SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

Package received. This second time around from Sym was a lot quicker than the first time. I ordered Thursday of last week and received it today on Monday.

So glad I didn't have issues. I'm part of a neighborhood internet watch site that sends me updates on all that's happening in my neighborhood. Unfortunately, where I live there's a lot of human scum taking advantage of the COVID-19 lock down. Burglaries are up 87% and now I'm getting notices that people are getting their mail parcels stolen. Glad this didn't happen to me as this was the largest order I've ever placed for this type of thing.

Thanks, Sym.

I ordered Same day. You give me hope mine will land by today.
Against my better judgement I’m placing trust in sym with my coin. Its not that he’s untrustworthy, we’ve seen good sources go unreliable before. I believe sym when he says all of those things happened, but for his sake I hope that he’s exaggerating/ obfuscating. If somebody personally knew the a guy who had his daughter in a hospital and a tree fall on their house in the same week, then they could put two and two together and figure out what he does. Good luck sir.
What’s 353?
Jebus fucking Christ. Really?
Godamnit man. You can’t just throw that information around willy nilly. Make them mentally rep to failure. Once you’ve determined they’re retarded you can rack it and then follow them to the locker room to wipe their ass for them after they take a shit.

There are rules.

You are right! I just keep seeing all these fucktards that can't research let alone read through a thread before they ask when it's easy to find if you just look. I will make em work for it next time :D
day 4 on 250mg actually feeling the heat increasing, 62 degrees and im warm/hot inside hungry for a wind to cool me down a bit - increasing to 375mg tomorrow we'll see.

2 questions (grateful to have ur opinions @Eman @Dthcore):
1. noticed red spots on my chest, happened after first dose, doesn't hurt, not pimples, allergic reaction? benadryl? what u think? should i take Benadryl daily for the cycle?
2. ill increase to 375mg tomorrow(day 4) and keep it for 2 weeks, thats good? attempting 500mg on first cycle is a no no.
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day 4 on 250mg actually feeling the heat increasing, 62 degrees and im warm/hot inside hungry for a wind to cool me down a bit - increasing to 375mg tomorrow we'll see.

2 questions (grateful to have ur opinions @Eman @Dthcore):
1. noticed red spots on my chest, happened after first dose, doesn't hurt, not pimples, allergic reaction? benadryl? what u think? should i take Benadryl daily for the cycle?
2. ill increase to 375mg tomorrow(day 4) and keep it for 2 weeks, thats good? attempting 500mg on first cycle is a no no.
Are we supposed to guess the compound?
day 4 on 250mg actually feeling the heat increasing, 62 degrees and im warm/hot inside hungry for a wind to cool me down a bit - increasing to 375mg tomorrow we'll see.

2 questions (grateful to have ur opinions @Eman @Dthcore):
1. noticed red spots on my chest, happened after first dose, doesn't hurt, not pimples, allergic reaction? benadryl? what u think? should i take Benadryl daily for the cycle?
2. ill increase to 375mg tomorrow(day 4) and keep it for 2 weeks, thats good? attempting 500mg on first cycle is a no no.

I would keep an eye on it and have antihistamine on hand if it gets worse. DNP can make your skin more sensitive. If it gets worse or you have any symptoms of an allergic reaction stop immediately and don't take it again.
day 4 on 250mg actually feeling the heat increasing, 62 degrees and im warm/hot inside hungry for a wind to cool me down a bit - increasing to 375mg tomorrow we'll see.

2 questions (grateful to have ur opinions @Eman @Dthcore):
1. noticed red spots on my chest, happened after first dose, doesn't hurt, not pimples, allergic reaction? benadryl? what u think? should i take Benadryl daily for the cycle?
2. ill increase to 375mg tomorrow(day 4) and keep it for 2 weeks, thats good? attempting 500mg on first cycle is a no no.

What @Eman said, I used zyrtec. Benedryl made me sleepy. lol
day 4 on 250mg actually feeling the heat increasing, 62 degrees and im warm/hot inside hungry for a wind to cool me down a bit - increasing to 375mg tomorrow we'll see.

2 questions (grateful to have ur opinions @Eman @Dthcore):
1. noticed red spots on my chest, happened after first dose, doesn't hurt, not pimples, allergic reaction? benadryl? what u think? should i take Benadryl daily for the cycle?
2. ill increase to 375mg tomorrow(day 4) and keep it for 2 weeks, thats good? attempting 500mg on first cycle is a no no.
That’s what I did, 375 was unbearable for me. Lethargic as hell, took a toll on my job performance. 1 week off of it and I feel like a million, I’ll likely never use it again I feel better on Clen

just 2 cents

Works like a charm though lol
day 4 on 250mg actually feeling the heat increasing, 62 degrees and im warm/hot inside hungry for a wind to cool me down a bit - increasing to 375mg tomorrow we'll see.

2 questions (grateful to have ur opinions @Eman @Dthcore):
1. noticed red spots on my chest, happened after first dose, doesn't hurt, not pimples, allergic reaction? benadryl? what u think? should i take Benadryl daily for the cycle?
2. ill increase to 375mg tomorrow(day 4) and keep it for 2 weeks, thats good? attempting 500mg on first cycle is a no no.
If you can manage the allergic reaction, try 375 a few days and assess tolerance. For most people, that's manageable but see how the sides are for you since i assume this is your first cycle. If good, 2 weeks is fine.
Are we supposed to guess the compound?

I would keep an eye on it and have antihistamine on hand if it gets worse. DNP can make your skin more sensitive. If it gets worse or you have any symptoms of an allergic reaction stop immediately and don't take it again.
yeah i read about that, it doesn't get worse or painful or itchy, its red spots on chest, weirdly enough happened after first dose, not too early for a skin reaction? Benadryl on hand.

What @Eman said, I used zyrtec. Benedryl made me sleepy. lol
that's what held me back using benadryl, would u take it daily till it stops?

That’s what I did, 375 was unbearable for me. Lethargic as hell, took a toll on my job performance. 1 week off of it and I feel like a million, I’ll likely never use it again I feel better on Clen

just 2 cents

Works like a charm though lol
250mg is perfectly fine for me, im not even that hot on day 4. will go 375mg tomorrow 2 pills in morning 1 at night, better take it at night or morning?

If you can manage the allergic reaction, try 375 a few days and assess tolerance. For most people, that's manageable but see how the sides are for you since i assume this is your first cycle. If good, 2 weeks is fine.
the allergic reaction is the same so far, benadryl on hand, will get zyrtec too. 250mg is easy for me, will up to 375mg tomorrow and let u all know.

thank you for all the answers!

yeah i read about that, it doesn't get worse or painful or itchy, its red spots on chest, weirdly enough happened after first dose, not too early for a skin reaction? Benadryl on hand.

that's what held me back using benadryl, would u take it daily till it stops?

250mg is perfectly fine for me, im not even that hot on day 4. will go 375mg tomorrow 2 pills in morning 1 at night, better take it at night or morning?

the allergic reaction is the same so far, benadryl on hand, will get zyrtec too. 250mg is easy for me, will up to 375mg tomorrow and let u all know.

thank you for all the answers!
I tried all at night and all in morning

Neither had a better effect in terms of sides

it’s got a ~5 day half life I believe so morning night or both I don’t think it matters much