Test e cycle, 500 mg, not working as expected


New Member
Hi, some background infos: i was on trt for a while, i did last year a 16 week 250 mg test e cycle from which i gained only 4 kg. Since then i was on trt. I started last month a new cycle: initially i planned a 400 mg test e cycle but then i increased it to 500 mg test e per week. I am on week 5 and except for higher libido i dont have any improvements. Strength didnt improve, i gained only about 2 kg bodyweight, nothing impressive.
I do a 250 mg pin on monday and another on thursday. I am also using arimidex, 0.5 monday, thrusday and saturday. I am also using omega 3.

My workout plan is the following ( i have a coach and he did it):
●Arms day
I usually train a mix of low and high volume. For example i have only about 6-8 reps per set ( about 3 sets) at bench press but i also have 5 sets of chest cable flies with 10-12 reps.

I eat quite well (meals also given by the coach):
-morning: 200 g tuna fish or hering with patatos, 1 protein yogurt with oatflakes and a banana
-meal 1: about 250 g chicken breast with rice and a salad, then a protein yogurt with oatflakes and some protein cereals
-meal 2: also about 250 g chicken breast with patatos and green veggies
-evening meal: 3 toast slices of bread with peanut butter and a banana.

Any adivces or thoughts on why my cycle doesnt work as expected? No improvements in the gym so far. I read that this is when i should see some improvemets (week 5) in terms of mass but i also read that strength improvements should have come earlier - however it was not the case for me...

Btw, the gear is not fake, i did bloodworks while on trt and the results were high.
During this cycle my free testosterone was on the last bloodwork over 70 pg/ml so it was very high.
Looking forward to your answers!
It’s been a month dude. Give it time.
If you wanna gain more weight and move more weight in the gym, eat more.
With this rep range you should lift hard.

Also please note your height and weight.

By your nutrition I can see your protein intake is about 200g if the meats you mentioned are cooked and 140g if not cooked (excluding your other proteins).

You also do not mention any fats other than peanut butter, how do you plan on building new cells without fatty acids?
How intense are you training?

How many calories does that day of eating come out to?
Honestly i am not counting the total amount. Also how can i count for example the amount of calories from the olive oil from the salads? I dont measure it, i just pour it over the salad haha
About training: i try each at nearly each set ( with some exceptions) to push it to failure
With this rep range you should lift hard.

Also please note your height and weight.

By your nutrition I can see your protein intake is about 200g if the meats you mentioned are cooked and 140g if not cooked (excluding your other proteins).

You also do not mention any fats other than peanut butter, how do you plan on building new cells without fatty acids?
I am also using olive oil in my salads, so another source of healthy fat. Furthermore, the fish that i eat in the morning (tuna or hering) has also healthy fats. What would you add to this? Maybe some more peanut butter?
It’s been a month dude. Give it time.
If you wanna gain more weight and move more weight in the gym, eat more.
If i eat too mcuh i am under the impression that i am only gaining fat and no actual muscle, especially in the belly area...
Honestly i am not counting the total amount. Also how can i count for example the amount of calories from the olive oil from the salads? I dont measure it, i just pour it over the salad haha
About training: i try each at nearly each set ( with some exceptions) to push it to failure
Put the bottle of oil on the scale, tare the scale, pour your oil, place bottle on back on scale the minus number on the scale is the amount of oil you used.

It sounds like your diet is the reason you aren't gaining weight, if you are truly taking each set to failure. Start tracking your calories using cronometer/myfitnesspal increase calories by 200-400 a week.
Like others said, a month is nothing. Maybe get some bloodwork if you think something is up with the test you are using.

Sometime within the next month I would expect to see some strength increases if you training and diet are on point.
I am also using olive oil in my salads, so another source of healthy fat. Furthermore, the fish that i eat in the morning (tuna or hering) has also healthy fats. What would you add to this? Maybe some more peanut butter?
What is healthy fat by your definition? you should aim for at least 0.4-0.6g of fat per kg of bodyweight, whether you bulk or cut, for tissue regeneration, heart, liver and brain function.

How do you know you eat enough protein?
testosteron is a functional compound, not an anabolic one

But you can add an oral and spice things up, or add another injectable. i recommend primo or tren
Diet seems very lacking in good quality fats. And why no good protein source in your last meal. 500mg/week should yield good results from some one as new to this as you are. So i would look to quality and quantity of food and training. Please break down the amount of your macro nutrients you eat daily and post them.
Diet seems very lacking in good quality fats. And why no good protein source in your last meal. 500mg/week should yield good results from some one as new to this as you are. So i would look to quality and quantity of food and training. Please break down the amount of your macro nutrients you eat daily and post them.
Tuna fish and herring have unsaturated fatty acids, as well as the peanut butter and olive oil and i eat those every day. What would you add to it?
Tuna fish and herring have unsaturated fatty acids, as well as the peanut butter and olive oil and i eat those every day. What would you add to it?
If you are not interested in doing a macro nutient break doiwn then i am not able to help you.
If you are not interested in doing a macro nutient break doiwn then i am not able to help you.
I am willing to do it but for now it would be only an approximation. I dont have a scale to measure it and i cant afford to buy one this month even if it is not that expensive...

So your opinion is that i am not eating enough right?
Could other things impact it? Shbg is super low and e2 is in check with arimidex so this shouldnt cause a problem..
1. It's been 5 weeks only
2. You expect more from 500 mg than what 500 mg of test can done
3. Drink one or two protein shake if you can't eat more. Or at least at last meal add that protein shake.
Other than that keep staying on track
I am willing to do it but for now it would be only an approximation. I dont have a scale to measure it and i cant afford to buy one this month even if it is not that expensive...

So your opinion is that i am not eating enough right?
Could other things impact it? Shbg is super low and e2 is in check with arimidex so this shouldnt cause a problem..
If you really don't know how much you are eating then eat more.
I am willing to do it but for now it would be only an approximation. I dont have a scale to measure it and i cant afford to buy one this month even if it is not that expensive...

So your opinion is that i am not eating enough right?
Could other things impact it? Shbg is super low and e2 is in check with arimidex so this shouldnt cause a problem..

You have a coach and are on cycle yet don’t have nor can afford a $20 scale?

I think you’ve gone out of order on priorities