So for those who care/read this today is the day. Im going to keep this as a log mainly for myself to reflect back on if i need to.
Im just posting this as another reminder for myself
weeks 1-15 400mg EQ 2x a week
weeks 1-16 500mg Test Cyp 2x a week
weeks 1-4 40mg DBOL ed
weeks 5-12 400 mg
tren Ace, A week.
Front load EQ 900mg x2 the first week then back to normal.
weeks 1-16 adex.5 eod
clomid, nolvapct
Food intake this week is
Calories: 3200
Carbs: 249
Protein: 238
I feel good about those numbers but will adjust of need be!
Weighing in at a dry 178 in the morning. Popped my first 10mg of DBOL this morning
and OFF WE GO!