buying dbol and winstrol) :
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this is the British dispensary factory(where you buy anadrol) :

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this is everything i brought back home luckily customs didn't catch me:

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i can answer question in the comments and i hope more people will share reliable ways of getting steroids in Thailand
Looks like a great adventure! I been reading a few of your threads. Have you bought gear in countries other than Turkey and Thailand? For an actual holiday how do Turkey and Thai compare? Very different places for sure
anyone know about getting stuff in cambodia?
i went to a pharmacy there and an ampule of 250mg of test e was 8 dollars pretty expensive, the girl brought it out to me and didnt ask for a prescription but i didnt buy it so im not sure if i was ready to pay if they would ask for one. or i i bought a bunch of amps if id get a discount. id also need needles and syringes.

i read about 2 places that may sell stuff but i contacted them and they never answered, one has a physical address so when i go back there ill have to check it out. other options can be asking guys at the gyms , trying to ship from usa and hoping it makes it there or getting stuff in thailand and taking a bus trip back over the border into cambodia but who knows if ill get searched.
anyone know about getting stuff in cambodia?
i went to a pharmacy there and an ampule of 250mg of test e was 8 dollars pretty expensive, the girl brought it out to me and didnt ask for a prescription but i didnt buy it so im not sure if i was ready to pay if they would ask for one. or i i bought a bunch of amps if id get a discount. id also need needles and syringes.

i read about 2 places that may sell stuff but i contacted them and they never answered, one has a physical address so when i go back there ill have to check it out. other options can be asking guys at the gyms , trying to ship from usa and hoping it makes it there or getting stuff in thailand and taking a bus trip back over the border into cambodia but who knows if ill get searched.
Cambodia is a pretty big expedition man!! What’s it like over there? $8 is expensive, I just found Mumbeo this cost of livin price comparison website and looked at Cambodia, it’s 20% of the cost of living in my England city. So basically is it nice to move to Cambodia?? And which city??
Cambodia is a pretty big expedition man!! What’s it like over there? $8 is expensive, I just found Mumbeo this cost of livin price comparison website and looked at Cambodia, it’s 20% of the cost of living in my England city. So basically is it nice to move to Cambodia?? And which city??
Phnom pehn. yes things are very cheap unless you buy stuff imported from other countries ... for me monthly cost of living should be about 700 or 800 max. have an amazing girl there and there are unlimited beautiful back up girls everywhere you look in case something goes wrong with her.

interest rates at the banks are very very high. food is definitely weird over there definitely dont know what most of it is, ill stick to cooking for myself. weather is like 90 degrees and up year round a bit too hot for me but its ok, perfect place to be ripped year round.

one of my biggest issues is being able to find stuff, but im sure theres a way. i want to stay looking good and ill def need tren to keep up with this girl because she wants to fuck at least 6-7 times per day. atleast you can get pharma cialis at most walk up pharmacies for like 1.50- 2.00 per pill.
Phnom pehn. yes things are very cheap unless you buy stuff imported from other countries ... for me monthly cost of living should be about 700 or 800 max. have an amazing girl there and there are unlimited beautiful back up girls everywhere you look in case something goes wrong with her.

interest rates at the banks are very very high. food is definitely weird over there definitely dont know what most of it is, ill stick to cooking for myself. weather is like 90 degrees and up year round a bit too hot for me but its ok, perfect place to be ripped year round.

one of my biggest issues is being able to find stuff, but im sure theres a way. i want to stay looking good and ill def need tren to keep up with this girl because she wants to fuck at least 6-7 times per day. atleast you can get pharma cialis at most walk up pharmacies for like 1.50- 2.00 per pill.
What do you do for money over there? Just bring a big savings or did you actually find work?
What do you do for money over there? Just bring a big savings or did you actually find work?
going to invest in fixed incomes. rates are very high now. and its cheap living. if needed i can always go back to usa for some time to work a bit and make more money.

or i can try being a male prostitute (for ladies only)!
Looks like a great adventure! I been reading a few of your threads. Have you bought gear in countries other than Turkey and Thailand? For an actual holiday how do Turkey and Thai compare? Very different places for sure
i also bought gear in egypt i got a thread about it. overall Thailand is a better vacation spot but i really like turkey
Phnom pehn. yes things are very cheap unless you buy stuff imported from other countries ... for me monthly cost of living should be about 700 or 800 max. have an amazing girl there and there are unlimited beautiful back up girls everywhere you look in case something goes wrong with her.

interest rates at the banks are very very high. food is definitely weird over there definitely dont know what most of it is, ill stick to cooking for myself. weather is like 90 degrees and up year round a bit too hot for me but its ok, perfect place to be ripped year round.

one of my biggest issues is being able to find stuff, but im sure theres a way. i want to stay looking good and ill def need tren to keep up with this girl because she wants to fuck at least 6-7 times per day. atleast you can get pharma cialis at most walk up pharmacies for like 1.50- 2.00 per pill.
$800 a month living is a dream! Sounds like I should go over to check it out. Finding stuff so you just mean juice or everyday stuff you’d normally easy get on Amazon, or both?
$800 a month living is a dream! Sounds like I should go over to check it out. Finding stuff so you just mean juice or everyday stuff you’d normally easy get on Amazon, or both?
id say 800 or 1000 max to live... also depends on how many girls you want to fuck per week ... or per day.

actually trouble finding both ... steroids ... and many things here in usa on amazon can be tricky to find over there. dont know how much shipping on amazon would be there or how long it would take... and forget about returns if youre not happy with something.
id say 800 or 1000 max to live... also depends on how many girls you want to fuck per week ... or per day.

actually trouble finding both ... steroids ... and many things here in usa on amazon can be tricky to find over there. dont know how much shipping on amazon would be there or how long it would take... and forget about returns if youre not happy with something.
Do a lot of people not speak English in your town? That can be a big barrier in less touristy places
its mixed... some dont speak a word ... some speak a bit.. cab driver when i got off the plane spoke very good but spoke like an australian which was a bit weird. my girl speaks maybe 25-45 words but its actually better when you dont have to talk so much with a woman... she more than makes up for it.
its mixed... some dont speak a word ... some speak a bit.. cab driver when i got off the plane spoke very good but spoke like an australian which was a bit weird. my girl speaks maybe 25-45 words but its actually better when you dont have to talk so much with a woman... she more than makes up for it.
Haha! I think it depends if they learned there English from different nationalities I guess
Bro that sounds like fkin awesome I definitely gotta go to Thailand n just chill there for some time, hit up a MT gym n feed the stray dogs like sharky used to do before the plane fked him over n he ran back to Australia
Bought some meditech stuff from a pharmacy in nana. Qr code goes to a .ch site, original was .net which is now down. Pulled off the qr sticker and the original goes to meditechs .net site. Entered the codes on the .ch and said legit, Entered again and said already in use so seems legit, but unsure. Want to confirm before I make a bulk order before I leave so I don't get stuck with duds.

The meditech cyp was displayed in the glass cabinet but the tren etc were pulled from the back
I will be in BKK end of June for a long layover, so I want to take the chance and stock up on some things. Some var, clen and clomid. Any recommendations? @Zirpon is it still worth going to the March Pharm, factory store in 2024?