SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

LE isn't interested in getting drugs off the street and keeping our precious children safe. They want cash and assets.

Your local LE will gladly let a suitcase jam packed with the finest Columbian cocaine walk off with no problem, just as long as they get that suitcase packed with cash. The locals get to keep about 80% of the take, so they don't give a shit about drugs, they only want to pad that slush fund and put one more bust on their performance report boosting their pay and pension.

DEA only cares about taking property, land, cash, bank accounts, cars, ripping your gold teeth out of your mouth like some sort of concentration camp nazi. When they kick in a door and tear a house apart, it's not for drugs.

I just wish the citizens would rise up and eliminate the DEA and FDA.

Does all that stuff still go to auction ? The cars tvs etc
He's not gonna waste his time with that. You guys act like he put his name, address and social security number in his post.

LE's not coming after this guy for some vague ass, long winded details. If he uploads a pic of his driver's licence, then we can shit our pants.

I know. I know. But one guy posts that, then another guy posts a little more and then Johnny Newb comes in with a post:

Hey Sym! Your email doesn’t work. Please send 2 vials of testosterones and 1 vial of trenbolones to me, Johnny Newb. I live with my parents at 154 Snowflake Drive, Dumbfucksville, KY. My phone number is 714-555-3297 if you have any questions. Thanks.
I may sound like an idiot so more experienced members feel free to pitch in and correct me here, but in the TGI days, didn't he accidentally leak his name on a lab report he posted? If anyone was going to get busted by LE, it was going to be one of the largest dealers on the board. And the only reason he got busted was that he was acting like a drunken retard. I'm all for security, but I think we all have to sometimes take a deep breath here.
Correct on the TGI part
Pack arrived.
Small order compared to some of you freaks, but without disclosing too much info, Sym did his thing and resolved the problem.


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LE isn't interested in getting drugs off the street and keeping our precious children safe. They want cash and assets.

Your local LE will gladly let a suitcase jam packed with the finest Columbian cocaine walk off with no problem, just as long as they get that suitcase packed with cash. The locals get to keep about 80% of the take, so they don't give a shit about drugs, they only want to pad that slush fund and put one more bust on their performance report boosting their pay and pension.

DEA only cares about taking property, land, cash, bank accounts, cars, ripping your gold teeth out of your mouth like some sort of concentration camp nazi. When they kick in a door and tear a house apart, it's not for drugs.

I just wish the citizens would rise up and eliminate the DEA and FDA.
@MyCruisIsYourBlast Dylan, I need some sarmz...
sure, but be sure to PCT with n2guard, gw 50516, nolva, clomid and pramipexole!
I vaguely recall another member dosing at half a ml. I’ve been doing that and felt good but could be completely full of shit on what I thought I read.
I'v been doing 2 ml a week 1 ml ever 3 days or so. I can only talk feels, definitely more energy. No comment on fat burning properties since I'm not taking it for that now.
Just wanted to add in, tried the Primo EO Sym provides. Awesome product and smooth, no adverse reactions nor any pip (16hs in so far). Thank you Sym for providing quality products and services at fair prices, you've made my first cycle pleasent and safe!

Edit :
Any use his primo yet? Thanks. If don’t want to discuss on here, message me.
Any use his primo yet? Thanks. If don’t want to discuss on here, message me.
Primo was tested by both me and Symbiotics, came back great.

You can probably search this thread by Primo and find posts by members because I remember others posting about it. I ran it at 700mg with 300 test and 500 mast, well, until the gyms closed. Definitely saw gains, albeit slower than other AAS, along with a pumped feeling just about all the time. I love that stack, felt great too.
And, can I cut some of my more painful aas (looking at you trne) with the lipo b12?
Is the TrNE water or oil based? If it’s oil based, you won’t want to mix the two. Can you? Yes, but most don’t recommend it. Also, if the b12 is water based (which it usually is), you’re going to be hurting yourself just from that alone, so if your goal is to lessen the pip, you’ll be doing the opposite.
Whats the recommended dosing for the b12 injects?
I usually take 2 ml a week separated into 2 injections. Lipo might have sides if overdose based on my research along with strain on your kidneys.
Start small to see how your body react to it remember lipo isn't B12 only ,and go up from there.

Possible side effects from overdosing choline include abdominal discomfort, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, feeling of faintness or dizziness, depression and sweating. Till this time there have been no known major side effects with taking L-Leucine. Usually when a substance like L-Leucine is produced organically in nature, and if proper dosage amounts are used, then the chances for side effects are really little. That is consistent with L-Leucine.