SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

I'm on day 2.5 of Sym's DNP. Haven't felt anything yet, but I hear it takes a few days to build up in your system. I've been splitting my dose half in the morning and half in the evening.
I'm on day 2.5 of Sym's DNP. Haven't felt anything yet, but I hear it takes a few days to build up in your system. I've been splitting my dose half in the morning and half in the evening.
How much are you running?
I was hesitant to post this, but I have to put Sym in some bad light in order to show how well he pulled through with his customer service.

I placed an order on 4/2 for some DNP and some other goodies. Over the weekend, he announces a delay in shipping due to external problems. No biggie.

A couple days go by, and he posts on Meso saying he's out of DNP. I thought, damn, I managed to score some before he ran dry.

A week or so goes by and I see others posting their TA's. I thought, shit, my pack should be landing soon. No luck. Been checking Informed Delivery and no sign of it even being scanned in.

I hit up Sym on 4/13 asking if he could please check on the status of my pack and we email a bit back and forth trying to figure out what went wrong. Today, he reveals that he accidently combined my order with someone else's and shipped it to them on accident. No worries, humans make mistakes and he owned up to it unlike some other sources on here...

He immediately apologies and offers a full refund, or to pull some DNP from his own personal stash and reship the order via USPS Express along with added items for the trouble.

I'm currently tracking the pack as it's making its way to my place. I'll post pics of the TA either tomorrow or the day after when it lands.

We all fuck up, and Sym did more than enough to compensate for it in my opinion. This man has my business for the foreseeable future.
I would edit the super-specific details out! Might as well tell us the address it’s shipping to.
Damn, I unfortunately can't as the 30 minute edit window just passed. I guess Meso gets more than an honest review. I just wanted to show how much Sym is above the rest of the sources. Guess I crossed a line, and I’m sorry about it.
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Damn, I unfortunately can't as the 30 minute edit window just passed. I guess Meso gets more than an honest review. I just wanted to show how much Sym is above the rest of the sources. Guess I crossed a line, and I’m sorry about it.
Its not about crossing the line. He’s telling you for your own good. Law enforcement probably watches this forum. Why give them all that information. Keep it simple with shipping info.
He's not gonna waste his time with that. You guys act like he put his name, address and social security number in his post.

LE's not coming after this guy for some vague ass, long winded details. If he uploads a pic of his driver's licence, then we can shit our pants.
I may sound like an idiot so more experienced members feel free to pitch in and correct me here, but in the TGI days, didn't he accidentally leak his name on a lab report he posted? If anyone was going to get busted by LE, it was going to be one of the largest dealers on the board. And the only reason he got busted was that he was acting like a drunken retard. I'm all for security, but I think we all have to sometimes take a deep breath here.
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He's not gonna waste his time with that. You guys act like he put his name, address and social security number in his post.

LE's not coming after this guy for some vague ass, long winded details. If he uploads a pic of his driver's licence, then we can shit our pants.
Considering LE makes $$ from civil asset forfeiture I doubt any meaningless, small volume, nobody user would even be a consideration. People out here thinking LE has the funding to payroll a bunch of fat fucks to scour the thousands of internet sites and forums for the guys who probably have 500$ worth of PEDs and 45$ in cash in their wallet.

YEEHAW BROTHER WE HIT THE JACKPOT *rings dinner bell and squeezes uncle sam's ass*

All their measly funding goes towards busting people like Sym. They well and truly don't give a flying fuck about random people otherwise. Unclench your butt cheeks and relax fellas. You gotta do some really worthy shit for LE to come and invest money investigating you.
LE isn't interested in getting drugs off the street and keeping our precious children safe. They want cash and assets.

Your local LE will gladly let a suitcase jam packed with the finest Columbian cocaine walk off with no problem, just as long as they get that suitcase packed with cash. The locals get to keep about 80% of the take, so they don't give a shit about drugs, they only want to pad that slush fund and put one more bust on their performance report boosting their pay and pension.

DEA only cares about taking property, land, cash, bank accounts, cars, ripping your gold teeth out of your mouth like some sort of concentration camp nazi. When they kick in a door and tear a house apart, it's not for drugs.

I just wish the citizens would rise up and eliminate the DEA and FDA.