Test At 56 After Pct, Please Help.


10+ Year Member
Did pre-cycle bloods and test was at 348 (low to began with) and all else normal. I did a 15 week cycle of test 500wk and primo 800wk. I did hcg throughout at 700 each week.

Waited 4 weeks after my last shots and started pct. Did 10 days Clomid 100mg, 40mg nolvadex, then 10 days 75 Clomid, 20 nolvadex, then ten days 50 Clomid, 10 nolvadex. I got bloods done two days ago and test was 56, lh and fsh 0.1. Went to doctor and he said wait it out a few weeks to see if it comes up may take a year. I suggested Clomid, hcg, etc and he said it might only temporary raise them and then they might go low again. So obviously he was of no help. I tried searching for what to do with no results.

I'm assuming Clomid and nolvadex was bunk or something is wrong. I got it off a huge reputable ugl here on our boards.
Can anyone give me a solid plan of attack to get things moving again or guide me to articles here on what to do that you know of? I'm slowly losing weight, have no sex drive what so ever and feel like crap.

Thank you SO much for any help.
Nope, but can only do domestic and used to get them international. Got them from someone here I thought was reputable, not saying they're bunk but if they were real I would imagine my test world be higher than 56, but who knows.
Im always leary on suggesting hCG and clomid therapy to people i have no idea on their medical history. But if it were me, i would begin hCG @ 250iu EOD for at least two to three weeks or until i found my testicles returning back to "normal". Then i would drop the hCG and begin QUALITY clomid/nolva at 50mg/20mg for an additional 2-3 wks. Then run some bloods to determine where you are at that time.
I did 2000 iu eod of hcg and my balls were back in no time. They were about the size of peanuts. This was after a 10 months of many shorts blasts and cruises. Not finished with pct yet but so far it's been painless. Oh btw I used 10000 iu hcg. Am running clomid and nolva with it as well. Standard doses for them.
Yeah its freaking me out how low out is this long after my cycle when I did everything to a tee. Any suggestions on real, domestic Clomid and Nolvadex?
Only domestic I know of and I have never used them is pct shop. Believe there is a thread in the underground. I personally have only used reliablerx. It's Indian i believe.
i would see a different doctor preferably a urologist , your average MD is not very knowledgeable on HRT an endocrinologist is best but you usually need a referral from your doctor, at least that way you know your using human grade meds, at 56 you should have no problem getting a urologist to help you, the only benefit i have found in being older
is that you can get more help from your doc than a 22 yr old.
i would see a different doctor preferably a urologist , your average MD is not very knowledgeable on HRT an endocrinologist is best but you usually need a referral from your doctor, at least that way you know your using human grade meds, at 56 you should have no problem getting a urologist to help you, the only benefit i have found in being older
is that you can get more help from your doc than a 22 yr old.
This is true. My mom has soo many meds in her house she could start a pharmacy.
i would see a different doctor preferably a urologist , your average MD is not very knowledgeable on HRT an endocrinologist is best but you usually need a referral from your doctor, at least that way you know your using human grade meds, at 56 you should have no problem getting a urologist to help you, the only benefit i have found in being older
is that you can get more help from your doc than a 22 yr old.

I'm close to 40 but I'm wondering of my doctor would give the referral since he seems to think waiting is the key. I'll have to call my insurance and see what they require to see a endocrinologist. I can't wait around and hope it improves of there are other possible options out there. When I see the endocrinologist should I be honest about my aas use?
That test value seems VERY low. He's got to run an HCG test to rule out primary.

I have no idea what the test is these days. Is it 2000 iu EOD for 26,000 ius total? 30,000? 20,000?
That test value seems VERY low. He's got to run an HCG test to rule out primary.

I have no idea what the test is these days. Is it 2000 iu EOD for 26,000 ius total? 30,000? 20,000?

At first glance I was actually thinking perhaps a pituitary disorder with the sex hormones retuning low to non existent as well. But that just speculation and conjecture on my part. His doc certainly needs to establish a healthy endocrine system first.
I would strongly recommend you find a health professional that is genuinely interested in helping you determine the root cause of your unusually low hormones. This is priority number one. Once this has been established, begin proper treatment to determine a baseline. After your baseline has been successfully determined, THEN begin a cycle or any AAS you are interested in pursuing.