Steroids in Thailand 2022 my experience

the caber and raloxifene is from dubai not thailand. i wasn't able to find raloxifene and caber in thailand but you can buy prami in thailand for a good price. the price of 1 ampoule of bayer tesovirong is 200 baht and the price for 10 amopules of march test prop is 600 baht. in march factory everything they sell is buy 1 get 1 free. so the price for dbol is 6000 baht but you get 2 bottles not 1 and each bottle contains 500 pills so in total it costs 6000 baht for 1000 pills. winstrol costs 2000 baht for 400 pills. and anadrol 1800 baht for 100 pills
Does that Bayer Testoviron cost about $6.00 US per ampule in Thailand?!?!?! Am I seeing that correctly? The pharmacias in the Mexican border towns are charging around $22 US for it. It’s legit. It’s really good. But it’s EXPENSIVE there.
Does that Bayer Testoviron cost about $6.00 US per ampule in Thailand?!?!?! Am I seeing that correctly? The pharmacias in the Mexican border towns are charging around $22 US for it. It’s legit. It’s really good. But it’s EXPENSIVE there.
WOW!!! When you can find Aspen Sustanon in the border towns it is now $25 - $27 for a 1ml rediject. That’s wild.
You can get a years worth of testosterone raws for that much money and its the same quality, why bother for 1 mL 25$ stuff?
Exactly. Most of the people buying it are middle aged tourists who are casual, recreational lifters who have always been curious but never tried it. 250mgs Sustanon once a week for 6 weeks will mostly likely be their first and last cycle.

They don’t even know about raws or home brewing. Hell they don’t even know better than to use the 18 gauge drinking straw that comes with the Sustanon redirects to inject that shit into their quads.

They’ll hobble around the gym for 6 weeks like someone tried to break their legs with a baseball bat and never understand that the damned test prop is what is killing them.

And then they’ll go back to golf or bass fishing or whatever else they enjoy and you won’t see them around the gym anymore.

At least the dudes who go to an actual TRT clinic for their gear stick around the gym longer because they are seeing real results for the first time and they have a little medical guidance.
You can get a years worth of testosterone raws for that much money and its the same quality, why bother for 1 mL 25
you often hear that it is easy to get steroids otc in thailand. the reality on the ground in 2022 is more complex.
let me explain. when you go to a pharmacy in Thailand and ask for steroids they will often give you a catalogue like this:
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but every thing here is fake. i know because i bought fake testosterone and fake t3.
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i learned that only the stuff they put in the front of the shop in the glass cabinet and where you can see it is once you enter the pharmacy is real because it is regulated by the thai fda. and it is all pharma grade. but any thing they bring from the back storage is fake. this is what you can find in the front of the shop:View attachment 166689View attachment 166690View attachment 166693
so otc you can only get legit bayer testoviron. testosterone propionate, testosterone cyp and ancillaries like clomid, tamoxifen and metformin. the bayer testoviron is legit i did a blood test to verify it
this is after injecting 400 ML of testovirong (100mg of pure testosterone e) (you can also see the price for each blood test)
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so to get legit dbol anadrol and winstrol i had to travel 20 minutes from he center of Bangkok to the march pharmaceuticals factory and British dispensary factory
this is the march pharmaceutical factory you can buy all the products they manufacture in the factory store (they gave me free citronella shampoo after buying dbol and winstrol) :
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this is the British dispensary factory(where you buy anadrol) :

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this is everything i brought back home luckily customs didn't catch me:

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i can answer question in the comments and i hope more people will share reliable ways of getting steroids in Thailand
Great Post . Have you seen legit Bayer Rimobolan or HGH in Thailand?
Thanks for posting this. It's very interesting.

I know a bunch of Thai guys like Tony Huge that use Pharmaqo is that hard to find it Thailand?

How much was those 1000mg Metformin boxes?
Thanks for posting this. It's very interesting.

I know a bunch of Thai guys like Tony Huge that use Pharmaqo is that hard to find it Thailand?

How much was those 1000mg Metformin boxes?
Thailand don't have pharmaco. Around 8USD the generics are way cheaper
Do you happen to have a picture of the full product's list March and British dispensary carry? Guess will have to tell the lady that before Bali we are heading to Thailand lmao
the caber and raloxifene is from dubai not thailand. i wasn't able to find raloxifene and caber in thailand but you can buy prami in thailand for a good price. the price of 1 ampoule of bayer tesovirong is 200 baht and the price for 10 amopules of march test prop is 600 baht. in march factory everything they sell is buy 1 get 1 free. so the price for dbol is 6000 baht but you get 2 bottles not 1 and each bottle contains 500 pills so in total it costs 6000 baht for 1000 pills. winstrol costs 2000 baht for 400 pills. and anadrol 1800 baht for 100 pills

disappointed with the prices, its basically black market price (or should i say tourist price) only advantage is that you just walk in and buy it on a legit business... i guess they rip off foreigners, is the price the same for a local?

i thought that being a third world country it would cost a lot less... i once did research online talking to pharmacies over the world and for example in egypt testosterone enanthate ampoules are less than a dollar/euro, pharma grade... in turkey bayer primobolan is like 6 dollar/euro per ampoule