SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

Question for you. There is a "locked lock" icon next to the sender in proton mail. Was this ICON next to the sender when tntline would send emails? Or was it an open lock?

I Would set up a signature on protonmail first and foremost having them change their passwords and setup 2FA. These scams work because the CUSTOMERS email is compromised. Everyone should immediately change their passwords, and enable 2fa. As well as go to SETTINGS>Security>Session management (right corner) and make sure there are no malicious log ins, and if so revoke them.

Next remind people to verify the email address they are communicating with, as well as things like any other red flags. ie changing btc addresses, unlocked lock icon, etc, etc.

For the last 2 months my signature has been as follows in an attempt to wan people of this stuff. I started to notice a sharp increase in compromised emails, as well as the pattern of people re-using forum passwords, on their emails.

These scammers/hackings really make a strong case for using PGP for all communication. This kind of scam can't work if both parties are encrypting their own messages.

tntline has never sent me an email. I only learned of this address when a customer sent me a screenshot of his email that had my email address as the display name for the tntline person.
I’d like to purchase some of this from you. Along with the gear I’m going to buy next week. I’ve never needed any BP medication,
but my BP has been 168/88 or around that for the last few weeks. HCT is high too. I’m about to donate. But I’d like to have some BP med on hand.

How many mg are the capsules? How many mg do you take? You personally take it on a daily basis? How high was your BP? What does the drug lower it to?

And lastly...what will you sell this for and how many?

I personally use 80mg daily. I don't think I would make 80mg capsules to sell because there is no way to dose them incrementally. 80mg is the highest dose that is available from the pharmacy in a single pill.
It would work well in suspension; so that may be the route I take. In fact, I have sold suspensions at a far higher rate than any of my capsules; so I may eventually drop capsules from my list altogether, except for DNP.
I still have a little while left on my assessment phase; so things may change in that regard.
Also, I think I may extend the assessment period for another month. I have made quite a few sales; but not enough to, in my opinion, adequately gauge the market for demand of new products or preferred delivery vehicles. I think a little more time will be needed.
Goodnight everyone!
I wish you all a restful sleep and a productive day tomorrow.
My list is available by clicking the spoiler button:
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I'm curious exactly how extreme the pip is from his Test E @ 400mg/ml
Never used dosed that high...:eek:
@SymBiotics how are your batches numbered? Are all batches produced from one order of raws considered to be of the same batch? Are the raws used all at one time? If so a batch of 200mg test cyp from a kilogram of raws will yield 416 vials (5 liters). Is this how you are brewing or are you brewing smaller batches of the same raw order and calling all of those batches by the same batch number?
@SymBiotics did you have a chance to answer this yet? I was also curious for your response.

Plus with all the data breach entries/posts in multiple forums hopefully this thread returns back to normal haha
So are you gonna follow the trend and pop up on your on Discord server? You'd be spending a shit ton more time posting if you did/do. Just wondering...seems to be what all the cool kids are doing. :cool:(Yikes, PEER PRESSURE!)
Interesting. How many cycles have you done? What sites did you inject?
I’ve been cycling around 6 years. Both injections were in both glutes. The one is still a little sore from Saturday. Even got some flu like symptoms the day after my body felt wrecked. Dunno if my body didn’t like the gso? I’ll try warming it first and see what happens today


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