paused bench 5x145, 5x195, 2x245, 1x295, 1x340, 1x382, 2x2 340
dumbbell OHP 3x10 50
side laterals 3x10 30
front raises 4x10 105
paused bench 5x145, 5x195, 2x245, 1x295, 1x345, 1x385, 2x2 345
squats 15x135, 12x185, 10x225, 8x255, 6x285
leg curls 12x90, 2x10 100
Hernia still looks ugly but is less painful everyday and thankfully powerlifting isn't a beauty contest. Strength is solid and increasing with just over 5 weeks left before the meet. Need to get my bench form dialed in as I have been forced to compensate because of the injury which has me not as steady benching as I should be. With the pain getting much more manageable it is time to correct form.