SuperQuality Steroids

Meeks probably met SQS during a massage, and was paid with gear. Now he's going to get fucked again when the people he sold it too find out it's under dosed, or bunk.
Omfg this is great, I fucking knew it, I knew that guy was too young to be him, what a fucking lazy ass tool he just picked the first thing that came up on the web hahahahahah
Like was said, he must be either a scrawny older dude or a short fat all dumb trolls are ;)
So that's actually him? Hahaha cbs you out did yourself this time, I'm laughing my ass off here.
So then he's a Dutch twink? Wow just fucking wonder he sucks dick for a living and that his cycle log is a total sham :eek:

Gotta love CBS...he's Meso's best investigator ;)

However I would love to see Meek confirm that pic's him...that be priceless!
However I would love to see Meek confirm that pic's him...that be priceless!

He's on the record:

@MindlessWork now old man this was me about 2 months ago when I finished my pre cycle cut. Now what? And if anyone is on bunk gear its u haha I mean seriously look at ur body man. U gotta do something about that. LMFAO! Now add about 25 pounds to my frame and I still got over 3 weeks left of my cycle. I will be sure to embarrass u more when Im finished with my end of cycle pic as well. But hey best of luck to u. Sorry I had to rub it in ur face. But u asked for it old man!!! Now go do some cardio stop eating bullshit and lift some iron. ;)


That is me bitch dont be so foolish thats the only thing u can say because u probably look like shit too hahaha its in my cycle log faggot check for urself dont make me post more pre cycle pics to embarrass u all further.

And also u can add another 25 pounds to my frame now cause im over 200 now fuck boy @tacevedo

I started at 175-176 im over 200 now moron so what about my shorts thats all u got fag boy? @fastasf
@MindlessWork that punk ass had nothing on you, fuck him for critiquing your physique, hope he never comes back here, because the minute he shows up, im gonna keep posting that pic everythime I reply to him.
@MindlessWork that punk ass had nothing on you, fuck him for critiquing your physique, hope he never comes back here, because the minute he shows up, im gonna keep posting that pic everythime I reply to him.
Yea he's just a gear-whoring dick-sucking wannabe troll who signed up 2 months ago to jump right into scoring free gear so he can get big...sure didn't work out well for him :rolleyes:

Thanks for the compliment as I for one been striving to stay healthy for my age despite some setbacks (namely getting seriously injured in an accident years ago). He was so jealous of me that he had to post my pic from my album haha

I saved that pic too so if he dares make one more troll post that pic's gonna get posted ;)
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