Take Two- MP's Meet Training Log


double overhand sumo pulls 5x225, 5x275, 3x315, 2x355, 1x395
bent rows 3x8 205
face pulls 10x 80, 90, 100
ab pulldowns 15x120, 2x12 130
spread eagle sit ups 2x15 +45

Yesterday's workout didn't go real well as benching felt way heavier than it should have. Started having stomach issues several hours later so I must have had some kind of bug.

Wasn't quite 100% when I worked out this morning but it went much better.

Week 2 Coan Deadlift Program

warm up
t handle swings 2x15 65

deads 3x315, 2x365, 1x415, 2x460
speed deads 8x3 375

3 circuits
stiff leg deads 8x205
bent rows 8x205
underhand late pulldowns 3x8 180
good mornings 8x155

Have to go out of town on business tomorrow and workout time will be limited so I moved pulling to today and will bench tomorrow.

Deads felt pretty good today and everything moved much better than last week. Kept all numbers the same on assistance work from last week but will probably move up a little on a few of the movements next week.

paused bench 5x135, 5x195,3x245, 1x295, 1x335, 1x365
dips 15xbw, 2x13 +45
trricep pushdowns 3x10 100
bb curls 2x12 95, 10x115

365 was smooth but a little tougher than I would have liked but I'm well ahead of where I have been this far out before the meet. Short session as I was limited on time.

Bicep is starting to feel a little better so I'm going to continue going very light on the assistance work for the next week and hopefully I will be good to go after that.
Hey old man:)

For some reason I thought you surpassed your goal last time. You'll get it, no doubt!

Hey old man:)

For some reason I thought you surpassed your goal last time. You'll get it, no doubt!


Thanks for checking in mg. My bench goal was red lighted for my ass coming off the bench at the last meet.

Of course the goal is only the goal until you reach it then there is a new goal.

squat 5x10-4 top two sets were 6x285, 4x315
leg curls 2x10 90, 2x10 100
ab pulldowns 2x15 120
spread eagle sit ups 2x15 +45

Knees felt good enough to squat today. Went pretty well, was hitting depth without any pain but I wasn't going to push it beyond 315.
Training is looking good man, is this your first time running the Coan Deadlift Program? Has been around forever just have never actually given it a go myself. Deads for me were the quickest initially but after awhile they've become as stubborn as can be.
Training is looking good man, is this your first time running the Coan Deadlift Program? Has been around forever just have never actually given it a go myself. Deads for me were the quickest initially but after awhile they've become as stubborn as can be.

Thanks for checking in PL89.

This is the fourth time I've run the Coan Program. I've never made it through without missing some reps but it has always led to good results during meets.

Hoping to make it through without any misses this time around. If I am able to do that I have a really good shot at hitting 600 on meet day.
Yeah the deadlift can be a stubborn sob after awhile, I train both my squat and bench with high frequency and pretty specific work though when my dead is at it's strongest I usually have one main day for technique purposes where I would pull a ton of singles at 70-80% and a second day where I would hit more general exercises hard like back raises and pendlay rows for example. Best of luck on the 600lbs pull
I train very similar to you on bench and deads. Knees and hernia issues make me a push/pull only competitor but I try to squat at least once a week to benefit my deadlift.

paused bench 5x135, 5x195, 8x255, 6x285, 3x315, 1x345
paused close grip bench 8x235, 6x255
pull throughs 12x120, 11x140, 10x150
hip flexion 3x10 30
GHR's 2x15

Bicep tendon felt better today but still wasn't going to push it. Will only bench once next week and then start high frequency heavy benching the following week.

double overhand sumo deads 5x225, 5x275, 3x325, 1x375, 1x415
bent rows 3x8 225
face pulls 3x10 100
ab pulldowns 2x15 120, 12x130

Went heavier than I should have on the deads as my real deadlift day has to be moved forward to Monday because of a business trip this week. Having said that the weight was moving well on the deads.

deads 3x315, 2x375, 1x435, 2x490
speed deads 6x3 405

3 circuits
stiff leg deads 8x225
bent rows 8x225
underhand lat pulldowns 8x200
good mornings 8x155

Week 3 of Coan deadlift program. Happy with the way things moved. Week 4 of this program is a real bitch and will be a major challenge but I'm happy with the way I'm coming up to it.
@Masters Power nice log,

I have been to a couple PL meets over the last few month and have decided to give it a go later this year or first part of next.
Is there a preferred federation for a beginer or one you would suggest?

I should probably start my on thread, apologizes for the highjack.
That's contributing not hijacking Messy. As far as federation it somewhat depends on where you are located.

Based on what you have said it sounds like you may be in an area where there are a lot of meets. I've competed in NASA which is a drug tested federation and RPS which you can lift in either tested or untested divisions. I've also been to several SPF meets.

NASA and RPS are both pretty well judged IMO while SPF has some pretty soft judging in terms of squat depth and the pause required on the bench at least at the meets I have been to.

I've made friends at every meet I've ever lifted at. As long as you go in with a good attitude most guys are really cool.

Definitely just get signed up and compete. Don't worry too much about your numbers at the first meet just have fun.
Hotel Gym training
Machine OHP 5 sets
side laterals 3x12 30
cable front raises 3x10
ab work

night training straight off the plane

paused bench worked up to a smooth single at 365, wasn't easy but not a grinder. Max is right around 375 now which I will take given I haven't done much bench work since my meet nearly 3 months ago giving the bicep tendon a chance to heal up.

dips 3x15 bw
pushdowns 3x10 100

Saturday is 8 weeks out from meet day. Bulgarian method for benching starts Monday which is the beginning of serious meet training and a gradual tightening up of my diet over the next four weeks.