Terrible cholesterol , need help


New Member
Hey all, did bloodwork , and my numbers are terrible for cholesterol.



I’m 21, and this is kind of making my palms sweat

I eat clean, 5 eggs in the morning, lots of steak and chicken. I do a tablespoon of organic 100% Avacado oil with my breakfast every morning too.

Anyway I’m currently running

200mg test c / week
50mg anavar daily

Been like that for about 3 weeks for the anavar, I haven’t stopped test in like a year (I blast/cruise)

I’m thinking about getting ezetimibe to control it but wanted advice from here first.

I currently also take 2 fish oils (sports research), NAC, multivitamin, milk thistle, all good brands.

Thanks in advance!
Anavar is known to nuke HDL. It should rise rather quickly after you discontinue using it. Low hdl for a few months is fine. Few years is not. I wouldn’t worry too much about it for now.
Anavar is known to nuke HDL. It should rise rather quickly after you discontinue using it. Low hdl for a few months is fine. Few years is not. I wouldn’t worry too much about it for now.
thank you for the response, in September ‘23 my HDL was 48, then December 23’ it was 32, and now it’s 22 in February. I have been using anavar on and off for those months so I’m going to stop now and see how that goes.

For my LDL, I don’t eat fast food, I don’t eat bad at all in my opinion, maybe a few pieces of candy but that shouldn’t be an issue. So I dunno what that’s about..
Like the above poster said , Anavar can acutely wreck lipids. They will most likely return to baseline once you discontinue.

I would double or triple your fish oil dosage. I would also add in citrus bergamot @ 500-1000mg a day. Aged garlic is great here as well. My recent research (verified by bloodwork) shows promising things regarding cardarine for lipids as well.
Like the above poster said , Anavar can acutely wreck lipids. They will most likely return to baseline once you discontinue.

I would double or triple your fish oil dosage. I would also add in citrus bergamot @ 500-1000mg a day. Aged garlic is great here as well. My recent research (verified by bloodwork) shows promising things regarding cardarine for lipids as well.
I second the GW. It seems a lot of people on here do not like it which is understandable. I have used it in and off for many years, and all of my health markers are good. It significantly raises hdl, while lowering ldl and triglycerides.

10mg is more than enough to raise hdl during a health phase. As this forum is more geared towards harm prevention it not going to recommend it, research and take at your own risk.
thank you for the response, in September ‘23 my HDL was 48, then December 23’ it was 32, and now it’s 22 in February. I have been using anavar on and off for those months so I’m going to stop now and see how that goes.

For my LDL, I don’t eat fast food, I don’t eat bad at all in my opinion, maybe a few pieces of candy but that shouldn’t be an issue. So I dunno what that’s about..
It’s the anavar bro. That’s what DHT’s do but anavar is pretty bad about it. You can run it 4-6 weeks out of the year and be totally fine. I just wouldn’t want to keep my HDL low for long periods.
Like the above poster said , Anavar can acutely wreck lipids. They will most likely return to baseline once you discontinue.

I would double or triple your fish oil dosage. I would also add in citrus bergamot @ 500-1000mg a day. Aged garlic is great here as well. My recent research (verified by bloodwork) shows promising things regarding cardarine for lipids as well.
Thank you for the response, I’m going to do this and that eases my mind a little.

Thank you all for the responses and great information
I second the GW. It seems a lot of people on here do not like it which is understandable. I have used it in and off for many years, and all of my health markers are good. It significantly raises hdl, while lowering ldl and triglycerides.

10mg is more than enough to raise hdl during a health phase. As this forum is more geared towards harm prevention it not going to recommend it, research and take at your own risk.
Does anyone here use statins prophylactically while on gear?
Yes I do. There’s basically no downside to it in my opinion. They work so well, better in every way than all supplements combined and cheaper. The fact guys will blast tren and mention the non existent sides of a statin is silly to me.
I'm on 10mg Crestor (rosuvastatin) and it has done wonders for my lipids. I am someone who has chronically had high cholesterol due to genetics. No amount of diet or exercise would drop it below 220ish with LDL always 150 or higher. Since starting Crestor a few years ago my total cholesterol is consistently below 170 with my LDL 70 or lower and my HDL 55-65.
I don't notice any side effects from the Crestor.
I'm on 10mg Crestor (rosuvastatin) and it has done wonders for my lipids. I am someone who has chronically had high cholesterol due to genetics. No amount of diet or exercise would drop it below 220ish with LDL always 150 or higher. Since starting Crestor a few years ago my total cholesterol is consistently below 170 with my LDL 70 or lower and my HDL 55-65.
I don't notice any side effects from the Crestor.
but that’s a prescription right? Or how would one go about obtaining this statin?

Also I could just look it up but I like forum interactions because people explain and it’s more personal. Can you elaborate on why people are so scared of statins?
Can you elaborate on statins? Which ones etc
Here is some blood work while on cycle, this was an experiment I ran last year that sold me on the use. In this blood work I was on 175test/420 deca/210 mast,I was on 5mg rousuvastatin EOD. Slightly different than my current dosing protocol 2.5 ED but same overall MG total for the statin obviously.

Yes this is a prescription drug but so is, telmisartan, nebivolol, ezetimbe. You can get them from any doctor. I used a telemedicine place on line (push health) than took that script to my PCP and now it’s covered under insurance. You can however get it from research chem sites if you really have too, but I like Pharma grade for my ancillaries.

People are scared of the side effects of “muscle weakness and pain” less than 5% of people experience sided on statins and that’s on a full dose. So 5mg 2-3x a week is way under that.


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I think people are most scared of rhabdomyolysis. Myself included. I like that you're micro dosing it @ 5mg eod. I'll be starting this drug shortly, and your experience gives me high hopes. Thanks for sharing

Never knew statins can cause rhabdo? How does this happen and how common is it?