SYN Pharma 2018 - Canadian Domestic only.

yup, I think thats why labs often offer gifts and repay for testing to prove thats not the case. obv no perfect solution in UGL, some obv better than others. and most people get ripped off with drugs at least at some point in there life.

has there been many cases of UGL posting great labs and then when someone tested it was 25+% off? my sense is folks who sell super underused target different people and dont even bother showing labs ever.
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None of these reputable labs are gonna go underdosing intentionally. Raws are cheap. Labs definitely don't post every result and I'm sure that sometimes there is an error in their manufacturing process and something may end up slightly off, and that they won't post those. But if something comes tested underdosed, I am willing to bet a ton that it was just a mathematical or procedural error, and not a lab trying to save 300mg of raws per vial by intentionally underdosing.

Lab results are so hard to interpret honestly. You can either look at results posted by the lab, or by a client. Obviously I take results posted by the lab with a grain of salt. I know everything from that batch will be the same and I definitely don't think they create 1 good vial to test and just intentionally fuck the rest up, I am positive that doesn't happen. But I'm sure they probably send off 10 samples and post maybe like 8 or 9 of them and sweep the not so great one under the rug and use that test as a learning experience.

On the other hand I don't really trust tests posted by 'clients' online either though. Your standard client is just gonna use the product with the best reviews. Nobody really wants to go spend a few hundred dollars and inconvenience themselves sending their gear all the way to Europe to get tested a month later. Most tests that I've seen posted by 'clients' I am extremely suspicious of their motives. Usually with further inspection into their post history and seeing how they talk about other sources, those reservations are usually only further reassured.

I don't think its the same for American consumers from what ive seen the Americans really do like testing their gear. It just doesn't seem like its something that's nearly as big in the Canadian scene and the only people who are going to spend that money and inconvenience themselves are people that I kind of question as well.

I agree with all of this!

yup, I think thats why labs often offer gifts and repay for testing to prove thats not the case. obv no perfect solution in UGL, some obv better than others. and most people get ripped off with drugs at least at some point in there life.

has there been many cases of UGL posting great labs and then when someone tested it was 25+% off? my sense is folks who sell super underused target different people and dont even bother showing labs ever.

Like the user above me that I quoted (cumminstech) canadian clients are not testing products so it's gonna b hard to reference something that does not even happen. My response to you would be can you even show me one case where a product that a canadian lab tested themselves thru jano and a client repeated the same test thru jano as well for us to see if it's the same or diff?? I doubt it so........

I not saying the lab reports done by labs on their own product have zero value. Their value is that you know at one time they had those raws and they can dose accurately. It means something lol but not a whole lot and for some people to say that just because some new lab that been around for 1 year posts a bunch of testing it means they are as good or better than labs around 5 years or moreee with consistent good feedback shows how naive n clueless those people are.
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I guess next question is what I posed already, have you seen labs come back drastically different than what the lab had it tested at?

gg has labs from customers.
deus im sure does as offer full repayment of testing. just contact them to ask.

there are plenty of laser tests done aswell on Canadian gear just cause its free and only need small amount, but of course not the greatest test.

im sure a couple other places off repayment of testing and have some although often hard to find as in different threads or different forums etc.

but agree folks dont do as much customer testing in canada although should esp when only means ur out the cash for a week or 2. I think just old school thing was bloodwork and def lots of those out there but doesn't mean a TONNE to the new age educated customer. why keep banging your drum and other folks will start testing more... also maybe Canadians are just more trusting lol...
I agree with all of this!

Like the user above me that I quoted (cumminstech) canadian clients are not testing products so it's gonna b hard to reference something that does not even happen. My response to you would be can you even show me one case where a product that a canadian lab tested themselves thru jano and a client repeated the same test thru jano as well for us to see if it's the same or diff?? I doubt it so........

I not saying the lab reports done by labs on their own product have zero value. Their value is that you know at one time they had those raws and they can dose accurately. It means something lol but not a whole lot and for some people to say that just because some new lab that been around for 1 year posts a bunch of testing it means they are as good or better than labs around 5 years or moreee with consistent good feedback shows how naive n clueless those people are.
Not the person you're responding to, but yes:
I been with syn for years I tried theirs Test 400, Test E, Test prop, Anadrol, Anavar, Masteron, NPP, Tren, Caber, amiridex, aromasin, Halo, Accutane, Viagra, alway had good result.
Dear valued clientele

Just a quick notification that our last and final shipping day of the year will be on Monday, December 18th. Cutoff time for any shipments on this day will be at 6:00am PST. There are no exceptions to this as my shipper leaves later that day to go spend time with her family during the holidays, and I'll be doing the same.

We will resume shipping on Wednesday, January 3rd. Our usual schedule will take effect at that time. This means that we'll have just over 2+ weeks of nothing being shipped. I will still be in contact via email during this time, but there's no means of having anything sent during this period.

Please feel free to email me back if you have any questions and/or inquiries pertaining to anything here.

Thank you

Dear valued clientele

Just a quick notification that our last and final shipping day of the year will be on Monday, December 18th. Cutoff time for any shipments on this day will be at 6:00am PST. There are no exceptions to this as my shipper leaves later that day to go spend time with her family during the holidays, and I'll be doing the same.

We will resume shipping on Wednesday, January 3rd. Our usual schedule will take effect at that time. This means that we'll have just over 2+ weeks of nothing being shipped. I will still be in contact via email during this time, but there's no means of having anything sent during this period.

Please feel free to email me back if you have any questions and/or inquiries pertaining to anything here.

Thank you

I tried contacting a couple emails of SPh including one you left with no feedback.
Dear valued clientele

Just a quick notification that our last and final shipping day of the year will be on Monday, December 18th. Cutoff time for any shipments on this day will be at 6:00am PST. There are no exceptions to this as my shipper leaves later that day to go spend time with her family during the holidays, and I'll be doing the same.

We will resume shipping on Wednesday, January 3rd. Our usual schedule will take effect at that time. This means that we'll have just over 2+ weeks of nothing being shipped. I will still be in contact via email during this time, but there's no means of having anything sent during this period.

Please feel free to email me back if you have any questions and/or inquiries pertaining to anything here.

Thank you

Do you only work through the website? So far I've only been asking for prices via email. Am I supposed to ask for access to the website? Or I'll just stick with NF.
Do you only work through the website? So far I've only been asking for prices via email. Am I supposed to ask for access to the website? Or I'll just stick with NF.
Are you using a regular Email like Hotmail or Gmail or are you using a secure email like Proton or Tuta, this could be your problem and no you don't need to ask for access to the websites even though I prefer using a Rep.
Dear valued clientele

Just a quick notification that our last and final shipping day of the year will be on Monday, December 18th. Cutoff time for any shipments on this day will be at 6:00am PST. There are no exceptions to this as my shipper leaves later that day to go spend time with her family during the holidays, and I'll be doing the same.

We will resume shipping on Wednesday, January 3rd. Our usual schedule will take effect at that time. This means that we'll have just over 2+ weeks of nothing being shipped. I will still be in contact via email during this time, but there's no means of having anything sent during this period.

Please feel free to email me back if you have any questions and/or inquiries pertaining to anything here.

Thank you

Sounds good brother- thanks again for a great year. Happy holidays to you and yours!
You can't go wrong with SYN. I'm doing NPP my next cycle. Enjoy
I ordered 1 test cyp 2 equipoise, then 3 test cyp, then 1 daily cialis 2 anavar. Separate orders all went smooth. No pip on the injectables. Delts or glutes, the cialis is doing what it does. Appetite through the roof and endurance increasing with every workout. Im pleased with them so far.
I ordered 1 test cyp 2 equipoise, then 3 test cyp, then 1 daily cialis 2 anavar. Separate orders all went smooth. No pip on the injectables. Delts or glutes, the cialis is doing what it does. Appetite through the roof and endurance increasing with every workout. Im pleased with them so far.
Looks like you've given yourself an early Christmas present lol. Some say EQ will up your appetite it didn't for me. Keep your anavar for the end of your cycle.

How many cycles have you done so far?
Looks like you've given yourself an early Christmas present lol. Some say EQ will up your appetite it didn't for me. Keep your anavar for the end of your cycle.

How many cycles have you done so far?
Oh yeah lol steroid santa blessed me lol. I ran a few cycles 2014-2017 and took a break after my last mens physique show so this is my first one in about 6 years. Eq definitely runs my appetite and my endurance through the roof. I know some people don’t like it but i love it. Its always worked well for me when putting on quality size. Im not a big eater and 4 weeks in im easily eating 6 proper proportioned meals with ease.