SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

I wish he offered some bases like test base TNE or Tren base! I’ve tried a wide variety of his products and was more than pleased. I’ve not found a reason to go else where! Maybe he does offer those but I’m not aware of it!

Another note I had been running some pharm grade test. Like from Iran hormone in the amps and I can’t tell a difference in it and Syms just as good if not better since his is dosed a bit higher. Very pleased
I wish he offered some bases like test base TNE or Tren base! I’ve tried a wide variety of his products and was more than pleased. I’ve not found a reason to go else where! Maybe he does offer those but I’m not aware of it!

Another note I had been running some pharm grade test. Like from Iran hormone in the amps and I can’t tell a difference in it and Syms just as good if not better since his is dosed a bit higher. Very pleased
Yeah seems like all the sources never seem to carry TNE for too long. I'm guessing not a big demand for it.
I wish he offered some bases like test base TNE or Tren base! I’ve tried a wide variety of his products and was more than pleased. I’ve not found a reason to go else where! Maybe he does offer those but I’m not aware of it!

Another note I had been running some pharm grade test. Like from Iran hormone in the amps and I can’t tell a difference in it and Syms just as good if not better since his is dosed a bit higher. Very pleased

You can tell based on what? The angle of your bonerzzz in the morning? There's no way to "tell" that gear is dosed accurately, but maybe you can. You should go to the Steroid Testing thread and offer your services.

We don't put value in the bonerzzz and feelzzz reports here. You either send it off and have it tested by a lab, or keep the bonerzzz and feelzzz to yourself.
You can tell based on what? The angle of your bonerzzz in the morning? There's no way to "tell" that gear is dosed accurately, but maybe you can. You should go to the Steroid Testing thread and offer your services.

We don't put value in the bonerzzz and feelzzz reports here. You either send it off and have it tested by a lab, or keep the bonerzzz and feelzzz to yourself.

On top of this, for guys with small penis like myself, a boner is really no different than a flaccid penis. Flaccid for me is 2cm and erect is 2.25cm
You can tell based on what? The angle of your bonerzzz in the morning? There's no way to "tell" that gear is dosed accurately, but maybe you can. You should go to the Steroid Testing thread and offer your services.

We don't put value in the bonerzzz and feelzzz reports here. You either send it off and have it tested by a lab, or keep the bonerzzz and feelzzz to yourself.

I had gotten blood work before I started taking syms test E I’ve been on it for almost 4 weeks I plan to go get them pulled again soon. I however never got bloods pulled for the Iran hormone test that I ran. I get where your coming from and I do agree 100 percent just feels don’t mean shit and doesn’t help anyone with much. I myself would not go on what someone said it made them feel like I agree that bloodwork is the only true way. My apologies I was just ranting that’s my bad. I was originally just posting regarding the curiosity of the TNE or Tren base availability.

That’s what makes Meso one of the best forums. There is numbers to back the products that’s way I came aboard and I’ve been happy ever since joining the forum. I have thick skin so I understand what your saying that’s why I decided to go and get my bloodwork I’ll post up once I get the next results to see the numbers. Before I started with sym I had been off everything for a bit of time.
Yeah seems like all the sources never seem to carry TNE for too long. I'm guessing not a big demand for it.

That’s what I was thinking. I should have waited to post that once I had my bloodwork completely done. I didn’t mean to come off like a BOP member praising gear without any bloods to show.
Primo was tested by both me and Symbiotics, came back great.

You can probably search this thread by Primo and find posts by members because I remember others posting about it. I ran it at 700mg with 300 test and 500 mast, well, until the gyms closed. Definitely saw gains, albeit slower than other AAS, along with a pumped feeling just about all the time. I love that stack, felt great too.
Awesome! Good to hear, good things. Thank you for your input. I appreciate it.
Just wanted to add in, tried the Primo EO Sym provides. Awesome product and smooth, no adverse reactions nor any pip (16hs in so far). Thank you Sym for providing quality products and services at fair prices, you've made my first cycle pleasent and safe!

Edit :
Thank you for your input. It helps. I appreciate it!
Lol yes. Been hot for the past day. Will be done with first week on Sunday. 1 more to go.

I think I'm holding water. Haven't lost weight, but last tim u did dnp I lost like 8 lbs after my cycle was over.
Yeh the weight usually comes off a week or so after you drop it. It’s such a mind fuck while your on though, some days you look super lean and others you just look skinny fat and bloated.

Anyways good luck!
Have a question i hope one of you can answer, i tried looking it up but never really found answer. Looking at anavar for my wife. It comes in 20mg and 50mg obviously 50mg is more for the money. She starts at 5mg am then 5mg pm. Doing the 50mg would be such a small amount of var/solution in the syringe would we risk the solution not being dosed properly. Would the 20mg dose a little better since there would be more var/solution in the syringe. Or am i over thinking the whole process.
Have a question i hope one of you can answer, i tried looking it up but never really found answer. Looking at anavar for my wife. It comes in 20mg and 50mg obviously 50mg is more for the money. She starts at 5mg am then 5mg pm. Doing the 50mg would be such a small amount of var/solution in the syringe would we risk the solution not being dosed properly. Would the 20mg dose a little better since there would be more var/solution in the syringe. Or am i over thinking the whole process.
It is supposed to be very well mixed when it comes from him, based on his method he described. Then you have to shake it well before each use to get it into correct dosage, at least as close as you can. That being said, 50 should be as good as 20.