SYN Pharma 2018 - Canadian Domestic only.

Yes because a difference of a few mgs is SO hard to fathom lol :rolleyes:

Maybe they'd find it easier to make properly dosed tabs without your lips constantly up there ass!
Oh lips up there ass because they produce a good product. Anymore zingers for us?
@Liska does have a good point @SYNrep about testing, there is very few tests out there and the few(a1 whatever aside) are showing some under dosed stuff. The guy was reimbursed but although syn is HIGHLY regarded and long time UGL, how many other products are under dosed? I am sure you guys are coming up with a plan to correct these issues and perhaps increase testing as part of QC in the future.

but as Liska said it is sorta weird there aren't more tests out there... although I am sure 95% of ur stuff is bang on....BUT sounds like more qc testing is a good idea.
although I am sure 95% of ur stuff is bang on....
Please consider whether your faith is not based on ignorance.

Due to the inaccuracy of chinese lab testing for AAS purity, if SYN or any lab doesn't test every batch of raws and/or finished product via the proper methods, getting 95% of products to be within 5% of label claim is practically impossible, even within 10% will require a lot of lucky guesses.

Inaccurately dosed product is rarely intentional (there are brands built around underdosed/bunk gear but those target a different customerbase entirely), it happens even to pharmaceutical manufacturers if you were to apply the standards of our community regarding +-% or variance rather than pharmacopeia standards to all pharma products.

If the canadian BB community has not pushed their trusted brands to have all their products labtested nor regularly done blindtesting on said products for all these years, you reap what you sow. Do all the other big canadian brands have all those labtests SYN seems to be missing? I don't think so.
prob comes down to the system. why would a rep want to pay for it to be tested, as if its bad what could they even do, and the good faith of high quality stuff is already established.. but when 2/3 tests show under dose by 50% super strange no one raises an eyebrow, yes they made it right for that 1 guy, but no further testing to make sure it was a VERY unlucky occurrence. and no im not talking about a1 s questionable attack, photos with the test indicating was legit test and hence why syn took care of him(which is great).
There a hit or miss lab I’ve found and no testing speaks for it self what lab wouldn’t want to show good tests they were better when they first hit the seen I’ve found
There a hit or miss lab I’ve found and no testing speaks for it self what lab wouldn’t want to show good tests they were better when they first hit the seen I’ve found
All of my personal training clients are using syn and oxygen, now that pareto disappeared, so I have to disagree with your comments. When pareto left the scene, I tried a few other labs, but only these two labs have stood out to myself and my clients in terms of results and effects from their compounds. Nothing that any of us have used has been hit or miss.
All of my personal training clients are using syn and oxygen, now that pareto disappeared, so I have to disagree with your comments. When pareto left the scene, I tried a few other labs, but only these two labs have stood out to myself and my clients in terms of results and effects from their compounds. Nothing that any of us have used has been hit or miss.
I think their comment is based on recent (and only) lab testing, rather than “feels”
I think their comment is based on recent (and only) lab testing, rather than “feels”
Anecdotal feedback from numerous people that are in great shape counts for something I am sure. When I made the choice to try this lab out, I saw hundreds of great reviews on this lab, on all the various forums. I wasn't able to find that on almost any other lab. Were all those people just lying in your opinion?

You're referring to testing that was done where it was shown that the individual would not prove he was a client. That is highly suspect if you ask me. The rep followed up with testing that nailed everything except anavar. The other lab that I use has anavar testing so until I see better testing for their var I go with oxygens var. Please name one lab that tests every batch of raws and every batch of finished product and maybe you can convince me to try something else. I'd like to touch on the fact that I notice a lot of your posts like to go after other labs in a very subtle way. If you answer my question then I'll have a better idea as to who you support, as I have been very clear over the years with who I support.
Anecdotal feedback from numerous people that are in great shape counts for something I am sure. When I made the choice to try this lab out, I saw hundreds of great reviews on this lab, on all the various forums. I wasn't able to find that on almost any other lab. Were all those people just lying in your opinion?

You're referring to testing that was done where it was shown that the individual would not prove he was a client. That is highly suspect if you ask me. The rep followed up with testing that nailed everything except anavar. The other lab that I use has anavar testing so until I see better testing for their var I go with oxygens var. Please name one lab that tests every batch of raws and every batch of finished product and maybe you can convince me to try something else. I'd like to touch on the fact that I notice a lot of your posts like to go after other labs in a very subtle way. If you answer my question then I'll have a better idea as to who you support, as I have been very clear over the years with who I support.
I’m not Canadian so my opinion means nothing.

However what I’ve seen over the past decade is most Canadian labs don’t do testing. It’s just shills from each lab shitting on the other labs. I’ve seen one report from Syn which was underdosed accutane. The only other labs i’ve seen test raws and finished products is Jets Labs and those Canadian Growth Guys who test every batch.
I thought it was something other than accutane? thats one that is tuff as degrades easily.

1 thing about syn is they do have alot of shills so much so that guy got called out as said syn sells generic hcg and hgh from china like everyone else. BUT apparently syn has the hook up for 100% Canadian manufactured HCG and HGH no one else can get lol and somehow must be better.... one thing if tested it and showed look ours is better. for some reason dont have full line up of peptides though lol. not sure they claim to make there own raws too as making test is easier than recombinant peptides. im sure its just from reps that either lie or misunderstand there own product.
I thought it was something other than accutane? thats one that is tuff as degrades easily.

1 thing about syn is they do have alot of shills so much so that guy got called out as said syn sells generic hcg and hgh from china like everyone else. BUT apparently syn has the hook up for 100% Canadian manufactured HCG and HGH no one else can get lol and somehow must be better.... one thing if tested it and showed look ours is better. for some reason dont have full line up of peptides though lol. not sure they claim to make there own raws too as making test is easier than recombinant peptides. im sure its just from reps that either lie or misunderstand there own product.
Their clen and anavar was tested also. There was a 20% variance between both samples. One tab of var was 10mg and another was like 7.5mg or something. The clen was 50mcg and another tab was 40mcg.
I thought it was something other than accutane? thats one that is tuff as degrades easily.

1 thing about syn is they do have alot of shills so much so that guy got called out as said syn sells generic hcg and hgh from china like everyone else. BUT apparently syn has the hook up for 100% Canadian manufactured HCG and HGH no one else can get lol and somehow must be better.... one thing if tested it and showed look ours is better. for some reason dont have full line up of peptides though lol. not sure they claim to make there own raws too as making test is easier than recombinant peptides. im sure its just from reps that either lie or misunderstand there own product.
You know a lot about brewing, and immediately went after that new lab. I have noticed that you seem to make jabs at other labs quite often. What is it about these labs that bother you so much, and why don't you tell me which lab you would recommend, since you know so much about brewing and underground labs in Canada?
I thought it was something other than accutane? thats one that is tuff as degrades easily.

1 thing about syn is they do have alot of shills so much so that guy got called out as said syn sells generic hcg and hgh from china like everyone else. BUT apparently syn has the hook up for 100% Canadian manufactured HCG and HGH no one else can get lol and somehow must be better.... one thing if tested it and showed look ours is better. for some reason dont have full line up of peptides though lol. not sure they claim to make there own raws too as making test is easier than recombinant peptides. im sure its just from reps that either lie or misunderstand there own product.
I think shills are everywhere man, it's not fair to say it's just Syn or whoever. Fuck I've used them all, I'm a gear whore haha.

And who said Syn manufacturers their own HGH and HCG? Is this the actual lab claiming this?

I thought it was pretty common knowledge that all labs source hcg and hgh from China unless I have been living under a rock?
it was a moderator on the forum...not a member so not going to sign up to call that out on an old thread lol.. would get banned im sure, all the peptide groups forums are all under "big peptides" thumb and all have special coupon codes that they swear they dont get payed for like the other groups lol... I dunno folks seemed to accept that as reality syn makes its own hcg and hgh or at least access to "Canadian made" hcg hgh...suppose anything is possible but I HIGHLY doubt it.
I think people getting stupideer by the day....some questions for you guys that think labs posting public jano results on finished products means anything lol

When a lab sends products for testing you think a lab will publicly post poor lab results and good ones? Or just the good ones?

Do you think just because they posted lab results for a product on a particular date that came out as labeled guarantees that every batch after that will also meet its label claim?

Do you think a lab can't invest a few thousand every 6 months, make a small batch of the most demand and exotic products they sell at 10% over label claim, send to Jano, post results and fool you all?

Do you think a lab like SYN that has been in business for years can't afford to do what I mentioned on the point above if they wanted to "shut up" the haters?

If you still think labs posting their own finished product results have any value then u are dumb af. A lab posting their own lab results just means that at one point in time they had the raws to make that product and they know how to dose accurately if they want to. Das all
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I think people getting stupideer by the day....some questions for you guys that think labs posting public jano results on finished products means anything lol

When a lab sends products for testing you think a lab will publicly post poor lab results and good ones? Or just the good ones?

Do you think just because they posted lab results for a product on a particular date that came out as labeled guarantees that every batch after that will also meet its label claim?

Do you think a lab can't invest a few thousand every 6 months, make a small batch of the most demand and exotic products they sell at 10% over label claim, send to Jano, post results and fool you all?

Do you think a lab like SYN that has been in business for years can't afford to do what I mentioned on the point above if they wanted to "shut up" the haters?

If you still think labs posting their own finished product results have any value then u are dumb af. A lab posting their own lab results just means that at one point in time they had the raws to make that product and they know how to dose accurately if they want to. Das all

None of these reputable labs are gonna go underdosing intentionally. Raws are cheap. Labs definitely don't post every result and I'm sure that sometimes there is an error in their manufacturing process and something may end up slightly off, and that they won't post those. But if something comes tested underdosed, I am willing to bet a ton that it was just a mathematical or procedural error, and not a lab trying to save 300mg of raws per vial by intentionally underdosing.

Lab results are so hard to interpret honestly. You can either look at results posted by the lab, or by a client. Obviously I take results posted by the lab with a grain of salt. I know everything from that batch will be the same and I definitely don't think they create 1 good vial to test and just intentionally fuck the rest up, I am positive that doesn't happen. But I'm sure they probably send off 10 samples and post maybe like 8 or 9 of them and sweep the not so great one under the rug and use that test as a learning experience.

On the other hand I don't really trust tests posted by 'clients' online either though. Your standard client is just gonna use the product with the best reviews. Nobody really wants to go spend a few hundred dollars and inconvenience themselves sending their gear all the way to Europe to get tested a month later. Most tests that I've seen posted by 'clients' I am extremely suspicious of their motives. Usually with further inspection into their post history and seeing how they talk about other sources, those reservations are usually only further reassured.

I don't think its the same for American consumers from what ive seen the Americans really do like testing their gear. It just doesn't seem like its something that's nearly as big in the Canadian scene and the only people who are going to spend that money and inconvenience themselves are people that I kind of question as well.