The MESO way

It's easy to critique and complain... it's hard to actually do something about it.

Readalot hasn't done anything easy. Maybe you don't agree, but you have to at least respect that. What have YOU done? Complain?

On the topic of "experience" vs "PubMed..." what's wrong with either? Do we remember what a bibliography is? How can any of us know, or verify, what experience a member has or shares? From pics? From what? Although, to be honest and fair-minded, I think most of us who are serious get the point about experience. Contrarily, serious research is based on presenting a collection of references, not necessarily "experience." But, this is a whole other topic.

The main issue of this thread is the problem(s) in the Underground. IMO the Underground is only a small part... there's just so much more to Meso. We have incredible members who take the time to really research and share what they've learned & experienced... cycles, drugs, meds, training, homebrew, etc. Those who don't see that, and focus on the Underground, are really missing out. Probably most do.

However, you're right about the problems with the Underground. The "culture" that proliferates now is counter to Meso's (old and new) values. We all see how many members are—whether deliberately or unknowingly—source suck-ups... sycophants. How did this happen?

With all the show-offs on Instagram and whatever social media, many want to imitate what they see, right? Guys training... shredded. Girls... half-naked... in shape. It's all over the place... worse than porn pop-ups 10 years ago. Everyone wants to be like what they see online.

With all it's instructional videos, YouTube has people thinking they're licensed electricians... certified professionals... whatever. Watch a couple of videos, get some online gear, now you're Mr. Olympia Chick-magnet. Right? But, we—who take this seriously—know that's a pipe dream... they don't. Right?

So, we get all these "members" who really aren't serious about our "lifestyle," but want the easy way to looking good and finally being "cool." I can't blame anyone for wanting that. But, that's what the Underground is saturated with.

Over the short period I've been here, I've seen many "members" embarrass themselves stressing out over an illegal package delivery from China. This is just one of many problems. We have to sit there and read through all the "crying." "My package says, 'customs inspection,' was it seized? Are the coming for me?" It's not the first time I've watched a wimp cry over poppycock... and obviously not the last. IMO, if you can't handle it, don't do it.

This brings me to my final point... it seems to me "crying" is accepted nowadays... or at least given credence. People cry about their jobs, cry about their relationships, and now, cry about "spam" on a forum. "Oh, I had to read through the spam." (*wah*) Really? Crying about spam? I bring this up because this is the "culture" that's permeating Meso. This is a steroid forum. Steroids are illegal. They're not for the faint-of-heart. But here we are... entertaining cry-babies, "Where's my package?" (*wah*).

"Grow a set!" "Man up!" "Rub dirt on it!" "Don't be such a p_ssy!" Where did all that go? Reddit? C'mon.

If we're going to do something about it... let's do it. Otherwise, we're all just crying.
Axle not a person of his word. No go. Your word and actions are all you got.

There is no trust/respect for someone who doesn't keep their word and has a history of very shady practices.

I’m well aware. But playing devils advocate. Matrix went along, axle didn’t. I never had dirty gear from axle.
It's easy to critique and complain... it's hard to actually do something about it.

Readalot hasn't done anything easy. Maybe you don't agree, but you have to at least respect that. What have YOU done? Complain?

On the topic of "experience" vs "PubMed..." what's wrong with either? Do we remember what a bibliography is? How can any of us know, or verify, what experience a member has or shares? From pics? From what? Although, to be honest and fair-minded, I think most of us who are serious get the point about experience. Contrarily, serious research is based on presenting a collection of references, not necessarily "experience." But, this is a whole other topic.

The main issue of this thread is the problem(s) in the Underground. IMO the Underground is only a small part... there's just so much more to Meso. We have incredible members who take the time to really research and share what they've learned & experienced... cycles, drugs, meds, training, homebrew, etc. Those who don't see that, and focus on the Underground, are really missing out. Probably most do.

However, you're right about the problems with the Underground. The "culture" that proliferates now is counter to Meso's (old and new) values. We all see how many members are—whether deliberately or unknowingly—source suck-ups... sycophants. How did this happen?

With all the show-offs on Instagram and whatever social media, many want to imitate what they see, right? Guys training... shredded. Girls... half-naked... in shape. It's all over the place... worse than porn pop-ups 10 years ago. Everyone wants to be like what they see online.

With all it's instructional videos, YouTube has people thinking they're licensed electricians... certified professionals... whatever. Watch a couple of videos, get some online gear, now you're Mr. Olympia Chick-magnet. Right? But, we—who take this seriously—know that's a pipe dream... they don't. Right?

So, we get all these "members" who really aren't serious about our "lifestyle," but want the easy way to looking good and finally being "cool." I can't blame anyone for wanting that. But, that's what the Underground is saturated with.

Over the short period I've been here, I've seen many "members" embarrass themselves stressing out over an illegal package delivery from China. This is just one of many problems. We have to sit there and read through all the "crying." "My package says, 'customs inspection,' was it seized? Are the coming for me?" It's not the first time I've watched a wimp cry over poppycock... and obviously not the last. IMO, if you can't handle it, don't do it.

This brings me to my final point... it seems to me "crying" is accepted nowadays... or at least given credence. People cry about their jobs, cry about their relationships, and now, cry about "spam" on a forum. "Oh, I had to read through the spam." (*wah*) Really? Crying about spam? I bring this up because this is the "culture" that's permeating Meso. This is a steroid forum. Steroids are illegal. They're not for the faint-of-heart. But here we are... entertaining cry-babies, "Where's my package?" (*wah*).

"Grow a set!" "Man up!" "Rub dirt on it!" "Don't be such a p_ssy!" Where did all that go? Reddit? C'mon.

If we're going to do something about it... let's do it. Otherwise, we're all just crying.
What have I done?
I’m well aware. But playing devils advocate. Matrix went along, axle didn’t. I never had dirty gear from axle.
Matrix has been stand up in every way. I hope he comes back from this setback and succeeds. He operates with integrity from what I can tell. That means something to me. That's the type of behavior I would reward / where I would spend my money if/when I work through my own personal legal risk/constraints issues.

I appreciate you checking those vials and standing up for what's right. I applaud that. I can praise Matrix's testing and also applaud your courage and speaking out to protect members of this community.
To address that even if it’s not directed at me.

I ordered from Matrix after readalots efforts. Why? To show matrix the testing is worth it and to give my support towards readalots efforts.

What happened? 5 vials of NPP were dirty under a flash light.

What did I do? Made a post on SST showing my findings telling people to check their gear, while talking with matrix about it through email. I suggested he bring the issue to the board. I didn’t call him out by name because I wanted to see if he would come forward in his own (to which I got a bunch of shit for)

Someone else came out from my post stating similar issue. So now we come together. It comes out it was matrix. He was forced to address the issue.

It also came out that the person with a similar issue happened a few months ago, they only kept it though email, and the board never knew about it.

After all was said a done, matrix claimed the issue was XXX and all orders would be paused while gear would be refiltered. Is any of that true? Who knows. At the end of the day, good or bad, all you have is a sources word.
To address that even if it’s not directed at me.

I ordered from Matrix after readalots efforts. Why? To show matrix the testing is worth it and to give my support towards readalots efforts.

What happened? 5 vials of NPP were dirty under a flash light.

What did I do? Made a post on SST showing my findings telling people to check their gear, while talking with matrix about it through email. I suggested he bring the issue to the board. I didn’t call him out by name because I wanted to see if he would come forward in his own (to which I got a bunch of shit for)

Someone else came out from my post stating similar issue. So now we come together. It comes out it was matrix. He was forced to address the issue.

It also came out that the person with a similar issue happened a few months ago, they only kept it though email, and the board never knew about it.

After all was said a done, matrix claimed the issue was XXX and all orders would be paused while gear would be refiltered. Is any of that true? Who knows. At the end of the day, good or bad, all you have is a sources word.
And I was right there to applaud you in real time. Well done. We don't need more shills. We need more integrity like your example.
You’re telling me QSC is a better source than axle? Wholeheartedly.

Axle had alt accounts to gain market share. Ok?

Cross contamination popped up once. Not the first source. Has this happened since?

Guac was found in compounds. As soon as it was caught, he admitted it and now every single test moving forward tests for Guac.

My point again. Why are we selectively scrutinizing?

QSC was under filling. And always has floaters. They became known as the source to “just filter it”. They’re one of the most popular sources here. If not THE most popular. And we want to talk about desperation? lol.

I’ve used axle multiple times without issue. I’ve had buddies use axle multiple times without issue.

My point being, any time axle had an issue. It was correctly timely. MESO harassed QSC for MONTHS, and they would even talk shit back while continuing to put out shit product and members still ate it up….:.
If one goes buy your: I never had an issue with X gear than your arguments against QSC doesn't hold any value.

For the volume that QSC moved and still move I don't remember ONE REPORT of ppl having bad issues with the gear. Not one abscess, not big reports of PIP etc.

Not defending QSC mind you but your arguments it's poor at best
If one goes buy your: I never had an issue with X gear than your arguments against QSC doesn't hold any value.

For the volume that QSC moved and still move I don't remember ONE REPORT of ppl having bad issues with the gear. Not one abscess, not big reports of PIP etc.

Not defending QSC mind you but your arguments it's poor at best
That’s complete fucking bullshit lol. You sound like a shill. I’m done.

Axle. Gauc = fixes it = trash source
QSC. Floaters = just filter it = good source.

Twilight zone over here. Who gives a fuck about volume. Clearly they can’t handle it.
They only now “fixed” the issue because people talked about it for months.
I don't know what issue is fixed yet. I hear alot of the term "allegedly". Let's see the proof on the floaters and the stoppers.

I am receiving all kinds of shit now from BBBG that QSC is now cloaking themselves in the enhanced testing. I get it from all sides lol. Only if members hold the vendors accountable will they do the work.
Roast em all until they get their act together and demonstrate the behaviors and make the products people want. The problem is not the vendors, it's the members. Members expect too little.
I get that. What I’m saying is axle corrected the issue as soon as it came up. And he still gets scrutinized. But QSC took months. And that’s okay.

Why are standards different across sources. Maybe I’m missing something