superior labs


New Member
Iv been on superiors trenA and test prop for 5 days at 100mg eod of each so iv only pinned three times.. due to the recent hplc and countless other failed labmax and blood work from this crap lab im tbinking of just stopping right now and tossing it into the garbage... but I dont have anything for pct on hand. What should I do guys? At this point do u tbink DIM and DAA would suffice to get my test running again?
I would at least labmax the stuff you have before you just toss it... if it fails, then throw it away, but if it passes, then why not stay on for a bit and get bloods to test quality? I've seen a few logs/bloods on superiors stuff, and even though there are definitely mixed results, I have seen better results than most other labs...
Iv been on superiors trenA and test prop for 5 days at 100mg eod of each so iv only pinned three times.. due to the recent hplc and countless other failed labmax and blood work from this crap lab im tbinking of just stopping right now and tossing it into the garbage... but I dont have anything for pct on hand. What should I do guys? At this point do u tbink DIM and DAA would suffice to get my test running again?
Go read labmax about carrier oils and labmax. Dont toss any gear again till you know for sure
Is this the same superior labs from Instagram? Only asking because I have a friend who just ordered there product or I should say his product and I told him I wasn't sure if he should buy through them because the last time I heard they got busted. But the guy he is getting it from was on Instagram so I'm not sure if its a scam or legit lab?? Any thoughts
I don't mind helping out man, but when it's about a source with tons of reviews and testing already posted, ya just gotta read. I'll never be able to give a "g2g" review anyways because things change so quickly here. The best advice anyone can give a new member is to read everything, respect the board, and share your own experiences.
In the future get ur pct lined up before u even start a cycle. 5 days in u can stop and it won't hurt as far as the gear goes there's no point in tossing it considering u don't know if yours is from a bad batch of not, I agree that u should at least lm it
In the future get ur pct lined up before u even start a cycle. 5 days in u can stop and it won't hurt as far as the gear goes there's no point in tossing it considering u don't know if yours is from a bad batch of not, I agree that u should at least lm it

ok fuck you guys, all of you cussing me out and calling me retarded because i said im gonna give superior a shot and you actually encourage this dude to go through with it?
i dont know where you are seeing all these failed labmaxes and bad blood reports. i've seen nothing but good from Superior besides that one dude who reported crazy high free estrogen
ok fuck you guys, all of you cussing me out and calling me retarded because i said im gonna give superior a shot and you actually encourage this dude to go through with it?

I don't see anyone encouraging anyone here.. Run your gear and shut up about it already.. You've been going on about this for weeks, no one gives a shit anymore. Stop trolling around for attention.