New Member
So today I am starting my first proper cycle. I stupidly messed around when I was younger and did not know what I was doing. I'm really lucky I did not fuck myself up. Recently did some studying and my good personal friend helped me with my planning. He has quite a bit of experience with aas and really helped me out. We combined an order with Naps and I got some dragon pharma gear with a blocker.
I currently have dragon pharmacy Test E 250mg, Npp 150mg, and Exemestane 25mg/pill.
My cycle:
Week 1-16 Test E 500mg split into injections on Monday and Friday.
Week 2-13 NPP 450mg Monday, Tuesday, and Friday.
I will start my blocker the second week at 12.5 twice a week on Monday and Friday and adjust if necessary after my mid cycle blood work is done. My main goal is size and strength.
Body Stats:
5 11
20% BF
Work out:
Monday off
Tuesday chest/shoulders/abs
Wednesday back/arms
Thursday legs
Friday off
Saturday Olympic/full body/abs
Sunday off
Monday off
3750 calories
40% carbs 40% protein and 20% fat
I'm no expert with dieting so this will be adjusted as necessary. I would appreciate any help with my diet.
I would also like to state this is not a sponsored review. I am being completely objective from where the gear came from and the lab it was created in. If it is good then great and if not I hope this log will help the community make an informed decision where they should consider getting their gear.
I will also include pictures of my pre cycle bloods and gear pics as well.
Any feedback would be appreciated as this is my first proper cycle.

I currently have dragon pharmacy Test E 250mg, Npp 150mg, and Exemestane 25mg/pill.
My cycle:
Week 1-16 Test E 500mg split into injections on Monday and Friday.
Week 2-13 NPP 450mg Monday, Tuesday, and Friday.
I will start my blocker the second week at 12.5 twice a week on Monday and Friday and adjust if necessary after my mid cycle blood work is done. My main goal is size and strength.
Body Stats:
5 11
20% BF
Work out:
Monday off
Tuesday chest/shoulders/abs
Wednesday back/arms
Thursday legs
Friday off
Saturday Olympic/full body/abs
Sunday off
Monday off
3750 calories
40% carbs 40% protein and 20% fat
I'm no expert with dieting so this will be adjusted as necessary. I would appreciate any help with my diet.
I would also like to state this is not a sponsored review. I am being completely objective from where the gear came from and the lab it was created in. If it is good then great and if not I hope this log will help the community make an informed decision where they should consider getting their gear.
I will also include pictures of my pre cycle bloods and gear pics as well.
Any feedback would be appreciated as this is my first proper cycle.