SuperQuality Steroids

Good that Meeks been exposed for the fraud he is. So when you mess with Meso you get burned!
I personally don't give a shit whatever your sexual preference is, but wtf is up with the cringeworthy overcompensating fake homophobic persona? He must really hate himself. And then to run away when his true sexuality is discovered. Sad really...

Not me, Rigs gets the credit for this one.

It was a team effort [emoji12]

LOL this thread sure was totally least we put it to good use :)

I wonder if SQS will actually ever come back and post his illiterate rants.. Or maybe sqs = meek?!

I saved that pic too so if he dares make one more troll post that pic's gonna get posted ;)

Sure, you just keep telling yourself that's why you saved it. Lol jk bro
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Meek is a gay masseuse looking for a man on POF.


If you read at the bottom, I just barely notice.
Do you have a car? Prefer not to say
I also think as Meek is a masseur he be interested in those Silk sensual Silk is him!
