temptation and striving for more.... but health should be the main goal in life

feel pretty good this evening, evened out a bit, not as hot/flushy, relaxed, feel healthier, the bad injection shot is getting better (long week of pain) and my joints feel better too
Has the strength and duration of your urine stream first thing in the morning been consistent or does it change with additions/subtractions to your protocol?
Has the strength and duration of your urine stream first thing in the morning been consistent or does it change with additions/subtractions to your protocol?

I think it changes a little bit day to day, now that you mention it, but I haven't been paying close enough attention to it to correlate it with where I am at protocol wise. the last couple of days it seems to be pretty good, so maybe keeping estrogen in control helps? not sure, but will try to pay more attention to it


good morning wood today
Cabergoline too? Jesus. Just seems like your throwing random meds in yourself.. Also seems as tho every time your libido dips a little you change something. Can't see this ending well. At all. No one who has a great natural libido has it all the time. Your chasing the impossible. I applaud you for trying to feel/look/ better libido etc, but IMO you have way too many variables going on.
woke up this morning with no wood, and thought 'wtf?', because that had been a reliable result of the night before injection so far recently... but then a few minutes later I was thinking about the body of the asian girl I had sex with last week and without touching I got a very solid bouncing erection with libido that persisted, so that actually felt even better

might go see a girl today later afternoon
this morning took a very small dose of cabergoline, around .2mg

feel a little tired this afternoon

I need to update the old list for you. I'll place this in the number 7 slot and move "Other" to be determined.

Originally Posted by foreveryoung 9/18/2012
well, i am not really taking many things, and i am very aware of what i am taking and trying to keep records so i can see trends or variables, i look for synergy of all things so that i feel they all have importance in the mix

1. Arimidex

2. Cypionate

3. Enathate

4. Masteron

5. Proviron

6. Viagra

7. Other??

foreveryoung 7/27/2012
I am now in a struggle against the unhealthy desire to be superman

As of 9/30/2012....

1. Arimidex

2. Cypionate

3. Enathate

4. Masteron

5. Proviron

6. Viagra

7. Cabergoline

8. Other TBD
well, so far so good on it, but my experiment with cabaser will tell me some important things, at which I may decide to continue with it or also experiment with pramipexole and or bromo. this addition makes logical sense to experiment,

and I am also of the belief that a wholistic approach to optimizing should be taken, treating with one thing alone could lead one to think that one thing is a failure, when in reality it may just be one piece of a beautiful puzzle that needs to come together


feel very good this afternoon
great wood this morning

last night had strong wood and lasted really long to orgasm, very difficult to orgasm but erection quality was extreme and could have gone for an hour if I wanted to easily... would make a great gigolo
well, so far so good on it, but my experiment with cabaser will tell me some important things, at which I may decide to continue with it or also experiment with pramipexole and or bromo. this addition makes logical sense to experiment,

Oh boy...

Now you are thinking of adding prami or bromo to 300mg T, proviron, masteron, arimidex, and cialis?
really feeling good lately, level, no hot flashes or anxiety, just a calm confidence

I think some keys to that are keeping masteron dose down a bit, and the consistent low dose arimidex

doing very well
people around me sick and sneezing last week and I never got sick