Jamie Sutherland
New Member
Hey people,
Thought I'd throw a little cycle log up here as I always found them interesting to read whenever I was researching in to my first cycle!
A little background:
22 years old
5ft 11"
170 lbs
10% bf
From UK
Training naturally on and off for the last 6 years, but for the past 2-3 I've been very consistent with training and diet.
I know some people might say I'm too young, but tbh I based my decision to start cycling on how long I've been training for. I've made good progress naturally over the past few years and have a solid knowledge of progressive training & nutrition. Don't think I've fully maxed out my natty potential but I'm quite close. I also don't believe there are any limits. I believe progress just slows over time. I'll get some 'start of cycle' pics up soon when I figure out how to do so haha (that's me in my profile pic though from over a year ago now at the end of a cut)
My cycle:
Just doing the standard test only beginner cycle.
Test Cyp - 500mg/wk (alpha pharma)
Aromasin - 12.5mg EOD
Nolva only - The standard 40/40/20/20
I have actually pinned once already & the second one is going in tonight! First time was a bit shaky but guess jabbing a needle in my ass is just something I'll get used to over time haha.
Anyway, I'll try to stay as active with this log as possible to document sides/progress/what to expect on a first cycle running test only!
Feel free to follow along and leave any comments/feedback!
Thought I'd throw a little cycle log up here as I always found them interesting to read whenever I was researching in to my first cycle!
A little background:
22 years old
5ft 11"
170 lbs
10% bf
From UK
Training naturally on and off for the last 6 years, but for the past 2-3 I've been very consistent with training and diet.
I know some people might say I'm too young, but tbh I based my decision to start cycling on how long I've been training for. I've made good progress naturally over the past few years and have a solid knowledge of progressive training & nutrition. Don't think I've fully maxed out my natty potential but I'm quite close. I also don't believe there are any limits. I believe progress just slows over time. I'll get some 'start of cycle' pics up soon when I figure out how to do so haha (that's me in my profile pic though from over a year ago now at the end of a cut)
My cycle:
Just doing the standard test only beginner cycle.
Test Cyp - 500mg/wk (alpha pharma)
Aromasin - 12.5mg EOD
Nolva only - The standard 40/40/20/20
I have actually pinned once already & the second one is going in tonight! First time was a bit shaky but guess jabbing a needle in my ass is just something I'll get used to over time haha.
Anyway, I'll try to stay as active with this log as possible to document sides/progress/what to expect on a first cycle running test only!
Feel free to follow along and leave any comments/feedback!