Testosterone Minimum Stash

It's interesting to see how the accessibility of gear has changed over the years. Being closer to 60 than 50, you must have witnessed quite an evolution in availability and attitudes towards gear. It's true that back in the day, having even a small stash was a big deal, and now, it seems almost too easy to get your hands on it.
I couldn’t agree with you more and that was the reason for the original post. It’s not that I need help calculating my usage, I’m just interested in the different approach and attitudes the community has to gear and maintaining a reserve. I appreciate you understanding the context behind my post.
I couldn’t agree with you more and that was the reason for the original post. It’s not that I need help calculating my usage, I’m just interested in the different approach and attitudes the community has to gear and maintaining a reserve. I appreciate you understanding the context behind my post.
Since the 2000’s where vendors started using forums to spread their presence, the abundance of gear just multiplied to what it is today.

Gearheads old and new as I observed have the tendency to hoard and create a personal pile of stash just to offset any kind of disruption in the line.

Thus, let’s be honest, with all the sales and group buys lately, most if not everyone have a small fridge full of hgh and other peptides while others have ziplocks of kgs of raw powder. Then you have all you ais in hand plus your dick pills and other ancillaries for your hair and fertility.

In the end, even if the truth is you’re just a ped collector lol, LE would look at your stash and try to pin manufacturing and distribution just because of the sheer number and size.
Since the 2000’s where vendors started using forums to spread their presence, the abundance of gear just multiplied to what it is today.

Gearheads old and new as I observed have the tendency to hoard and create a personal pile of stash just to offset any kind of disruption in the line.

Thus, let’s be honest, with all the sales and group buys lately, most if not everyone have a small fridge full of hgh and other peptides while others have ziplocks of kgs of raw powder. Then you have all you ais in hand plus your dick pills and other ancillaries for your hair and fertility.

In the end, even if the truth is you’re just a ped collector lol, LE would look at your stash and try to pin manufacturing and distribution just because of the sheer number and size.

It's jurisdictionally dependent. Possessing peptides isn't illegal in the US (except HGH), only a few states have "possession with intent to distribute" presumptions, and the feds actually don't distinguish between "trafficking" or possession, just the amount involved.

Never a bad idea to look into what you'd be facing worst case scenario in your state,

At the federal level it's very low level stuff until you have more than 50 vials.

Raws take exposure to another level, the theoretical penalties for "manufacturing" are much higher and of more interest to LE. But then when we look at the reality of how they deal with huge operations involving. millions of dollars, the punishments seem similar to a repeat drunk drivers.

The most important thing. you can do is keep your mouth shut, and don't do anything that would give LE a reason to search your home to begin with. For god's sake don't sell any. Otherwise, it's a high bar for LE to cross
It's jurisdictionally dependent. Possessing peptides isn't illegal in the US (except HGH), only a few states have "possession with intent to distribute" presumptions, and the feds actually don't distinguish between "trafficking" or possession, just the amount involved.

Never a bad idea to look into what you'd be facing worst case scenario in your state,

At the federal level it's very low level stuff until you have more than 50 vials.

Raws take exposure to another level, the theoretical penalties for "manufacturing" are much higher and of more interest to LE. But then when we look at the reality of how they deal with huge operations involving. millions of dollars, the punishments seem similar to a repeat drunk drivers.

The most important thing. you can do is keep your mouth shut, and don't do anything that would give LE a reason to search your home to begin with. For god's sake don't sell any. Otherwise, it's a high bar for LE to cross
Everyone here is an adult, make your apocalypse stash based on your laws and risk tolerance. Be sensible, there is more to life than drugs eh.
Agreed, the potential for trouble is there. I also agree having a stash to offset the potential of disruption is a constant for all in the community. Admittedly, it is hard not to get caught up with the thought and excitement of getting some gear at a bargain. Thanks for your sharing your perspective.
Written prescriptions for Schedule III drugs are illegal in 40 states and you almost certainly won't find a doctor in the other 10 who'd do it.

They're issued electronically and go into statewide tracking systems to prevent doctor shopping for multiple prescriptions.

It's been this way for a long time.

I do not understand this - I have personally taken a written form prescription and dropped it off at a new pharmacy and picked up my testosterone, which is schedule III

EDIT - My state is a "No Mandate" state. Interesting.

Thanks for sharing that link. I was totally unaware of it.

Obviously the "certainly won't find a doctor in the other 10 who'd do it" is complete BS that you just made up. I did not have to "find" one. I was not even aware of this issue. The doctor just did it at my request. I was not "doctor shopping." I was GoodRx coupon shopping for price. Your opinion and my experience do not match, as with the other posts where experience and your opinion do not match.

I always check GoodRx. Sometimes there is no difference, but sometimes there is a drastic price difference for the same item. If there is a huge price savings, I ask for a written prescription and tell the doctor why. The doctor has never blinked at saving me money - seemed to think it was smart. No hesitation to hand me the prescription on paper, either. I go to the new pharmacy, drop it off, and come back later to pick it up.

Haven't been surrounded by the DEA yet, lol, although until your post I did not realize that this was something with which I should be concerned.

The irony here is that my state is practically 1982 Just Say NO harsh on drugs, so it is kind of strange that they are in the No Mandate camp.
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I also remember a friend in law enforcement who was called in to be questioned about whether he used steroids. He had legitimate 20 inch arms. He said yes, and everybody looked surprised. Before anybody could say anything else, he took a vial of testosterone out of his pocket and placed it on the table. He said, there it is. Their eyes got all wide. He also had his prescription, which he told them and also brought out (this was back in the day when it was still common for these things to be on a piece of paper). They ended the inquiry right then and there and sent him out to go back to work.

You can still ask for the prescription to be on paper, by the way. I did that once when my local pharmacy was out and again when GoodRx had a killer price at another pharmacy. They gave me the paper on request.
I’m pretty sure when I was on dr prescribed trt my vials had my name printed on it.

Just as good as a prescription.
If your country you live in is not too harsh about raw steroids I would just buy 50-100g of Test raw and store it for years. Its easier to buy some lab equipment for 150$> in case of emergency than getting testosterone. You can use and reorder your usual finished oils, but you always have some raw powders as golden reserve you might never touch, only in case of emergency.