SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

No ma'am, I'm not gone; but rather being reserved. I had been working on my new facility until a few days ago. Now I am working on breathing. I do intend to come back: originally I had plans on approximately a month; but that may be extended some now.
I hope you feel better soon.
No sir, I wouldn't. I'm sorry.
When I was a child, I remember attempting to make myself appear less guilty by exposing the wrongs of others. As I got older, and saw other people doing the same thing; I realized that such behavior only made the person blaming others look foolish.
My ethics are part of who I am; and I would much rather come through these trials by proving my own worth; rather than disproving the merit of others.
One of the most common themes over the last few decades is that many people have mistaken my kindness for weakness, and my silence for stupidity. Each and every time this has happened, my teachings and raising ultimately resulted in vindication without me saying a word. I have had no reason to doubt those teachings, even now.
I have made many valuable contacts through the planning of this business; and I am an incredible researcher. Almost all of the information you would need to satisfy any elaboration requests is readily available with only a small amount of computer assistance and some heavy reading.
As a hint: somewhere in the forum, Mr. Baker and Mr. Janoshik talked about PM information being accessible. The short version is that money turns some people into terrible versions of themselves.
Just because you use big words doesn’t mean your telling the truth or know what your talking about,just saying man.
You have one guy saying you caused infection,but without pics it holds no evidence to me and another saying you gave him the wrong shit? To me it’s about the safety of our members
bloods on 600/wk test e are 2900.
way low, lowest multiple ive ever had.
dont care enuff to post the paper, dont really give a shit about this forum or its sources anymore. i'll leave u all to acting like the stupid niggers u are.
Total T
Time on, injection schedule, time since last injection.

Total T without these variables covered is a useless number. Only if those numbers are present and injection schedule accurate can you draw any type of reasonable conclusion from the numbers.
Total T
Time on, injection schedule, time since last injection.

Total T without these variables covered is a useless number. Only if those numbers are present and injection schedule accurate can you draw any type of reasonable conclusion from the numbers.

I went back to look because I remember him freaking out about his pack when a member got visited by the Postal Inspector.

On September 20, he was asking what would happen when his pack came in etc.

He's pinning 200mg of Test E EoD for a total of 600mg a week.

Say he received his pack that day on the 20th, that would still only be 2 1/2 weeks from today. Not long enough for total saturation. Usually that takes at least 4 weeks with Test E.

Edit: He received his pack sometime between the 20th and the 24th. On October 2nd, he said he was doing bloods that Friday (the 4th). So he was on the Test E even less than 2 1/2 weeks.
Yes, that is exactly my process; and it is utterly impossible to mix two compounds unintentionally.
One would be obtuse to assume that I would err on one of the cheaper compounds by substituting with another cheaper compound.

Are you able to visually examine raw boldenone and validate it's authenticity? I certainly am not able to do that; so I am at the mercy of chemical analysis for such things. I am absolutely not saying that the test on the raw material was in error; nor am I saying that the analysis on the finished product was in error. I have no idea how or why this test resulted the way it did.
However, historically speaking, boldenone (EQ) has been the subject of more analytical errors/disparities than any other compound. Is there something about the compound that is prone to analytical problems, both raw and finished? I don't know; and I would wager that you don't either.

I honestly thought the photo in your avatar was you; and I felt like I understood why you behave as you do. I am absolutely not being sexist; so I hope this doesn't appear as insulting to any ladies. I thought maybe you had recently given birth and suffered from post-partum depression: my wife acted just like you after each of our sons were born. I don't know why it happened with them and not with the girls. The female human body is an amazing creation. But I was wrong about the gender so I had to research another cause.

Furthermore, this is the second time you have typed "I'm ready for my roasting." Do you feel as if you are elevated into such a position among your peers that one of them would care if you are wrong about something? I am certain that I am not intellectually superior to everyone on this board or more important than the next guy; and I am certain that you are not either.
The difference between us is that I know this; and you appear to be afflicted by a severe form of narcissism.
At one time you amused me; but that time has passed. I no longer have euphoria from my medicines; and you have become a disruption to my reading pleasure.
If you don't mind, please consider that silence offers an opportunity to learn through listening and reading. I recommend that everyone enjoy daily moments of silence and reflection. For example: I read, just a few days ago, that permanently banned members are prohibited from returning to MESO under a new member identity. What a neat fact! Did you know of that rule?
Please, just leave me alone. If I my business is to result in total failure; I am perfectly capable of failing without reading your repetitive self-elevating redundancies.
Again, I ask you please. I do not wish to engage you any further.
Thank you.

Curious where you gathered the statistics on the EQ and the source material. As you know I enjoy a proper study.

I’m not even sure how to respond to the attack on my gender. For a person of such prestigious academia as yourself and your forbearing demeanor you should be abhorred. To just assume a person is lesser because they are of masculine or feminine nature is asinine at best and malifecent at worst. Your callous mentality is the reason behind a multitude of issues our would faces and the very things Jesus sought to expel from the hearts of His followers. Galatians 3:28 comes to mind.

For someone so adept at following and reading their thread I’d have surmised you knew the difference between making a comment, or typing, a roast me comment. However I’ve only typed that comment one time. Other times I have simply quoted it to remind people of what I said once. Furthermore, I do not “feel elevated among [my] peers.” Kindly, this is Meso and no one gives a fuck about “peers” and they most assuredly do care about pointing out when someone is wrong. Recurrently, had you read your own thread and Meso as a whole you’d know that.

I most certainly dissent to your assertion in which I think I am intellectually superior to anyone else. Assuredly I am both superior and inferior to a multitude of people across a broad range of issues here, I’ll let you endulge your own thoughts as to which applies where. You constantly composing novellas with perceived intulectual superioriority is what shows your narcissistic tendencies. Instead of an elementary answer to an uncomplicated query, you compose a dissertation in an attempt to explain and more accurately obfuscate the fact you’re simply baffled and attempting to cover your ass.

Your reading pleasure is irrelevant to your position in this thread and Meso in general. You should most likely take your own advice “please consider that silence offers an opportunity to learn through listening and reading.” Perhaps if you would have taken your own advice you wouldn’t be pullin some eBay crap nor have gotten your email hacked. It’s been around for weeks that someone was hacking emails and to change passwords. Perhaps your superior intelligence an narcissistic tendencies prevented you from thinking you were vulnerable.

The notion that a drug dealer can simply ask me to leave them alone on the internet is laughable at best. You decided to grace this forum with the understanding of how it works, if you are to to surmise that you don’t apply to that then continue your presence here, or you may capitulate and withdraw from this forum. The notion in which you think my identification of vulnerable and dangerous characteristics and events I observe here are self-elevating simply points out that you are a threat. You would only attempt to discredit me as self-elevating instead of addressing the actual issue of you were trying to hide something. And the irony is that you actually said you don’t do this on another response.

If you wish not to engage with me then simply do not respond and allow members to assess my comments based on their own merit. As you said, you do not believe you’re intellectually superior to anyone here so why not leave the college dissertations behind and let the members exercise their own intellectual power and either find merit in my posts or not.
Curious where you gathered the statistics on the EQ and the source material. As you know I enjoy a proper study.

I’m not even sure how to respond to the attack on my gender. For a person of such prestigious academia as yourself and your forbearing demeanor you should be abhorred. To just assume a person is lesser because they are of masculine or feminine nature is asinine at best and malifecent at worst. Your callous mentality is the reason behind a multitude of issues our would faces and the very things Jesus sought to expel from the hearts of His followers. Galatians 3:28 comes to mind.

For someone so adept at following and reading their thread I’d have surmised you knew the difference between making a comment, or typing, a roast me comment. However I’ve only typed that comment one time. Other times I have simply quoted it to remind people of what I said once. Furthermore, I do not “feel elevated among [my] peers.” Kindly, this is Meso and no one gives a fuck about “peers” and they most assuredly do care about pointing out when someone is wrong. Recurrently, had you read your own thread and Meso as a whole you’d know that.

I most certainly dissent to your assertion in which I think I am intellectually superior to anyone else. Assuredly I am both superior and inferior to a multitude of people across a broad range of issues here, I’ll let you endulge your own thoughts as to which applies where. You constantly composing novellas with perceived intulectual superioriority is what shows your narcissistic tendencies. Instead of an elementary answer to an uncomplicated query, you compose a dissertation in an attempt to explain and more accurately obfuscate the fact you’re simply baffled and attempting to cover your ass.

Your reading pleasure is irrelevant to your position in this thread and Meso in general. You should most likely take your own advice “please consider that silence offers an opportunity to learn through listening and reading.” Perhaps if you would have taken your own advice you wouldn’t be pullin some eBay crap nor have gotten your email hacked. It’s been around for weeks that someone was hacking emails and to change passwords. Perhaps your superior intelligence an narcissistic tendencies prevented you from thinking you were vulnerable.

The notion that a drug dealer can simply ask me to leave them alone on the internet is laughable at best. You decided to grace this forum with the understanding of how it works, if you are to to surmise that you don’t apply to that then continue your presence here, or you may capitulate and withdraw from this forum. The notion in which you think my identification of vulnerable and dangerous characteristics and events I observe here are self-elevating simply points out that you are a threat. You would only attempt to discredit me as self-elevating instead of addressing the actual issue of you were trying to hide something. And the irony is that you actually said you don’t do this on another response.

If you wish not to engage with me then simply do not respond and allow members to assess my comments based on their own merit. As you said, you do not believe you’re intellectually superior to anyone here so why not leave the college dissertations behind and let the members exercise their own intellectual power and either find merit in my posts or not.

I feel like I'm watching two genius scientist dudes talk shit to eachother.

Is this how ya'll say fuck you in a smart way?
Curious where you gathered the statistics on the EQ and the source material. As you know I enjoy a proper study.

I’m not even sure how to respond to the attack on my gender. For a person of such prestigious academia as yourself and your forbearing demeanor you should be abhorred. To just assume a person is lesser because they are of masculine or feminine nature is asinine at best and malifecent at worst. Your callous mentality is the reason behind a multitude of issues our would faces and the very things Jesus sought to expel from the hearts of His followers. Galatians 3:28 comes to mind.

For someone so adept at following and reading their thread I’d have surmised you knew the difference between making a comment, or typing, a roast me comment. However I’ve only typed that comment one time. Other times I have simply quoted it to remind people of what I said once. Furthermore, I do not “feel elevated among [my] peers.” Kindly, this is Meso and no one gives a fuck about “peers” and they most assuredly do care about pointing out when someone is wrong. Recurrently, had you read your own thread and Meso as a whole you’d know that.

I most certainly dissent to your assertion in which I think I am intellectually superior to anyone else. Assuredly I am both superior and inferior to a multitude of people across a broad range of issues here, I’ll let you endulge your own thoughts as to which applies where. You constantly composing novellas with perceived intulectual superioriority is what shows your narcissistic tendencies. Instead of an elementary answer to an uncomplicated query, you compose a dissertation in an attempt to explain and more accurately obfuscate the fact you’re simply baffled and attempting to cover your ass.

Your reading pleasure is irrelevant to your position in this thread and Meso in general. You should most likely take your own advice “please consider that silence offers an opportunity to learn through listening and reading.” Perhaps if you would have taken your own advice you wouldn’t be pullin some eBay crap nor have gotten your email hacked. It’s been around for weeks that someone was hacking emails and to change passwords. Perhaps your superior intelligence an narcissistic tendencies prevented you from thinking you were vulnerable.

The notion that a drug dealer can simply ask me to leave them alone on the internet is laughable at best. You decided to grace this forum with the understanding of how it works, if you are to to surmise that you don’t apply to that then continue your presence here, or you may capitulate and withdraw from this forum. The notion in which you think my identification of vulnerable and dangerous characteristics and events I observe here are self-elevating simply points out that you are a threat. You would only attempt to discredit me as self-elevating instead of addressing the actual issue of you were trying to hide something. And the irony is that you actually said you don’t do this on another response.

If you wish not to engage with me then simply do not respond and allow members to assess my comments based on their own merit. As you said, you do not believe you’re intellectually superior to anyone here so why not leave the college dissertations behind and let the members exercise their own intellectual power and either find merit in my posts or not.

Can I make a quick suggestion???

When typing all these big words, creating something very heavy and intense to read, you might want to work the word “boner” into a sentence or two. I find that helps to lighten the content and makes you more relatable.

Otherwise a lot of guys here are just going to stab their eyeballs and not finish reading what you wrote. I read the entire thing and you’re right on a lot of points but the meaning is going to get lost in comprehension!
Curious where you gathered the statistics on the EQ and the source material. As you know I enjoy a proper study.

I’m not even sure how to respond to the attack on my gender. For a person of such prestigious academia as yourself and your forbearing demeanor you should be abhorred. To just assume a person is lesser because they are of masculine or feminine nature is asinine at best and malifecent at worst. Your callous mentality is the reason behind a multitude of issues our would faces and the very things Jesus sought to expel from the hearts of His followers. Galatians 3:28 comes to mind.

For someone so adept at following and reading their thread I’d have surmised you knew the difference between making a comment, or typing, a roast me comment. However I’ve only typed that comment one time. Other times I have simply quoted it to remind people of what I said once. Furthermore, I do not “feel elevated among [my] peers.” Kindly, this is Meso and no one gives a fuck about “peers” and they most assuredly do care about pointing out when someone is wrong. Recurrently, had you read your own thread and Meso as a whole you’d know that.

I most certainly dissent to your assertion in which I think I am intellectually superior to anyone else. Assuredly I am both superior and inferior to a multitude of people across a broad range of issues here, I’ll let you endulge your own thoughts as to which applies where. You constantly composing novellas with perceived intulectual superioriority is what shows your narcissistic tendencies. Instead of an elementary answer to an uncomplicated query, you compose a dissertation in an attempt to explain and more accurately obfuscate the fact you’re simply baffled and attempting to cover your ass.

Your reading pleasure is irrelevant to your position in this thread and Meso in general. You should most likely take your own advice “please consider that silence offers an opportunity to learn through listening and reading.” Perhaps if you would have taken your own advice you wouldn’t be pullin some eBay crap nor have gotten your email hacked. It’s been around for weeks that someone was hacking emails and to change passwords. Perhaps your superior intelligence an narcissistic tendencies prevented you from thinking you were vulnerable.

The notion that a drug dealer can simply ask me to leave them alone on the internet is laughable at best. You decided to grace this forum with the understanding of how it works, if you are to to surmise that you don’t apply to that then continue your presence here, or you may capitulate and withdraw from this forum. The notion in which you think my identification of vulnerable and dangerous characteristics and events I observe here are self-elevating simply points out that you are a threat. You would only attempt to discredit me as self-elevating instead of addressing the actual issue of you were trying to hide something. And the irony is that you actually said you don’t do this on another response.

If you wish not to engage with me then simply do not respond and allow members to assess my comments based on their own merit. As you said, you do not believe you’re intellectually superior to anyone here so why not leave the college dissertations behind and let the members exercise their own intellectual power and either find merit in my posts or not.
The syllables per line here is absolutely astonishing.

TLDR: stop talking like a upper class snob and consider that some of the criticism here might be legitimate.

Meso has a place for good sources. Whether or not there’s space for you isn’t your decision and isn’t based on anything but your ability to avoid fucking up. Your decision to label the negative comments regarding your gear and process (contamination, cross contamination, shipping/OPSEC, etc) malicious and provide no proof is yours, but i doubt you’re going to get to play the long game if you don’t address some of this stuff now...

“it wasn’t me” didn’t work out too well for Shaggy. The fact that all these things came out around the same time is either suspicious or exactly as expected of someone who isn’t prepared..
Last edited:
Da fuc is with all these 8 paragraph responses and shit? Some of y’all have no lives outside the internet , I swear.
I know. Reading is tough. What’s your address? Hooked on Phonics or just some Dr Suess books to practice?

It takes a couple mins to type a paragraph or two from the shitter at work. The result is you add more to this forum than some content-void post insinuating you’re cooler than everyone else.
Curious where you gathered the statistics on the EQ and the source material. As you know I enjoy a proper study.

I’m not even sure how to respond to the attack on my gender. For a person of such prestigious academia as yourself and your forbearing demeanor you should be abhorred. To just assume a person is lesser because they are of masculine or feminine nature is asinine at best and malifecent at worst. Your callous mentality is the reason behind a multitude of issues our would faces and the very things Jesus sought to expel from the hearts of His followers. Galatians 3:28 comes to mind.

For someone so adept at following and reading their thread I’d have surmised you knew the difference between making a comment, or typing, a roast me comment. However I’ve only typed that comment one time. Other times I have simply quoted it to remind people of what I said once. Furthermore, I do not “feel elevated among [my] peers.” Kindly, this is Meso and no one gives a fuck about “peers” and they most assuredly do care about pointing out when someone is wrong. Recurrently, had you read your own thread and Meso as a whole you’d know that.

I most certainly dissent to your assertion in which I think I am intellectually superior to anyone else. Assuredly I am both superior and inferior to a multitude of people across a broad range of issues here, I’ll let you endulge your own thoughts as to which applies where. You constantly composing novellas with perceived intulectual superioriority is what shows your narcissistic tendencies. Instead of an elementary answer to an uncomplicated query, you compose a dissertation in an attempt to explain and more accurately obfuscate the fact you’re simply baffled and attempting to cover your ass.

Your reading pleasure is irrelevant to your position in this thread and Meso in general. You should most likely take your own advice “please consider that silence offers an opportunity to learn through listening and reading.” Perhaps if you would have taken your own advice you wouldn’t be pullin some eBay crap nor have gotten your email hacked. It’s been around for weeks that someone was hacking emails and to change passwords. Perhaps your superior intelligence an narcissistic tendencies prevented you from thinking you were vulnerable.

The notion that a drug dealer can simply ask me to leave them alone on the internet is laughable at best. You decided to grace this forum with the understanding of how it works, if you are to to surmise that you don’t apply to that then continue your presence here, or you may capitulate and withdraw from this forum. The notion in which you think my identification of vulnerable and dangerous characteristics and events I observe here are self-elevating simply points out that you are a threat. You would only attempt to discredit me as self-elevating instead of addressing the actual issue of you were trying to hide something. And the irony is that you actually said you don’t do this on another response.

If you wish not to engage with me then simply do not respond and allow members to assess my comments based on their own merit. As you said, you do not believe you’re intellectually superior to anyone here so why not leave the college dissertations behind and let the members exercise their own intellectual power and either find merit in my posts or not.
You actually believe in the Jesus myth?
Do you also believed in lepracons, Zeus and mohamad? Sorry ,the atheist in me couldn't help himself.
I got a cousin who has a very high IQ talking to him is a trip. I asked how he liked his new bike his answer involved a lot of physics and trigonometry or I think it was I just walked away shaking my head

That's crazy, lol.

I consider myself to be a pretty intelligent dude, I do math for a living, but I don't feel the need to write a book and speak as scholarly as possible just to tell someone I disagree with them or to insult them.

It's makes me think of gorilla's beating their chests, trying to show their intellectual dominance.


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